Find a school census code: applicable from August 2024
A list of codes to use when completing your school census.
School phase
Code | Description |
NS | Nursery |
PS | Primary |
MP | Middle (deemed primary) |
MS | Middle (deemed secondary) |
SS | Secondary |
AT | All-through |
SP | Special |
PR | Pupil referral unit (PRU) / alternative provision (AP) |
School type
Code | Description |
01 | First school, 5-8 |
02 | First school, 5-9 |
03 | First school, 5-10 |
04 | First and middle school, 5-12 |
05 | Middle school, 8-12, deemed primary |
06 | Middle school, 9-13, deemed primary |
07 | Middle school, 9-13, deemed secondary |
08 | Middle school, 10-13, deemed secondary |
09 | Comprehensive upper school, 12-15/16 |
10 | Comprehensive upper school, 12-18 |
11 | Comprehensive upper school, 13-16 |
12 | Comprehensive upper school, 13-18 |
16 | Infant school, 5-7/8 |
17 | Junior school, 7/8-11 |
18 | Infant and junior school, 5-11 |
21 | Comprehensive all-through, 11-16 |
22 | Comprehensive all-through, 11-18 |
25 | Junior comprehensive, 11-13, automatic transfer |
26 | Junior comprehensive, 11-14, automatic transfer |
27 | Junior comprehensive, 11-16, optional transfer at 13 |
28 | Junior comprehensive, 11-16, optional transfer at 14 |
29 | Senior comprehensive, 13-16, automatic transfer |
30 | Senior comprehensive, 13-18, optional transfer |
31 | Senior comprehensive, 13-18, automatic transfer |
32 | Senior comprehensive, 14-18, optional transfer |
33 | Senior comprehensive, 14-18, automatic transfer |
36 | Non-comprehensive secondary - modern |
37 | Non-comprehensive secondary - grammar |
38 | Non-comprehensive secondary - technical |
39 | Non-comprehensive secondary - other |
41 | Middle school, 10-14, deemed secondary |
42 | First school, 5-7 |
43 | First school, 7-10 |
44 | Comprehensive upper school, 14/15-18 |
45 | Middle school, 9-12, deemed primary |
46 | Comprehensive, middle and upper, 10-16 |
47 | City technology college |
48 | Comprehensive upper school, 11-16 |
49 | Academies |
50 | Maintained nursery |
51 | Direct grant nursery |
52 | Special school |
53 | Hospital special school |
54 | Local-authority-maintained PRU |
55 | All-through school |
National curriculum year group
You should use these codes for your class key stage but not the maximum or minimum year group.
Code | Description |
E1 | Early first year |
E2 | Early second year |
N1 | Nursery first year |
N2 | Nursery second year |
R | Reception |
1 – 14 | Years 1 to 14 |
M | Mixed year class |
X | National curriculum not followed: available for pupils who are not following the national curriculum through statutory disapplication processes |
Intake type (not for nursery schools)
Code | Description |
COMP | Comprehensive |
SEL1 | Selective (grammar) |
SEL2 | Secondary modern |
SEL3 | Selective (technical) |
SEL4 | Religious school |
SPEC | Special |
HOSP | Hospital |
Code | Description |
CO | Community |
VA | Voluntary aided |
VC | Voluntary controlled |
FO | Foundation |
IN | Independent |
NM | Non-maintained |
CT | CTC |
CA | Academy |
School SEN type
Code | Description |
SPLD | Specific learning difficulty |
MLD | Moderate learning difficulty |
SLD | Severe learning difficulty |
PMLD | Profound and multiple learning difficulty |
SEMH | Social, emotional and mental health |
SLCN | Speech, language and communication needs |
HI | Hearing impairment |
VI | Vision impairment |
MSI | Multi-sensory impairment |
PD | Physical disability |
ASD | Autistic spectrum disorder |
OTH | Other difficulties/disability – to be applied in exceptional circumstances where the primary type of need has not yet been established |
Class activity (primary and all-through schools only)
Code | Description |
AR | Art, craft or design |
EN | English literacy or reading |
FL | Foreign language |
GP | Group project work (including mixed activities in other categories and library work) |
HU | Humanities (including geography, history, economics or business studies) |
MA | Mathematics or numeracy |
MD | Music, singing or drama |
OT | Other |
PE | PE or games |
RE | Religious education |
RS | Relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education (for use from spring 2022) |
SC | Science |
TE | Technology, IT or computing |
TV | Watching TV or listening to radio |
Infant class size
Code | Description |
Infant class size exception A | The number of children admitted outside the normal admissions round with an education, health and care plan specifying a school |
Infant class size exception B | The number of looked-after children and previously looked-after children admitted outside the normal admissions round |
Infant class size exception C | The number of children admitted, after initial allocation of places, because of a procedural error made by the admission authority or local authority in the original application process |
Infant class size exception D | The number of children admitted after an independent appeals panel upholds an appeal |
