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Leadership and direction

Leaders in defence need the right skills and expertise to drive change.

Defence has a fundamental role to play in climate change both nationally and in global leadership, to champion and role model the expected culture and behaviours from top to bottom. Leaders in defence must therefore have the skills and expertise needed to drive this change.


Defence is likely to operate in cross-government and international missions to respond to climate related challenges. This requires cross-sector collaboration with other government departments, industry, academia and international partners.


Many of the climate change issues and international tensions because of it are outside of defence’s direct control . They need a whole government response, such as through Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR), or Military Aid to the Civil Authority (MACA). This will involve working together with a variety of partners sharing knowledge, expertise and best practice.

International partners

International partners need to form as many partnerships with one another as possible. And the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and vital allies can help with this. NATO’s agenda on climate change and security is a baseline from which the UK can build in a changing future landscape.


Good partnerships with industry on climate change issues will ensure the supply chain for defence capability can keep pace with demand. It will harness work in the civil sector without competing for the same products, and ensure sufficient support to fossil fuel based defence capability that is still in use.

Setting policy and strategy

Defence policy and strategy reflects international agreements and national commitments, and climate change is a whole of government issue. UK defence influences and shapes national security policy and strategy with respect to climate change across government.

Defence’s high-level climate change strategy is set out in Climate Change and Sustainability - a strategic approach 2021 - supported by further functional and organisational climate change strategies, such as the Sustainable Support Strategy.