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Element E: practical on-road riding

Riding in typical traffic conditions (including traffic lights, roundabouts, junctions, pedestrian crossings, gradients and bends), and carrying out a u-turn and an emergency stop.

About this element

The aim of this unit is that a learner should gain the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to ride safely and independently while they prepare for their riding test.

The unit brings together the knowledge, understanding and skills gained in elements A to D.

The trainer should:

  • expose learners to the main traffic situations and hazards they’re likely to come across on the road
  • make sure they understand those situations
  • allow them to practise the skills necessary to deal with them safely

The learner will ride out on the road, with a qualified trainer, and possibly with another learner, for at least 2 hours.

The trainer will:

  • keep in contact with the learner(s) by radio
  • manage the order of the riders on-road
  • control the speed at which the group travels
  • choose a suitable route, so risk is managed and as many situations as possible are covered
  • manage the development of the learner(s) as their confidence increases
  • protect the learner(s)

The learner’s riding will be assessed constantly by the trainer, who may provide more demonstration, instruction or coaching.

By the end of the element the learner should have demonstrated the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to ride independently in all of the situations listed below.

Before starting this element

Trainers should make sure learners are mentally and physically ready to go out on to the road and are able to continue learning safely.

It’s vital that sufficient breaks have been taken and the trainer is completely satisfied that the learner has the level of ability and fitness to proceed.

Comfort breaks can also be taken during the element, making sure that the time on road is at least 2 hours.

E1. Practise and demonstrate the required skills, knowledge and understanding

What must happen

The learner must be given a chance to practise riding and demonstrate the required skills, knowledge and understanding to ride in typical traffic conditions, on a route that provides exposure to as many situations as possible, but including as a minimum:

  • traffic lights
  • roundabouts
  • junctions
  • pedestrian crossings
  • gradients
  • bends

The learner must be asked to demonstrate:

  • a u-turn manoeuvre
  • their ability to bring their vehicle to a stop, safely and under full control, as in an emergency

What the learner must know and understand

The core knowledge and understanding needed to complete this element should have been covered in elements A to D.

The learner must know and understand:

  • how that knowledge and understanding applies in a range of real-world situations
  • the limits of their competence

What the learner should be able to do

To show that they’ve reached the required standard, the learner should be able to complete their ride having demonstrated their ability to:

  • keep control of their machine at all times and in all situations
  • carry out effective observations when manoeuvring
  • position themselves correctly in relation to other road users
  • adapt their position to deal with all hazards safely
  • communicate their intentions to other road users clearly and effectively
  • comply with all road markings, signs and signals
  • understand what to do (‘fail-safe’) when they are uncertain how to proceed or what actions to take