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Registration requirements

The requirements you need to follow if you register with Ofsted to look after children.

All registered childcare providers must follow any relevant legislation, including laws about health and safety, disability discrimination, food hygiene, fire and planning requirements. Your local authority can provide advice to help you to identify and comply with your legal obligations.

Early years providers

If you are registered on the Early Years register, you must meet the statutory requirements of the early years foundation stage framework. If you are registered on the Early Years and Childcare Registers, you will need to meet each set of requirements.

Childcare Register providers

If you are registered on the Childcare Register you must meet the requirements of either or both the compulsory and voluntary parts of the Childcare Register, depending on which part of the register you are registered on. Once registered, you must continue to meet the requirements set out below to remain registered with Ofsted. We carry out compliance inspections on 1 in 10 providers annually to check this.

The Framework for regulation of providers on the Childcare Register contains information about the compulsory and voluntary parts of the register.

We have split the guidance below to make it easy for you to determine which requirements to meet. This depends on what type of provider you are and which part of the register you are registered on.


Requirements for childminders registered on the compulsory part of the Childcare Register

Requirements for childminders registered on the voluntary part of the Childcare Register


Requirements for registered nannies

Nurseries and other daycare

Requirements for daycare providers registered on the compulsory part of the Childcare Register

Requirements for daycare providers registered on the voluntary part of the Childcare Register

Previous chapter: Inspections Next chapter: Fees.