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7. Emissions monitoring and limits appropriate measures

These are the emissions limits and appropriate measures for monitoring emissions to air and water at regulated facilities with an environmental permit for treating or transferring chemical waste.

We may set emission limits and monitoring requirements in your permit, based on your emissions inventory and environmental risk assessment.

1. Where you are required to monitor emissions to comply with the requirements of your environmental permit, you must follow our monitoring guidance.

2. You must create and maintain an emissions inventory of point source emissions to air and water (including emissions to sewer) for your facility.

7.1. Emissions to air

1. Your facility’s emissions inventory must include information about the relevant characteristics of point source emissions to air, such as the:

  • average values and variability of flow and temperature
  • average concentration and load values of relevant substances and their variability
  • flammability, lower and higher explosive limits and reactivity
  • presence of other substances that may affect the waste gas treatment system or plant safety – for example, oxygen, nitrogen, water vapour, dust

7.2. Emissions to water or sewer

1. Your facility’s emissions inventory must include information about the relevant characteristics of point source emissions to water or sewer, such as:

  • average values and variability of flow, pH, temperature, and conductivity
  • average concentration and load values of relevant substances and their variability – for example, COD (chemical oxygen demand) and TOC (total organic carbon), nitrogen species, phosphorus, metals, priority substances or micropollutants
  • data on bio-eliminability – for example, BOD (biochemical oxygen demand), BOD to COD ratio, Zahn-Wellens test, biological inhibition potential, for example, inhibition of activated sludge

2. For relevant emissions to water or sewer identified by the emissions inventory, you must monitor key process parameters (for example, waste water flow, pH, temperature, conductivity, or BOD) at key locations. For example, these could either be at the:

  • inlet or outlet (or both) of the pre-treatment
  • inlet to the final treatment
  • point where the emission leaves the facility boundary