Infant class size exception E | The number of children who move into the area outside the normal admissions round for whom there is no other available school within reasonable distance (the local authority has to confirm that the child qualifies under this category) |
Infant class size exception F | The number of children of UK service personnel admitted outside the normal admissions round |
Infant class size exception G | The number of children whose twin or sibling from a multiple birth is admitted otherwise than as an excepted pupil |
Infant class size exception H | The number of children with special educational needs who are normally taught in a special educational needs unit attached to the school, or registered at a special school, who attend some infant classes within the mainstream school |
Childcare provider
Code | Description |
SCH | School |
SIP | School in partnership |
PIP | Private or independent provider (PIP) |
VOL | Voluntary provider |
OTH | Other |
Childcare places availability
Code | Description |
Y | Yes |
N | No |
I | Information not available from external provider |
U | Unknown |
Childcare opening/closing time
Code | Description |
Y | Yes |
N | No |
U | Unknown |
Childcare provider hours
Code | Description |
A | All - 100% |
M | Most - over 50% |
S | Some - less than 50% |
N | None |
U | Unknown |
Pupil sex
Code | Description |
M | Male |
F | Female |
DfE extended codes | Approved extended categories | DfE main code | Sub-category | Main category | Comments | |
WBRI | White - British | WBRI | White - British | White | You cannot use WBRI if you have used codes WCOR - WWEL. | |
WCOR | White - Cornish | WBRI | White - British | White | ||
WENG | White - English | WBRI | White - British | White | ||
WNIR | White – Northern Irish | WBRI | White - British | White | ||
WSCO | White - Scottish | WBRI | White - British | White | ||
WWEL | White - Welsh | WBRI | White - British | White | ||
WOWB | Other White British | WBRI | White - British | White | If you have used codes WCOR - WWEL, you must use WOWB for all other pupils within the main ‘any other ethnic group’ category. If you use WOWB, you cannot use WBRI. | |
WIRI | White - Irish | WIRI | White | White | ||
WIRT | Irish Traveller | WIRT | White | White | ||
WOTH | Any other white background | WOTH | Any other white background | White | You cannot use WOTH if you have used codes WALB - WWEU. | |
WALB | Albanian | WOTH | Any other white background | White | ||
WBOS | Bosnian-Herzegovinian | WOTH | Any other white background | White | ||
WCRO | Croatian | WOTH | Any other white background | White | ||
WGRE | Greek/Greek Cypriot | WOTH | Any other white background | White | If you do not wish to distinguish between pupils of Greek and Greek Cypriot heritage, use this code. You cannot use WGRE if you have used either WGRK or WGRC. | |
WGRK | Greek | WOTH | Any other white background | White | You can only use this code with WGRC. | |
WGRC | Greek Cypriot | WOTH | Any other white background | White | You can only use this code with WGRK. | |
WITA | Italian | WOTH | Any other white background | White | ||
WKOS | Kosovan | WOTH | Any other white background | White | ||
WPOR | Portuguese | WOTH | Any other white background | White | ||
WSER | Serbian | WOTH | Any other white background | White | ||
WTUR | Turkish/Turkish Cypriot | WOTH | Any other white background | White | If you do not wish to distinguish between pupils of Turkish and Turkish Cypriot heritage, use this code. You cannot use WTUR if you have used either WTUK or WTUC. | |
WTUK | Turkish | WOTH | Any other white background | White | You can only use this code with WTUC. | |
WTUC | Turkish Cypriot | WOTH | Any other white background | White | You can only use this code with WTUK. | |
WEUR | White European | WOTH | Any other white background | White | If you do not collect information on white European pupils on the basis of country of origin or East/West European, use this code. | |
WEEU | White Eastern European | WOTH | Any other white background | White | Including Russian, Latvian, Ukrainian, Polish, Bulgarian, Czech, Slovak, Lithuanian, Montenegrin and Romanian. | |
WWEU | White Western European | WOTH | Any other white background | White | Including Italian, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Scandinavian. | |
WOTW | White other | WOTH | Any other white background | White | If you have used codes WALB - WWEU, you must use WOTW for all other pupils within the main ‘any other white background’ category. If you use WOTW, you cannot use WOTH. | |
WROM | Gypsy/Roma | WROM | Gypsy/Roma | White | Use this code for pupils who identify themselves as Gypsies, Romanies, Travellers, Traditional Travellers, Romanichals, Romanichal Gypsies, Welsh Gypsies/Kaale, Scottish Travellers/Gypsies or Roma. It should not include fairground (showman’s) children; the children travelling with circuses; or the children of New Travellers or Bargees unless their ethnic status is that which is mentioned above. Use this code if you are not using WROG or WROR. | |
