
Contact the MHRA

How to contact the MHRA for specific services or enquiries.

Review the information below and choose the most relevant contact for your enquiry. Selecting the appropriate contact will speed up our response time in coming back to you.

Medicines regulations

Marketing authorisations, variations and licensing guidance

We have guidance on Medicines: licensing and applications collection, including information about new applications, post-licensing, advertising, product information and fees.

Regulatory information service (RIS) 

RIS acts as the single main point of contact for marketing authorisation holders of medicines and their representatives. If you cannot find the information you need on the website, email us in the first instance to ensure your request is appropriately handled: 

New licence applications: 


Phone (weekdays 9am to 5pm): 020 3080 7400 

Other contacts: 

Queries on orphan medicines and orphan designation: 

Queries on packaging and patient information leaflets:


We have guidance on Pharmacovigilance procedures

General queries on pharmacovigilance procedures: 

Queries on UK qualified person responsible for pharmacovigilance (QPPV), UK pharmacovigilance system master file (PSMF) and the establishment of pharmacovigilance systems:

Manufacturer and wholesale dealer licences (medicines) 

Queries on applications for licences and registrations covering manufacturing, wholesaling, brokering and importing of medicines and active substances:

MHRA Portal 

Queries on registering and submitting product licence applications using the MHRA Portal, phone: 020 3080 7100 or email

MHRA Submissions Portal 

Guidance: Register to make submissions to the MHRA.

For troubleshooting queries on registering and submitting product applications using the Submissions Portal, email  

Importing and exporting 

We have guidance for UK wholesalers and manufacturers on how to import human medicines including unlicensed medicines, how to apply for a licence and how much it costs. 

To check the suitability of your qualifications/professional body membership, email

Queries on importing investigational medical products (IMPs) from approved countries, complete the good manufacturing practice (GMP) contact form and email it to

Queries on exporting active substances manufactured in the UK, complete the GMP contact form and email it to

Medicines for children 

We have guidance on the legal requirements for children’s medicines.   

General queries on paediatric submissions including paediatric investigation plan (PIP) and waiver applications, modification procedures and compliance checks:

Submitting a cover letter or final assessment report:

Clinical trials of medicines 

We have guidance on Clinical trials for medicines.  

If you are checking the status of a clinical trial submission, have a general clinical trial query or a technical query regarding an application you have submitted or plan to make, phone (weekdays 8:30am to 4:30pm) 020 3080 6456 or email

Report problems with medicines or medical devices

You can submit a report through the Yellow Card Scheme for any suspected side effects to a medicine or suspected adverse incidents with a medical device. 

Defective medicines reporting centre (DMRC)


DMRC (office hours) 020 3080 6574 (8:45am to 4:45pm Monday to Friday). 

DMRC (out of hours) 07795 641 532 (urgent outside of normal working hours, at weekends or on public holidays). Do not leave voicemail messages at this number during normal working hours as they will only be picked up out of hours. 

Medicines enforcement 

For queries on potential illegal dealings with medicines, email

Members of the public or healthcare professionals can report suspected falsified medicines through the Yellow Card Scheme.

Other stakeholders can report suspected falsified medicines by email:

Medical devices regulation 

We have guidance on regulating medical devices

General device queries:

We have guidance on registering medical devices including user guides for our online registration service. For any queries, contact

Queries relating to compliance issues for medical devices:

Payment queries 

Guidance: Make a payment to MHRA - GOV.UK.

Accounts receivable:

Accounts payable

The National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC)

Information about interim arrangements for some biological products:

Queries on biological reference materials:

Whistleblower referrals 

Contact the whistleblowing section if you are reporting on issues as an employee, ex-employee or third-party employee of the company or organisation in question. 

Email or phone 07778 168204.

All other queries about potential illegal dealings should go to Medicines enforcement

Data protection 

For all data protection queries:

Customer services 

If any of the information above does not answer your query, contact the Customer Experience Centre:

or phone (weekdays 9am to 5pm): 020 3080 6000 

or write to: MHRA 

10 South Colonnade 

Canary Wharf 

London E14 4PU 

To reproduce or re-use any MHRA material see our guidance on reproducing MHRA information

News centre 

Media enquiries (including out of hours): 

Phone 020 3080 7651 or email

Updates to this page

Published 28 May 2014
Last updated 26 April 2024 + show all updates
  1. The telephone numbers for both Accounts receivable and Accounts payable areas have been removed as they are no longer active. Updated contact numbers will be added in due course.

  2. Added Data Protection contact details

  3. Added information about COVID-19 and urgent regulatory flexibility enquiries over the Easter weekend.

  4. Added information about MHRA services and using email or telephone to contact us during the coronavirus (COVID-19) response period.

  5. Change of Accounts payable supplier contact phone numbers.

  6. Added a section on contacts for EU exit no deal enquiries.

  7. Added new contact details for Medical Devices.

  8. Added contact details for submission enquiries.

  9. Updated the contact information for the Clinical Trials helpline.

  10. Updated contact details

  11. Contact details for medicines enforcement updated.

  12. First published.

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