Public registers and consultation on forestry projects
Use the public registers to find details on proposed forestry work and on decisions that the Forestry Commission has made to approve or reject proposals.
Applies to England
You can access the public registers here:
- consultation register for grant schemes, felling and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) applications
- decision register for grant schemes, felling and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) decisions
How to use the consultation register
You can search the consultation register for:
- grant-aided woodland creation
- afforestation where an EIA (full notification) is made
- tree felling (excluding those permitting thinning works, felling of cricket bat willow where like for like restocking is proposed, or where an exemption to the consultation register applies)
Grant-aided woodland creation proposals and tree felling applications are published on the consultation register for 21 days.
Afforestation proposals, where an EIA (full notification) is made, are published for 21 days. During this time you can comment on the proposals in relation to UK Forestry Standard requirements.
The register shows the date the application was published and the end date for comments.
Comments received after the end date will not be considered.
EIA stage 2 applications
This register is also used to notify the public of EIA ‘stage 2’ applications for consent at the consultation stage for the Environmental Statement. These are required where we decide, at ‘stage 1, if a project could have a significant effect on the environment.
In these instances, the project proposer is required to seek advice and provide evidence to show how the impact identified at ‘stage 1’ may be mitigated. They will do this by writing an environmental statement.
While we assess the environmental statement, we will publish details of the environmental statement for public comment for a period of 30 days, prior to making our final decision. We may consult other bodies before reaching a decision.
More information on the EIA process can be found on our EIA guidance page.
England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO)
We publish proposals that relate to applications under EWCO as soon as possible. This means that the schemes may not have been checked for compliance with the UK Forestry Standard. Where schemes undergo significant change to ensure compliance with the UK Forestry Standard or EWCO rules the proposal will be relisted to provide 21 days for comment.
Consultation register: tree felling application exemptions
Defra announced a modification to the way a limited number of felling licence applications will be dealt with by the Forestry Commission.
Some felling licence applications may now be excluded from publication on the consultation public register, such as those:
- directly related to the management of tree pests and diseases
- made due to a public safety issue
This is so we can expedite the proposed tree felling for an overriding biosecurity or public safety benefit.
The exemption from the consultation public register will not affect the outcome of whether a tree will be felled. The exemption is intended to streamline the decision-making process for felling licence applications that relate to overriding biosecurity or public safety issues. However, you should continue to make felling licence applications in a timely way.
The exclusion from the consultation public register will not impact the need to consult with statutory bodies, where relevant, and does not impact on other conditions related to approving a felling licence, such as the need to restock.
How to get more information or comment on an application
Submit a comment online by visiting the consultation register website. Leave your comment against the case you’re interested in.
Comments should relate to the proposal’s compliance with the UK Forestry Standard.
Most applications are for forestry work on private land.
To request more information, or comment by post, you’ll need to find out which body (Forestry Commission or a Defra partner) is responsible for the application. See the field called ‘Organisation’ in the public register. You can contact us or a Defra partner.
Contact information
Forestry Commission cases
Email or write to the appropriate Forestry Commission Administrative hub and quote the case reference number.
Defra woodland creation delivery partner cases
Please quote the case reference number when contacting the woodland creation partners:
- City of Trees
- Derbyshire Heartwood
- Forest of Avon Trust
- Forest for Cornwall
- Forest of Marston Vale Trust
- Forest of Mercia
- Great Western Community Forest
- Greenwood Community Forest Partnership
- Humber Forest
- National Forest Company
- North East Community Forest
- Northumberland Woodland Creation Partnership
- Plymouth and South Devon Community Forest
- Raise: Cumbria Community Forest
- Thames Chase Trust
- The Mersey Forest
- Trees on Tees
- White Rose Forest
- Woodland Trust
Your privacy
Read the privacy notice on the consultation public register webpage for information on how your personal information will be treated, if provided.
How to use the decision register
This register shows details of decisions on applications for:
- grant-aided woodland creation
- tree felling (excluding those only containing thinning)
- EIAs on forestry projects (afforestation, deforestation, forest roads and forest quarries)
We may have consulted other bodies and taken their views into account before making a decision.
Decisions are published on the decision register for 28 days.
The decision register shows details of the project type, the date the decision was made, the outcome and when it expires.
No comments can be submitted on decided cases.
If you feel you need to comment on a decision, contact the appropriate Forestry Commission Administrative hub or woodland creation deliver partner with the case reference number. Your comment will be forwarded to the team responsible for the original decision.
Legacy decisions
We are required to keep a long-term record of decisions, particularly those related to EIA cases.
For individual grant scheme, felling licence and EIA decisions, map and dataset records can be found on the Forestry Commission’s Land Information Search (LIS) map browser.
If you need more specific information about decisions that are no longer n the decision register, email us at
Firstly, find out which body (Forestry Commission or a Defra partner) is responsible for the application. You can find that in the public register in the field called ‘Organisation.’
To complain about a Forestry Commission decision, follow our complaints procedure.
To complain about a Defra woodland creation partner decision, contact the organisation direct.
Contact the Forestry Commission
The public registers are developed and hosted by the Forestry Commission.
If you can’t access the registers, need further information, or are having problems using them, contact the support team at
Updates to this page
Published 9 July 2018Last updated 19 September 2024 + show all updates
Added Derbyshire Heartwood to the list of partners.
Added Trees on Tees to the list of Defra partners.
Added Cumbria Community Forest to the Defra woodland creation partners.
Added latest version of the guide 'How to use the Forestry Commission Consultation Register and make comments online'.
Updated to reflect the consultation public register period has changed from 28 to 21 days.
Downtime information added.
Update about system downtime.
Additional information about EWCO and the public register.
Updates to reflect a new Public Register portal system for non-FC delivery partners
Guidance added for Consultation Public Register felling licence exemptions
The 'How to use the Forestry Commission Consultation Register and make comments online' document has been updated.
The new public registers have been added to this page.
First published.