WROG | Gypsy | WROM | Gypsy/Roma | White | This code enables the separate identification of Gypsy pupils. This includes all children of a Gypsy ethnic background, irrespective of whether they are nomadic, semi-nomadic or living in static accommodation. | |
WROR | Roma | WROM | Gypsy/Roma | White | This code identifies the separate identification of Roma pupils. | |
WROO | Other Gypsy/Roma | WROM | Gypsy/Roma | White | Use this code for Gypsy/Roma pupils who do not identify with one or the other of the above groups - pupils with mixed Gypsy/Roma heritage. | |
MWBC | White and Black Caribbean | MWBC | White and Black Caribbean | Mixed or multiple ethnic groups | ||
MWBA | White and Black African | MWBA | White and Black African | Mixed or multiple ethnic groups | ||
MWAS | White and Asian | MWAS | White and Asian | Mixed or multiple ethnic groups | You cannot use MWAS if you have used codes MWAP - MWAI. | |
MWAP | White and Pakistani | MWAS | White and Asian | Mixed or multiple ethnic groups | ||
MWAI | White and Indian | MWAS | White and Asian | Mixed or multiple ethnic groups | ||
MWAO | White and any other Asian background | MWAS | White and Asian | Mixed or multiple ethnic groups | If you have used codes MWAP - MWAI, you must use MWAO for all other mixed or multiple ethnic groups pupils within the main ‘white and Asian’ category. If you use MWAO, you cannot use MWAS. | |
ABRI | Asian - British | ABRI | Asian - British | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | Main Code | |
AWEL | Asian - Welsh | AWEL | Asian - Welsh | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | Main Code | |
MOTH | Any other mixed background | MOTH | Any other mixed background | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | You cannot use MOTH if you have used codes MAOE - MWCH. | |
MAOE | Asian and any other ethnic group | MOTH | Any other mixed background | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | ||
MABL | Asian and Black | MOTH | Any other mixed background | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | ||
MACH | Asian and Chinese | MOTH | Any other mixed background | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | ||
MBOE | Black and any other ethnic group | MOTH | Any other mixed background | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | ||
MBCH | Black and Chinese | MOTH | Any other mixed background | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | ||
MCOE | Chinese and any other ethnic group | MOTH | Any other mixed background | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | ||
MWOE | White and any other ethnic group | MOTH | Any other mixed background | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | ||
MWCH | White and Chinese | MOTH | Any other mixed background | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | ||
MOTM | Other mixed background | MOTH | Any other mixed background | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | If you have used codes MAOE - MWCH, you must use MOTM for all other pupils within the main ‘any other mixed background’ category. If you use MOTM, you cannot use MOTH. | |
AIND | Indian | AIND | Indian | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | ||
APKN | Pakistani | APKN | Pakistani | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | You cannot use APKN if you have used codes AMPK - AKPA. | |
AMPK | Mirpuri Pakistani | APKN | Pakistani | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | ||
AKPA | Kashmiri Pakistani | APKN | Pakistani | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | ||
AOPK | Other Pakistani | APKN | Pakistani | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | If you have used codes AMPK - AKPA, you must use AOPK for all other pupils within the main Pakistani category. If you use AOPK, you cannot use APKN. | |
ABAN | Bangladeshi | ABAN | Bangladeshi | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | ||
AOTH | Any other Asian background | AOTH | Any other Asian background | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | You cannot use AOTH if you have used codes AAFR - ASRO. | |
AAFR | African Asian | AOTH | Any other Asian background | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | Including East and South African Asians. | |
AKAO | Kashmiri other | AOTH | Any other Asian background | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | You should use this code for Kashmiri respondents not wishing to be classified under Asian Pakistani. | |
ANEP | Nepali | AOTH | Any other Asian background | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | ||
ASNL | Sri Lankan Sinhalese | AOTH | Any other Asian background | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | You can only use this code with either ASLT or ASRO. | |
ASLT | Sri Lankan Tamil | AOTH | Any other Asian background | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | You can only use this code with either ASNL or ASRO. | |
ASRO | Sri Lankan other | AOTH | Any other Asian background | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | You can only use this code with either ASNL or ASLT. | |
