Outlining the consultation process for Harbour Orders
The MMO will send the application to consultation for 42 days with relevant bodies and organisations. The documents provided with the application will be published on the Harbour Orders public register. This includes the draft Order, statement in support, any maps/plans and environmental information documents.
The MMO case officer will send the applicant consultation responses within 5 working days of receipt of a response.
The list below is an example of those bodies that may be consulted, depending on the application type.
- Local Planning Authority
- Local Harbour Authority (if not the applicant)
- Local MMO coastal office
- Natural England
- Environment Agency
- Cefas
- Department for Transport
- Maritime and Coastguard Agency
- Trinity House
- Network Rail
- Royal Yachting Association
- Historic England
- Crown Estate/ Duchy of Cornwall/Duchy of Lancaster/other local landowner
- Local Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority
- UK Major Ports Group
- British Ports Association
- Chamber of Shipping
- Highways Agency
- Natural Resources Wales
- Welsh Assembly Government
- Ministry of Defence