Submitting and checking a return

Information on using our data collection systems to send us your early years census data, checking your return, validating the data and resolving errors.

Local authorities can share the EYC 2025 template (XLSX, 64KB) with their early years settings to help complete the 2025 early years census return.

Collecting data from early years settings

Providers must ensure that their data is produced to reflect the children receiving free early education in their setting during census week.

They must submit this data to you in either paper or electronic format. You should agree a process for this with your providers.

You can then input or import the data into your own management information system (MIS).

Checking and validating data

Your software may contain a series of data checks which help to identify and correct errors and inconsistencies in the data before generating a return. Checking the data before you generate a return will substantially reduce the number of validation errors in the return.

You must ensure that every return from providers or from childminder agencies has been authorised by the head of the establishment.

The COLLECT system will validate the data you supply in your return.

Resolving conflicts

You will need to resolve any errors and inconsistencies in the data with the provider before you run the full return.

Advise your providers of the processes you have in place to do this.

Generating a return

For the individual child level data collection, you will need to export your data from the spreadsheet or database you are using and load it into the COLLECT system.

The business and technical specification outlines the requirements for a single data file from each early years setting within an authority. Each file must contain data as outlined in the specification in respect of content, structure, and format.

If there are, for example, 120 early years settings within your authority then we will expect 120 files, with each one containing a return from a setting.

XML converter spreadsheet

You will need to submit a single file per setting ideally as an xml file, making sure it complies with the structure and format set out in the specification. If the data is organised in any other way, then it will not load and will not be validated.

If you have generated a csv file, this tool outputs a correctly formatted xml file that can then be uploaded into COLLECT.

Complete the service request form to request the XML converter tool.

XML generator spreadsheet

This data entry spreadsheet enables the input of file header and individual child record information. On completion of data entry the file can then be converted to xml format, via the spreadsheet, to allow for uploading to COLLECT.

Complete the service request form to request the XML generator tool.

Submitting your return

To use COLLECT to submit your early years census data, you’ll need to log in with DfE sign-in.

You will then need to either upload:

  • a single establishment file - you can access COLLECT as many times need to and upload single files
  • a ZIP file containing the files from many individual establishments - COLLECT will then load the files and validate your data return

Successfully loaded data is subjected to validation. If you have loaded a ZIP file containing data from many providers, then the validation process may take some time.

After validation is complete, you are able to view your data return and see if there are any errors and queries.

You can run a report from COLLECT or export the validated data set so that you can use it in another system.

Once all the errors and queries have been resolved, you must approve the data. It’s only when you’ve approved the data that we consider the return finalised.


Contact your local authority approver, if:

  • you want to request a DfE sign-in username or password so you can access COLLECT
  • ‘Early years census’ is not on the list of collections you can see in COLLECT

If you do not know who your approver is, use the DfE sign-in request form.

If you’ve forgotten your password, use DfE sign-in to reset it. You’ll need to click ‘start now’ and then the ‘I’ve forgotten my password’ link.

Help submitting your data

COLLECT guides are available for assistance with submitting your return.

For queries about submitting your data, contact us using our data collections service request form.

Checking data

It is important that the data collected by providers and local authorities is both accurate and complete.

You can view the errors and queries from within (or once you’ve opened) the early years census return in COLLECT.

  1. Click on ‘all errors’ at the top of the screen to see a list of all errors and queries relating to your return.

  2. Click on the details button to see which data items the validation is checking. If you click on one of the underlined fields, you will see the corresponding data item in the return.

There are 2 levels of errors, ‘return level’ and ‘data item level’. Return level errors relate to your whole return rather than an individual data item.

Errors and inconsistencies in the data are to be resolved between the local authority and the provider before the full return for the local authority is created.

Correcting errors

You can identify which data contains the incorrect value by clicking on the field value in the details section in COLLECT.

To resolve errors, we recommend that you correct the data in their management information system (MIS), then reload their data collection file to COLLECT, overwriting the incorrect one.

Adding explanation notes

You need to provide explanatory information for individual queries as a note on COLLECT. All queries need an explanation but you can enter one note to cover numerous queries.

You can add notes in the ‘return level notes’ section. COLLECT guides are available for assistance.

  1. To add a return level note double click on the pen or notepad (where there is already a note present) icon in the return level notes section.

  2. Click add new note.

  3. Type the error or query number along with your explanation in the box provided, ensuring you provide an explanation for all of your unresolvable errors and queries.

  4. Click create to save your notes. Once saved, you are unable to edit the note. However, you can add further notes to supplement throughout the collection.

Duplicate records

A child may legitimately attend more than one early years setting. It is only a problem if the total number of free entitlement hours for a child across all provision exceeds the free entitlement, which is 15 hours a week or, for those with extended entitlement, 30 hours for 38 weeks a year. It is likely that the only time that this will be identified is when duplicate names are submitted to the local authority by 2 different providers or when DfE finds duplicates for a child accessing a free place in a neighbouring local authority.

Providers and local authorities should make every effort to avoid duplicate records being submitted.

A report is available on the COLLECT system that identifies duplicate records and local authorities should to run this report before submitting data.

Before submitting data, check whether a child is taking up a free place in a provider in the local authority area at the same time as being a registered pupil of a state-funded school in the local authority area. Children cannot take up the free entitlement hours in addition to their place in a state-funded reception class.

Where duplicate records are discovered, discussions will need to take place between the providers concerned, the local authorities involved and DfE to clarify where the funding for the particular child is to be allocated.

We may periodically check for duplicate records to ensure that funding is distributed as accurately as possible.

Unique identification

Whilst much consideration has been given to how a child can be uniquely identified, the unique pupil number (UPN), which is used in schools, is not available for children in PVI provision.

As such, child record matching is based on the name, sex, date of birth and postcode of each child and it is very important that the data provided for these items is accurate.

COLLECT reports

There are a number of reports in COLLECT which you should use to check your data.

You can access your reports using the ‘launch reports’ button on the school ‘source page’ of COLLECT. Some reports only get updated overnight.

Find out how to run these reports in the COLLECT guides.