AOTA | Other Asian | AOTH | Any other Asian background | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | If you have used codes AAFR - ASRO, you must use AOTA for all other pupils within the main ‘any other ethnic group’ category. If you use AOTA, you cannot use AOTH. | |
BBRI | Black - British | BBRI | Black -British | Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African | Main Code | |
BWEL | Black - Welsh | BWEL | Black - Welsh | Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African | Main Code | |
BCRB | Black Caribbean | BCRB | Black Caribbean | Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African | Including Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago. | |
BAFR | Black - African | BAFR | Black - African | Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African | You cannot use BAFR if you have used codes BANN - BSUD. | |
BANN | Black - Angolan | BAFR | Black - African | Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African | ||
BCON | Black - Congolese | BAFR | Black - African | Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African | ||
BGHA | Black - Ghanaian | BAFR | Black - African | Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African | ||
BNGN | Black - Nigerian | BAFR | Black - African | Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African | ||
BSLN | Black - Sierra Leonean | BAFR | Black - African | Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African | ||
BSOM | Black - Somali | BAFR | Black - African | Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African | ||
BSUD | Black - Sudanese | BAFR | Black - African | Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African | Including Sudanese of Egyptian origin. | |
BAOF | Other Black African | BAFR | Black - African | Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African | Including Black South African, Zimbabwean, Ethiopian, Rwandan and Ugandan. If you have used codes BANN - BSUD, you must use BAOF for all other Black African pupils. If you use BAOF, you cannot use BAFR. | |
BOTH | Any other black background | BOTH | Any other black background | Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African | You cannot use BOTH if you have used codes BEUR - BNAM. | |
BEUR | Black European | BOTH | Any other black background | Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African | ||
BNAM | Black North American | BOTH | Any other black background | Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African | Include Black North American and Canadian. | |
BOTB | Other Black | BOTH | Any other black background | Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African | If you have used codes BEUR - BNAM, you must use BOTB for all other pupils within the main ‘any other black background’ category. If you use BOTB, you cannot use BOTH. | |
CHNE | Chinese | CHNE | Chinese | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | You cannot use CHNE if you have used codes CHKC - CTWN. | |
CHKC | Hong Kong Chinese | CHNE | Chinese | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | ||
CMAL | Malaysian Chinese | CHNE | Chinese | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | ||
CSNG | Singaporean Chinese | CHNE | Chinese | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | ||
CTWN | Taiwanese | CHNE | Chinese | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | ||
COCH | Other Chinese | CHNE | Chinese | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | If you have used codes CHKC - CTWN, you must use COCH for all other Chinese pupils; you cannot use CHNE. | |
OOTH | Any other ethnic group | OOTH | Any other ethnic group | Other ethnic group | You cannot use OOTH if you have used codes OAFG - OYEM. | |
OAFG | Afghan | OOTH | Any other ethnic group | Other ethnic group | ||
ORAB | Arab | OOTH | Any other ethnic group | Other ethnic group | ||
OARA | Arab other | OOTH | Any other ethnic group | Other ethnic group | Include Palestinian, Kuwaiti, Jordanian and Saudi Arabian. | |
OEGY | Egyptian | OOTH | Any other ethnic group | Other ethnic group | ||
OFIL | Filipino | OOTH | Any other ethnic group | Other ethnic group | ||
OIRN | Iranian | OOTH | Any other ethnic group | Other ethnic group | ||
OIRQ | Iraqi | OOTH | Any other ethnic group | Other ethnic group | ||
OJPN | Japanese | OOTH | Any other ethnic group | Other ethnic group | ||
OKOR | Korean | OOTH | Any other ethnic group | Other ethnic group | ||
OKRD | Kurdish | OOTH | Any other ethnic group | Other ethnic group | Include Kurdish pupils from Iraq, Iran and Turkey. | |
OLAM | Latin/South/Central American | OOTH | Any other ethnic group | Other ethnic group | Include all pupils from Central/South America, Cuba and Belize. | |
OLEB | Lebanese | OOTH | Any other ethnic group | Other ethnic group | ||
OLIB | Libyan | OOTH | Any other ethnic group | Other ethnic group | ||
OMAL | Malay | OOTH | Any other ethnic group | Other ethnic group | Including Malaysian other than Malaysian Chinese. | |
