Capital income
This section provides information on capital income for schools.
- capital funding from public sources, which is managed by the governing body, including devolved formula capital (DFC)
- proceeds from the sale of fixed assets
- loans from the local authority to fund specific capital schemes
- voluntary aided (VA) schools should record DFC received even if the funds were sent to the diocese
- voluntary income (see CI03)
- direct revenue funding (see CI04)
- voluntary or private income including donations dedicated for use as capital funds
- voluntary or private income that will be used to fund day-to-day operations of the school (see I13)
Further information
Voluntary or private income for capital purposes is the amount that is raised by the school, or donated to the school, for the sole intention of using the funds for investment at the school.
- the amount from revenue expenditure applied to capital financing within the school – this is a match to amounts in E30 for capital expenditure undertaken by the school (not any amount transferred to a local authority reserve or contributed to the liabilities of the governing body of a VA school under E30)
- amounts spent on leases which are classed as capital, matching the amount recorded for these in E30
- school revenue balances not applied to a capital project