
Clarification on Construction Camps

This note clarifies the references to ‘construction compounds’ in paragraph 3.3.3 of the Code of Construction Practice (CoCP).

‘Construction camps’ are defined in Schedule 17 paragraph 4(8) as ‘sites on land within the Act limits which are to be used for the residential accommodation of persons engaged in carrying out the development’. The ‘Class Approval’ issued by the Secretary of State under Schedule 17 (paragraph 5) does not cover the arrangements pertaining to such sites with residential accommodation, therefore approval to the relevant arrangements for such sites is required under Schedule 17 (para 4). HS2 construction sites without residential accommodation require no further express permission under Sch 17.

Section 3.3 of the CoCP is entitled ‘Statutory Requirements’ and describes what the Act requires by way of approvals of construction arrangements as conditions of the deemed planning permission. Paragraph 3.3.2 of the CoCP notes the arrangements that would need approval from the local authority in the absence of the ‘Class Approval’ (which was issued by the Secretary of State in 2017). Paragraph 3.3.3 then goes on to note that the Act requires that approval to two further matters can only be obtained from the local authority (as these are outside the scope of what a Class Approval can address).

Bullet point 1 of paragraph 3.3.3 uses the term ‘construction compound’. This term is a drafting error and should be read as ‘construction camp’ as it is clear from Schedule 17, paragraph 4(8) that it is the arrangements for ‘construction camps’ (ie. sites with residential accommodation) that require approval from the local planning authority, and not general construction compounds. The CoCP does not extend the scope of the matters for which HS2 will seek Local Authority approval, and HS2 will seek LPA approval only where it is required to do so under Schedule 17. Accordingly HS2 will continue to seek Schedule 17 consent for details of construction camps which are to be used for residential accommodation. General construction compounds within Act Limits that do not contain residential accommodation which may include offices, storage for materials, laydown areas, maintenance and parking facilities together with welfare facilities, but excluding residential accommodation, do not require Schedule 17 consent.

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Published 9 September 2021

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