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7 Agreement Management

You must read and meet the requirements detailed in this section as these are mandatory for all CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot) Agreement Holders. You must also read and meet the requirements in the 2022 CS Capital Grants manual, where identified below as relevant.

You must only start work (this includes ordering and paying for materials) on or after the CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot) agreement start date because we will not pay for materials and work before this date.

You must keep invoices, receipts, accounts and all other relevant financial documentation, so we can check them, for at least 7 years from the end date of the agreement. These must be dated on or after the CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot) agreement start date.

Important information

Do not start work until on or after your CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot) agreement start date. You must complete all capital works within 2 years of the agreement start date.

We must receive all claims for payment no later than 3 months after the agreement end date. We will not accept claims after this date.

When you have finished the works and you have been charged or invoiced by the contractor or supplier for the items or activities, you can submit your claim for payment.

You can only submit your claim after payment for all items or activities on which you are claiming has left your bank account and all works have been carried out.

7.1 Amendments

Read section 7.1 of the 2022 CS Capital Grants manual and section 7.1.1 of this supplement.

7.1.1. Early termination of a CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot) agreement

If your SFI pilot standards agreement is terminated meaning you are no longer an SFI pilot participant, your CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot) agreement will also be terminated. You may need to repay all or part of previous payments that you have received.

7.1.2. Amendments to an SFI pilot standards agreement and the impact on a CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot) agreement

If your SFI pilot standards agreement is amended to remove a land parcel or standard this may impact your CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot) agreement.

Your CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot) agreement claim for payment may be rejected if:

  • you remove a land parcel from your SFI pilot standards agreement which you have included in your CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot) agreement
  • you remove a standard from your SFI pilot standards agreement and the capital items in your CS Capital Grants (SFI pilot) agreement are only available on a land parcel used for that standard

You may also need to repay all or part of previous payments that you have already received.

7.2 Requirements when using own labour or contractors for capital works

7.2.1 Using own labour to undertake capital works

Read section 7.2.1 of the 2022 CS Capital Grants manual.

7.2.2 Using contractors to carry out capital works

Read section 7.2.2 of the 2022 CS Capital Grants manual.

7.3 Making a claim for payment

Read section 7.3 of the 2022 CS Capital Grants manual.

7.4 Scheme checks and site visits

Read section 7.4 of the 2022 CS Capital Grants manual.

7.5 Payment reductions

7.5.1 Breaches of Agreement

Read section 7.5.1 of the 2022 CS Capital Grants manual.

7.5.2 Over-declaration of expenditure

Read section 7.5.2 of the 2022 CS Capital Grants manual. .

7.6 Change of ownership

Read section 7.6 of the 2022 CS Capital Grants manual.

7.7 Disputes, appeals and complaints

Read section 7.7. of the 2022 CS Capital Grants manual.