OMRC | Moroccan | OOTH | Any other ethnic group | Other ethnic group | ||
OPOL | Polynesian | OOTH | Any other ethnic group | Other ethnic group | Including Fijian, Tongan, Samoan and Tahitian. | |
OTHA | Thai | OOTH | Any other ethnic group | Other ethnic group | ||
OVIE | Vietnamese | OOTH | Any other ethnic group | Other ethnic group | ||
OYEM | Yemeni | OOTH | Any other ethnic group | Other ethnic group | ||
OOEG | Other ethnic group | OOTH | Any other ethnic group | Other ethnic group | If you have used codes OAFG - OYEM, you must use OOEG for all other pupils within the main ‘any other ethnic group’ category. If you use OOEG, you cannot use OOTH. | |
REFU | Refused | REFU | Refused | Refused | ||
NOBT | Information not yet obtained | NOBT | Information not yet obtained | Information not yet obtained |
Code | Description | Code | Description | Code | Description |
ACL | Acholi | ISL | Icelandic | PNJG | Panjabi (Gurmukhi) |
ADA | Adangme | ITA | Italian | PNJM | Panjabi (Mirpuri) |
AFA | Afar-Saho | JAV | Javanese | PNJP | Panjabi (Pothwari) |
AFK | Afrikaans | JIN | Jinghpaw/Kachin | POL | Polish |
AKA | Akan/Twi-Fante | JPN | Japanese | POR | Portuguese |
AKAF | Akan (Fante) | KAM | Kikamba | PORA | Portuguese (any other) |
AKAT | Akan (Twi/Asante) | KAN | Kannada | PORB | Portuguese (Brazil) |
ALB | Albanian/Shqip | KAR | Karen (any) | PRS | Persian/Farsi |
ALU | Alur | KAS | Kashmiri | PRSA | Farsi/Persian (any other) |
AMR | Amharic | KAU | Kanuri | PRSD | Dari Persian |
ARA | Arabic | KAZ | Kazakh | PRST | Tajiki Persian |
ARAA | Arabic (any other) | KCH | Katchi | QUE | Quechua |
ARAG | Arabic (Algeria) | KGZ | Kirghiz/Kyrgyz | RAJ | Rajasthani/Marwari |
ARAI | Arabic (Iraq) | KHA | Khasi | REF | Refused |
ARAM | Arabic (Morocco) | KHY | Kihaya/Luziba | RME | Romany/English Romanes |
ARAS | Arabic (Sudan) | KIN | Kinyarwanda | RMI | Romani (International) |
ARAY | Arabic (Yemen) | KIR | Kirundi | RMN | Romanian |
ARM | Armenian | KIS | Kisi (West Africa) | RMNM | Romanian (Moldova) |
ASM | Assamese | KLN | Kalenjin | RMNR | Romanian (Romania) |
ASR | Assyrian/Aramaic | KMB | Kimbundu | RMS | Romansch |
AYB | Anyi-Baule | KME | Kimeru | RNY | Runyakitara |
AYM | Aymara | KNK | Konkani | RNYN | Runyankore-Ruchiga |
AZE | Azeri | KNY | Kinyakyusa-Ngonde | RNYO | Runyoro-Rutooro |
BAI | Bamileke (any) | KON | Kikongo | RUS | Russian |
BAL | Balochi | KOR | Korean | SAM | Samoan |
BEJ | Beja/Bedawi | KPE | Kpelle | SCB | Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian |
BEL | Belarusian | KRI | Krio | SCBB | Bosnian |
BEM | Bemba | KRU | Kru (any) | SCBC | Croatian |
BHO | Bhojpuri | KSI | Kisii/Ekegusii (Kenya) | SCBS | Serbian |
BIK | Bikol | KSU | Kisukuma | SCO | Scots |
BLT | Balti Tibetan | KUR | Kurdish | SHL | Shilluk/Cholo |
BMA | Burmese/Myanma | KURA | Kurdish (any other) | SHO | Shona |
BNG | Bengali | KURM | Kurdish (Kurmanji) | SID | Sidamo |
BNGA | Bengali (any other) | KURS | Kurdish (Sorani) | SIO | Sign language (other) |
BNGC | Bengali (Chittagong/Noakhali) | LAO | Lao | SLO | Slovak |
BNGS | Bengali (Sylheti) | LBA | Luba | SLV | Slovenian |
BSL | British Sign Language | LBAC | Luba (Chiluba/Tshiluba) | SND | Sindhi |
BSQ | Basque/Euskara | LBAK | Luba (Kiluba) | SNG | Sango |
BUL | Bulgarian | LGA | Luganda | SNH | Sinhala |
CAM | Cambodian/Khmer | LGB | Lugbara | SOM | Somali |
CAT | Catalan | LGS | Lugisu/Lumasaba | SPA | Spanish |
CCE | Caribbean Creole English | LIN | Lingala | SRD | Sardinian |
CCF | Caribbean Creole French | LIT | Lithuanian | SRK | Siraiki |
CGA | Chaga | LNG | Lango (Uganda) | SSO | Sotho/Sesotho |
CGR | Chattisgarhi/Khatahi | LOZ | Lozi/Silozi | SSOO | Sotho/Sesotho (Southern) |
CHE | Chechen | LSO | Lusoga | SSOT | Sotho/Sesotho (Northern) |
CHI | Chinese | LTV | Latvian | SSW | Swazi/Siswati |
CHIA | Chinese (any other) | LTZ | Luxemburgish | STS | Tswana/Setswana |
CHIC | Chinese (Cantonese) | LUE | Luvale/Luena | SUN | Sundanese |
CHIH | Chinese (Hokkien/Fujianese) | LUN | Lunda | SWA | Swahili/Kiswahili |
CHIK | Chinese (Hakka) | LUO | Luo (Kenya/Tanzania) | SWAA | Swahili (any other) |
CHIM | Chinese (Mandarin/Putonghua) | LUY | Luhya (any) | SWAC | Comorian Swahili |
CKW | Chokwe | MAG | Magahi | SWAK | Swahili (Kingwana) |
CRN | Cornish | MAI | Maithili | SWAM | Swahili (Brava/Mwiini) |
CTR | Chitrali/Khowar | MAK | Makua | SWAT | Swahili (Bajuni/Tikuu) |
CWA | Chichewa/Nyanja | MAN | Manding/Malinke | SWE | Swedish |
CYM | Welsh/Cymraeg | MANA | Manding/Malinke (any other) | TAM | Tamil |
CZE | Czech | MANB | Bambara | TEL | Telugu |
DAN | Danish | MANJ | Dyula/Jula | TEM | Temne |
DGA | Dagaare | MAO | Maori | TES | Teso/Ateso |
DGB | Dagbane | MAR | Marathi | TGE | Tigre |
DIN | Dinka/Jieng | MAS | Maasai | TGL | Tagalog/Filipino |
DUT | Dutch/Flemish | MDV | Maldivian/Dhivehi | TGLF | Filipino |
DZO | Dzongkha/Bhutanese | MEN | Mende | TGLG | Tagalog |
EBI | Ebira | MKD | Macedonian | TGR | Tigrinya |
EDO | Edo/Bini | MLG | Malagasy | THA | Thai |
EFI | Efik-Ibibio | MLM | Malayalam | TIB | Tibetan |
