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2. Apply to become an academy

Links to the apply to become an academy service for mainstream schools, the application process for special schools and PRUs, and information about notifying your local authority.

How to apply to become an academy

Mainstream schools

Use the apply to become an academy service to begin converting your mainstream primary or secondary school to academy status.

If you’ve already started an application, using either the previous online form, or a downloadable form, to convert your mainstream primary or secondary school to academy status, you have until 14 August 2020 to submit your application.

After 14 August 2020, we’ll only accept applications for mainstream schools via the apply to become an academy service.

If you have any questions, please refer to your project lead.

Special schools and pupil referral units (PRUs)

Headteachers or chairs of governors of special schools should use the paper application form for special schools.

For pupil referral units, use the form for PRUs wishing to convert to alternative provision academies.

Your project lead will be able to answer any questions you may have about filling in your application form.

Notify your local authority

If you have not already done so, you should notify your local authority of your plans to convert to academy status when you apply.

Ask them if they have any internal processes or timescales that you will need to take into consideration during the conversion process, particularly if your school has:

  • a private finance initiative (PFI) contract
  • a deficit with a recovery plan agreed with the local authority
  • major building works financed by the local authority

If you have any of these, you may have to go through elected members (or cabinet) to get your local authority’s approval to convert to academy status, which can be time consuming.