
Check which professions are regulated in the UK

Search a list of regulated professions to find out what qualifications or experience they require. Find contact details for regulators of those professions.

Some professions in the UK are regulated. This can mean there is a legal requirement to have certain qualifications or experience. Other professions are regulated by chartered bodies granting a certain status.

If a profession is regulated, you may need certain professional qualifications or experience to:

  • carry out certain professional activities
  • use a professional title, like ‘architect’

For many professions, the bodies that decide if you are qualified to work in a regulated profession are known as ‘regulators’. Some professions are also regulated through chartered professional bodies.

There are 2 ways to use the Regulated Professions Register (RPR) service.

Search a list of regulated professions

Search a list of regulated professions and find out what qualifications or experience you may need to work in them.

Search regulated professions

Find contact details for regulators

Find contact details for the regulators of regulated professions in the UK, who can help you with any queries and information you may need.

Find regulators’ contact details

Licence finder

You may need licences and permits to carry out certain activities in the UK. These are called authorisations. Use the licence finder to find what licences and permits you might need.

Updates to this page

Published 13 June 2023
Last updated 21 December 2023 show all updates
  1. Removed reference to UK Centre for Professional Qualifications (UK CPQ), who are no longer able to support users of the Regulated Professions Register service. Instead, text added under 'Find contact details for regulators' subheading to direct queries to the listed regulators.

  2. First published.

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