ENB | Believed to be English | MLT | Maltese | TIV | Tiv |
ENG | English | MLY | Malay/Indonesian | TMZ | Berber/Tamazight |
ESA | Esan/Ishan | MLYA | Malay (any other) | TMZA | Berber/Tamazight (any other) |
EST | Estonian | MLYI | Indonesian/Bahasa Indonesia | TMZK | Berber/Tamazight (Kabyle) |
EWE | Ewe | MNA | Magindanao-Maranao | TMZT | Berber (Tamashek) |
EWO | Ewondo | MNG | Mongolian (Khalkha) | TNG | Tonga/Chitonga (Zambia) |
FAN | Fang | MNX | Manx Gaelic | TON | Tongan (Oceania) |
FIJ | Fijian | MOR | Moore/Mossi | TPI | Tok Pisin |
FIN | Finnish | MSC | Mauritian/Seychelles Creole | TRI | Traveller Irish/Shelta |
FON | Fon | MUN | Munda (any) | TSO | Tsonga |
FRN | French | MYA | Maya (any) | TUK | Turkmen |
FUL | Fula/Fulfulde-Pulaar | NAH | Nahuatl/Mexicano | TUL | Tulu |
GAA | Ga | NAM | Nama/Damara | TUM | Tumbuka |
GAE | Gaelic/Irish | NBN | Nubian (any) | TUR | Turkish |
GAL | Gaelic (Scotland) | NDB | Ndebele | UKR | Ukrainian |
GEO | Georgian | NDBS | Ndebele (South Africa) | UMB | Umbundu |
GER | German | NDBZ | Ndebele (Zimbabwe) | URD | Urdu |
GGO | Gogo/Chigogo | NEP | Nepali | URH | Urhobo-Isoko |
GKY | Kikuyu/Gikuyu | NOR | Norwegian | UYG | Uyghur |
GLG | Galician/Galego | NOT | Information not obtained | UZB | Uzbek |
GRE | Greek | NUE | Nuer/Naadh | VEN | Venda |
GREA | Greek (any other) | NUP | Nupe | VIE | Vietnamese |
GREC | Greek (Cyprus) | NWA | Newari | VSY | Visayan/Bisaya |
GRN | Guarani | NZM | Nzema | VSYA | Visayan/Bisaya (any other) |
GUJ | Gujarati | OAM | Ambo/Oshiwambo | VSYH | Hiligaynon |
GUN | Gurenne/Frafra | OAMK | Ambo (Kwanyama) | VSYS | Cebuano/Sugbuanon |
GUR | Gurma | OAMN | Ambo (Ndonga) | VSYW | Waray/Binisaya |
HAU | Hausa | OGN | Ogoni (any) | WAP | Wa-Paraok (South-East Asia) |
HDK | Hindko | ORI | Oriya | WCP | West-African Creole Portuguese |
HEB | Hebrew | ORM | Oromo | WOL | Wolof |
HER | Herero | OTB | Believed to be other than English | WPE | West African Pidgin English |
HGR | Hungarian | OTH | Other than English | XHO | Xhosa |
HIN | Hindi | OTL | Other language | YAO | Yao/Chiyao (East Africa) |
IBA | Iban | PAG | Pangasinan | YDI | Yiddish |
IDM | Idoma | PAM | Pampangan | YOR | Yoruba |
IGA | Igala | PAT | Pashto/Pakhto | ZND | Zande |
IGB | Igbo | PHA | Pahari/Himachali (India) | ZUL | Zulu |
IJO | Ijo (any) | PHR | Pahari (Pakistan) | ZZZ | Classification pending |
ILO | Ilokano | PNJ | Panjabi | ||
ISK | Itsekiri | PNJA | Panjabi (any other) |
Believed to be English, English, information not obtained, believed to be other than English, other than English and refused can be used by schools that have no need to use individual language codes.
Youth support services agreement (not for nursery or primary schools)
Code | Description |
Yes | Permission has been given by the parent, guardian or pupil |
No | Parent, guardian or pupil has exercised their right to object |
UNS | Unsought - school has not yet sent out privacy notices, data can be shared with youth support services |
SNR | Sought, no reply - school has sent out privacy notices, but received no reply, data can be shared with youth support services |
Learner support (not for nursery, primary or middle-deemed primary schools)
Code | Description |
24 | Adult learning grant (not collected in school census) |
32 | Professional and career development loan (not collected in school census) |
35 | Programmed led apprenticeship hardship fund (not collected in school census) |
36 | Care to learn (not collected in school census) |
41 | Time off for study (not collected in school census) |
53 | Free childcare for training and learning for work (not collected in school census) |
54 | Adult education bursary (not collected in school census) |
55 | Vulnerable group bursary awarded (collected in school census) |
56 | Discretionary bursary awarded (collected in school census) |
Post looked-after arrangements
Code | Description |
N | Not declared |
A | Not looked after - adoption from England and Wales |
G | Not looked after - special guardianship order (SGO) from England and Wales |
R | Not looked after - residence order (RO) from England and Wales. Residence orders were replaced by child arrangements orders in April 2014. |
C | Not looked after - child arrangements order (CAO) from England and Wales |
O | Not looked after – adopted from state care outside of England and Wales |
Pupil enrolment status
Code | Description |
C | Current (single registration at this school) |
G | Guest (not a pupil at the school) |
M | Current main (dual registration) |
S | Current subsidiary (dual registration) |
F | FE college (PRU or AP only) |
O | Other provider (PRU or AP only) |
Pupil boarder indicator (not for nursery schools)
Code | Description |
B | Boarder - nights per week not specified |
6 | Boards 6 nights or fewer a week (special schools only) |
7 | Boards 7 nights a week (special schools only) |
N | Not a boarder |
National curriculum year group
You should use these codes for your class key stage but not the maximum or minimum year group.
