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4 How to apply

This section gives the information you need to apply for CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot).

4.1 CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot) application route: step by step guide

Step 1 – Before you apply

  • You need to be registered on the Rural Payments service. As an SFI pilot participant, you should already be registered – read section 4.2 of this supplement.

  • Make sure that you and the land you wish to enter into CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot) are eligible - read section 3 of this supplement.

  • To include land parcels in your CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot) application, they must be registered on the Rural Payments service, so they show on your digital maps. The land parcels in your SFI pilot standards agreement should already be registered. If you need to request mapping updates, fill in an RLE1 form and send it to us with sketch maps (read the guidance and download an RLE1 form from GOV.UK – search ‘RLE1 form’).

  • Check and update your permissions in the Rural Payments service. Unlike when you applied for an SFI pilot standards agreement, you will need Countryside Stewardship (Applications) ‘Submit’ permission. Read section 4.4.1 of this supplement.

  • If you would like to authorise someone else to apply on your behalf, read section 4.3 of this supplement.

Step 2 – Start to complete your online application

  • Start your online application (there is guidance available to help you - read section 4.4.1 of this supplement)

  • Choose which capital items to apply for – read section 5 of this supplement

  • Request approval, consents and permissions (if applicable) – read section 4.6 of this supplement

Step 3 – Gather your evidence and supporting documents

  • Prepare a map to send with your application – read section 4.5 of this supplement

  • Get any documents you need to support your application – read sections 4.6 of this supplement and section 6.3 of the 2022 CS Capital Grants manual.

  • Keep photographic evidence to support your application as we may ask to see it – read sections 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5 of the 2022 CS Capital Grants manual.

  • Make sure you clearly label all photographic evidence – read section 6.6 of the 2022 CS Capital Grants manual.

Step 4 – Complete and submit the application

  • Complete the remaining sections of your online application. Use the guidance to help you and read section 4.7 of this supplement

  • Check your application is complete before you submit it – read section 4.7.1 of this supplement

  • Submit your application online – read section 4.7.2 of this supplement

  • Email or post your supporting documents – read section 4.7.2 of this supplement

4.2 Register with Rural Payments

You must be registered on the Rural Payments service before you can apply for this grant. As an SFI pilot participant you should already be registered. You can find more information on How to register and update your details on the Rural Payments service on GOV.UK.

All land parcels included in your CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot) application must be registered on the Rural Payments service. The land parcels in your SFI pilot standards agreement should already be registered. If you need to request mapping updates, fill in an RLE1 form and send it to us with sketch maps (read the guidance and download an RLE1 form from GOV.UK – search ‘RLE1 form’).

4.3 Authorise an agent (or someone else)

You can authorise an agent (or someone else) to complete and submit your application for you. This also applies to payment claims for Agreement Holders.

For an agent (or someone else) to act for you, you must give them the appropriate permission levels in the Rural Payments service on GOV.UK. To submit a CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot) application, they will need Countryside Stewardship (Applications) ‘Submit’ permission. You can only update this permission if you have ‘Business details’ Full permission. If you do not have this, ask someone who does or phone us on 03000 200 301.

Read ‘Give someone else permission to act on your behalf’ on GOV.UK for more information on the different levels of permission. You should also read the information in the Permission levels screen in the Rural Payments service. This lists what is permitted at each level. You are responsible for ensuring that permissions assigned on the Rural Payments service are made correctly and that contact details are all correct.

4.4 Application method

You can only submit your CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot) application online in the Rural Payments service. This is the same as when you applied for your SFI pilot standards agreement.

You cannot apply for CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot) by email or post, but you must send us the application map(s) or any other supporting documents by email or post as those cannot be submitted online.

If you need help to apply online, contact the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) at (use ‘CS Capital Grants SFI pilot’ in the email subject heading). Alternatively, you can call the RPA on 03000 200 301 (Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm). You will need to tell the RPA your Single Business Identifier (SBI).

If you are applying separately for 2022 CS Capital Grants on land parcels not eligible for CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot), read section 4.4 of the 2022 CS Capital Grants manual about the available application methods.

4.4.1 Online

Apply online using the Rural Payments service. The service includes a ‘help’ link on many of the screens that will take you through each process step by step.

To apply for CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot), sign into the Rural Payments service and from your ‘Business overview’ page select ‘Environmental Land Management’. From here, you can access the separate CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot) online application for SFI pilot participants. You will only be able to apply for the 28 capital items available in CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot).

To submit a CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot) application, you must have Countryside Stewardship (Applications) ‘Submit’ permission. You can check and update this permission in the Rural Payments service. From your ‘Business overview’ page, select ‘Give people permission to act for this business’. This permission can only be updated by someone with ‘Business details’ Full permission for the business. You need ‘Full’ Business details permission to do this. If you do not have this, ask someone who does or phone us on 03000 200 301.

If you are also applying online for 2022 CS Capital Grants on land parcels not eligible for Capital Grants (SFI pilot), you will need to submit a separate application. To apply for 2022 CS Capital Grants, select ‘Countryside Stewardship’ from your ‘Business overview’ page. This will give you access to the separate online application for 2022 CS Capital Grants. Read section 4 of the 2022 CS Capital Grants manual for more information on applying.

