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6 Entering into a Grant Funding Agreement (GFA)

What happens if your application is successful and you receive a Grant Funding Agreement.

If your application is successful, we will send you a letter confirming this, and you will also receive a Grant Funding Agreement. We hope to start sending out GFA’s from the beginning of April 2022. You should check your email regularly from this date as you will only have a limited time to accept the offer.

The Grant Funding Agreement will confirm the legal terms and conditions of the grant, including:

  • the amount of the grant
  • the outputs we have agreed for your project.

You should check all details in the agreement carefully before confirming and signing the acceptance declaration.

If you want to accept the offer you must sign and return the declaration as per the instructions in your agreement letter within 10 working days of receipt of the agreement offer. If you do not accept your offer in time, it will be withdrawn.

Your agreement will start on 1 June 2022 and run for three years.

Do not start any work until on or after your start date and only once you have accepted the offer.

Once you have accepted the offer and entered into an agreement, you can only modify, extend, or amend the agreement with RPA’s consent. If you need to change anything in your Grant Funding Agreement over the course of the project, you must get written approval from us first. If you don’t, we could end your agreement and claim back any funds we have already paid. If you are offered an agreement, we will give you more information and advice on making changes throughout the length of your agreement.