Code | Description |
E1 | Early first year |
E2 | Early second year |
N1 | Nursery first year |
N2 | Nursery second year |
R | Reception |
1 – 14 | Years 1 to 14 |
X | National curriculum not followed: available for pupils who are not following the national curriculum through statutory disapplication processes. |
Pupil SEN provision
Code | Description |
N | No special educational need |
E | Education, health and care plan |
K | SEN support |
Pupil SEN type
Code | Description |
SPLD | Specific learning difficulty |
MLD | Moderate learning difficulty |
SLD | Severe learning difficulty |
PMLD | Profound and multiple learning difficulty |
SEMH | Social, emotional and mental health |
SLCN | Speech, language and communication needs |
HI | Hearing impairment |
VI | Vision impairment |
MSI | Multi-sensory impairment |
PD | Physical disability |
ASD | Autistic spectrum disorder |
DS | Down Syndrome |
OTH | Other difficulty |
NSA | SEN support but no specialist assessment of type of need |
Pupil suspension or permanent exclusion category (not for nursery schools)
Code | Description |
PERM | Permanent exclusion |
SUSP | Suspension |
Pupil suspension or permanent exclusion reason (not for nursery schools)
Code | Description |
PP | Physical assault against a pupil |
PA | Physical assault against an adult |
VP | Verbal abuse / threatening behaviour against a pupil |
VA | Verbal abuse / threatening behaviour against an adult |
OW | Use or threat of use of an offensive weapon or prohibited item |
BU | Bullying |
RA | Racist abuse |
LG | Abuse against sexual orientation and gender identity |
DS | Abuse relating to disability |
SM | Sexual misconduct |
DA | Drug and alcohol related |
DM | Damage |
TH | Theft |
DB | Persistent disruptive behaviour |
MT | Inappropriate use of social media or online technology |
PH | Wilful and repeated transgression of protective measures in place to protect public health |
Pupil attendance codes (not for nursery schools) from August 2024
Use these codes for pupil attendance from August 2024
Code | Description |
/ | Morning session – present at the school when attendance register begins to be taken |
\ | Afternoon session – present at the school when attendance register begins to be taken |
B | Attending a place for any other approved educational activity. Where schools use code B, they must also record the nature of the educational activity |
C | Absent with leave for other circumstances |
C1 | Absent with leave for the purpose of participating in a regulated performance |
C2 | Absent with leave, of compulsory school age, and a temporary reduced timetable does not require them to attend |
D | Attending another school at which they are a registered pupil |
E | Authorised absence as pupil is excluded, with no alternative provision made |
G | Absent without leave for the purpose of a holiday |
I | Unable to attend because of sickness (do not use for medical or dental appointments) |
J1 | Absent with leave for the purpose of attending an interview for employment or for admission to another educational institution |
K | Attending a place other than the school or another school at which they are a registered pupil for educational provision arranged by the local authority (under Section 19(1) of the Education Act 1996 or Section 42 of the Children’s and Families Act 2014). Where schools use code K, they must also record the nature of the educational activity |
L | Absent from the school when attendance register begins to be taken, but attends before the taking of the register has ended |
M | Absent with leave for the purpose of attending a medical or dental appointment |
N | Absent - circumstances not yet established |
O | Absent - other circumstances |
P | Attending a place for an approved educational activity that is a sporting activity |
Q | Unable to attend because of a lack of access arrangements by the local authority to facilitate their attendance |
R | Day exclusively set apart for religious observance by the religious body to which the parent belongs |
S | Absent with leave for the purpose of studying for a public examination |
T | Mobile child whose parent is travelling in the course of their trade or business and who is travelling with that parent |
U | Absent for registration - arrived in school after registration closed |
V | Attending a place for an approved educational activity that is a visit or trip |
W | Attending a place for an approved education activity that is work experience |
X | Absent with leave, not of compulsory school age and timetable does not require them to attend |
Y1 | Unable to attend because school is not within walking distance of pupil’s home and transport to and from school normally provided is not available |
Y2 | Unable to attend due to widespread disruption to travel caused by a local, national or international emergency |
Y3 | Part of school premises is unavoidably out of use and pupil cannot be accommodated in the parts of the premises that remain in use |
Y4 | Whole school closed when school was due to meet for a session, but session has been cancelled |
Y5 | Unable to attend because pupil is subject to a sentence of detention |
Y6 | Travel to or attendance at school would be contrary or prohibited by guidance or law relating to incidence or transmission of infection or disease |
Y7 | Unable to attend because of any other unavoidable cause. Where schools use code Y7, they must also record the nature of the unavoidable cause |
Z | Pupil’s name entered in advance of start date (not collected in the school census) |
‘#’ | Planned whole school closure – no session to take place (not collected in the school census) |
Maths and English prior attainment year 11
If your pupil has UK equivalent or overseas equivalent qualifications, you need to check if they achieved this before or after the end of year 11.
