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Guidance for publishing on GOV.UK during the pre-election period

Find out what can and cannot be published.

Publishing on Whitehall publisher or publishing other non-mainstream content

It’s up to departments to decide whether content should be published, based on the pre-election guidance for civil servants.

Check with your managing editor if something can be published. If they’re not sure, they should check with a senior member of your communications team. 

Do not unpublish or withdraw content that was on GOV.UK before the pre-election period started.

However, you can sometimes:

  • unpublish content published by mistake
  • unpublish and redirect pages when you’re merging content
  • withdraw content that is no longer current and has been replaced by something new

In these cases, check with a director in your department.

Publishing and updating mainstream content

You can request small, factual changes, for example to:

  • change an address or phone number
  • fix something that’s stopping users completing a task

For bigger changes, check with a director in your department and confirm that you’ve done this when you raise a ticket.