You must send us the application map(s) and any other supporting documents by email or post. You cannot submit these online. Read section 4.7.2 of this supplement for more information on submitting supporting documents.

4.4.2 By email or post

You cannot apply for CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot) by email or post, but you must send us the application map(s) and any other supporting documents by email or post as those cannot be submitted online. Read section 4.7.2 of this supplement for more information on submitting supporting documents.

4.5 Prepare a map to accompany your application

You must complete your application map(s) to a required standard. Please put ‘CS Capital Grants SFI pilot’ on your map(s). For more information about how to complete your application map(s), read the Countryside Stewardship: How to apply for Capital Grants guide.

You need to submit your application map(s) by email or post. They cannot be submitted online. Read section 4.7.2 of this supplement.

Read section 4.6.1 of the 2022 CS Capital Grants manual.

4.6.2 Catchment Sensitive Farming (CSF) approval

The capital items available in CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot) do not require CSF approval.

4.6.3 Other consents

Read section 4.6.3 of the 2022 CS Capital Grants manual.

4.6.4 Work on trees and hedges

Read section 4.6.4 of the 2022 CS Capital Grants manual.

4.6.5 Other considerations

Read section 4.6.5 of the 2022 CS Capital Grants manual.

4.7 Complete and submit your application

You can only submit your CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot) application online in the Rural Payments service.

You also need to email or post to us:

  • the application map(s) as explained at section 4.5 of this supplement

  • a CS land ownership and control form, if applicable

  • any other supporting documents we ask for.

Read section 4.7.2 of this supplement for more information submitting supporting documents.

You do not need to send the following when you apply, but if required, you will need to have permission or consent in place before you carry out any work and you will need to submit this evidence when you make a claim for this work:

  • Any relevant consents, permissions, exemptions or any written advice (read section 6.3.2 of the 2022 CS Capital Grants manual).

  • Any evidence you need to support your application (read sections 6.3 to 6.5 of the 2022 CS Capital Grants manual), including photographs and any other evidence required for each capital item as described on Countryside Stewardship grants (known as grant finder) on GOV.UK.

4.7.1 Before you submit your application

Read this supplement and the 2022 CS Capital Grants manual where this supplement indicates that is relevant. You also need to read the Terms and Conditions.

Before you submit your online application:

  • double check the details in your online application summary are correct

  • tick the box to confirm you agree to the terms of the declaration

  • Select Submit within the ‘Make/ Manage your application’ section.

The party/parties who submit the online application must have the authority to act on behalf of the applicant and have the appropriate permission levels in the Rural Payments service. Read section 4.3 of this supplement.

Make sure any counter signatories’ (for example, landlords) declarations, undertakings and signature(s) are provided (if applicable).

4.7.2 Submitting your application and supporting Documents

You can submit a CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot) application from 8 February 2022. Applications will remain open until the funding is allocated. If we are oversubscribed and it is necessary to close applications, we will publicise this date, including on GOV.UK, giving you 6 weeks’ notice.

Once you have submitted your application online in the Rural Payments service, your application is not complete until we have received all the supporting documents. This includes the application map(s), a CS land ownership and control form, where applicable, and any other supporting documents we ask for.

You must send us the application map(s) and any other supporting documents by email or post. You cannot submit these online. Put your Single Business Identifier (SBI) on everything you send us.

To email the application map and any other supporting documents to us, you can print and scan, or photograph them, and attach that to an email. Send your email to us at Use ‘CS SFI pilot’ in the email subject heading and include your SBI.

Make sure that you have the appropriate permission levels for the business and that the email address is registered in the Rural Payments service. The maximum size of emails that we can accept is 32MB. If your email exceeds this limit, please send a further email and use the same subject heading. Add the number of emails at the end of the subject heading, for example, 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3. For security reasons, we cannot accept discs, USB pen drives or other external storage media, including external cloud storage systems.

To post the application map(s) and any other supporting documents to us, send them to:

Rural Payments Agency (CS SFI pilot)
PO Box 352
S95 9FG

We recommend that you get proof of postage for any supporting documents you send to us by post. You should also keep a copy of any supporting documents you send to us.

4.7.3 After you apply

Once we receive your application, we will check it to confirm that:

  • it meets the eligibility requirements in Section 3 of this supplement and, where relevant, the 2022 CS Capital Grants manual

  • you have completed all the necessary details on the application

  • you have completed the application map(s).

If you are successful, we will write to you to make you an agreement offer which cannot be amended. If you want to accept the agreement offer you must sign and return the declaration by post within 20 working days of the date we send you the agreement offer. If you do not accept your offer in time, it will be withdrawn.

If your application is unsuccessful, we will let you know why it was rejected. You will then have the right to appeal to us, as set out in section 7.7 of the 2022 CS Capital Grants manual.

You can withdraw an application at any point after submission, prior to an agreement offer being made. Once an agreement offer has been made, you can reject it.

You can find more information about entering into an agreement at section 6.1 of this supplement.