Code | Description |
1 | Learner achieved grade 9 to 4 at end of year 11 |
2 | Learner achieved grade 9 to 4 since the end of year 11 |
3 | Learner has not yet achieved grade 9 to 4 |
Maths and English prior attainment
Code | Description |
9 | Grade 9 |
8 | Grade 8 |
7 | Grade 7 |
6 | Grade 6 |
5 | Grade 5 |
4 | Grade 4 |
3 | Grade 3 |
2 | Grade 2 |
1 | Grade 1 |
U | Ungraded |
NR | Not required |
Maths and English exemptions
Code | Description |
L | The student has a learning disability which prevents them from studying the qualification |
O | The student has a recognised overseas equivalent qualification |
U | The student has met the GCSE condition of funding as they hold an approved equivalent UK qualification |
F | The student holds a pass grade for functional skills level 2 |
N | The student has no exemptions |
Withdrawal reason
Code | Description |
1 | Learner has transferred to another provider to undertake learning which meets a specific government strategy. You should only use this code to identify learners who have transferred onto an apprenticeship. |
2 | Learner has transferred to another provider |
3 | Learner injury / illness |
4 | Financial reasons |
44 | Other personal reasons |
45 | Exclusion |
97 | Other |
98 | Reason not known |
Countries of UK
Code | Description |
ENG | England |
NIR | Northern Ireland |
SCT | Scotland |
WLS | Wales/Cymru |
Alternative provision reason (PRU and AP only)
Code | Description |
ASP | awaiting an appropriate special school place |
EHC | setting named on EHC plan |
MHN | medical condition (mental health need) |
NEW | new arrival without a school place |
OTH | other |
PEX | permanent exclusion |
PHN | medical condition (physical health need) |
RHE | returning to state education from elective home education |
Alternative provision placement reason
Code | Description |
BHS | off-site placement for behavioural support |
SUS | suspension |
EXR | permanent exclusion (where still going through the review process) |
MHN | medical condition (mental health need) |
OTH | other |
PHN | medical condition (physical health need) |
Learner funding and monitoring (FAM) code
Code | Description | Applicable pupils |
01 | In receipt of tutoring | Schools: All schools (except nursery) with appropriate year group or age ranges. Pupils: Only applicable to pupils and in NCYearActual 1 - 14 or where national curriculum year groups do not apply, aged 5 to 19 (as at 2024-08-31) in NCYearActual ‘X’ |
22 | Learner repeating up to one full year of 16 to 19 funded provision | Schools: secondary, all-through and PRU or AP with appropriate year groups. Pupils: only applicable to students in NCYearActual 12 or above with current single registration (‘C’) or current main dual registration (‘M’). PRU or AP: applicable to any pupils with the following enrolment status: ‘C’, ‘M’, ‘F’ or ‘O’. |
Minute | Code | Minute | Code | Minute | Code |
1 | 0.02 | 21 | 0.35 | 41 | 0.68 |
2 | 0.03 | 22 | 0.37 | 42 | 0.70 |
3 | 0.05 | 23 | 0.38 | 43 | 0.72 |
4 | 0.07 | 24 | 0.40 | 44 | 0.73 |
5 | 0.08 | 25 | 0.42 | 45 | 0.75 |
6 | 0.10 | 26 | 0.43 | 46 | 0.77 |
7 | 0.12 | 27 | 0.45 | 47 | 0.78 |
8 | 0.13 | 28 | 0.47 | 48 | 0.80 |
9 | 0.15 | 29 | 0.48 | 49 | 0.82 |
10 | 0.17 | 30 | 0.50 | 50 | 0.83 |
11 | 0.18 | 31 | 0.52 | 51 | 0.85 |
12 | 0.20 | 32 | 0.53 | 52 | 0.87 |
13 | 0.22 | 33 | 0.55 | 53 | 0.88 |
14 | 0.23 | 34 | 0.57 | 54 | 0.90 |
15 | 0.25 | 35 | 0.58 | 55 | 0.92 |
16 | 0.27 | 36 | 0.60 | 56 | 0.93 |
17 | 0.28 | 37 | 0.62 | 57 | 0.95 |
18 | 0.30 | 38 | 0.63 | 58 | 0.97 |
19 | 0.32 | 39 | 0.65 | 59 | 0.98 |
20 | 0.33 | 40 | 0.67 |