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8 Extensions due to underspend

How to request an extension if you have not spent your funding within the agreed time period.

Extensions may be requested where you have not spent all available funds at the end of your agreement period.

You must submit your request for an extension to us six weeks in advance of your agreement ending (for agreements that start on 1 June 2022, this would mean submitting your request by 18 April 2025). No additional funds will be made available during the period of extension. This includes the funding of consumable items and any uplift for new members joining the group.

8.1 Eligibility for extensions

  • All eligibility criteria must continue to be met (or justification provided to explain why it cannot be met, as agreed by the panel at application stage)
  • Extensions will run for a six-month period only (up to 30 November 2025).
2022 Round Agreement start date: 01 June 2022 Agreement end date: 31 May 2025
Six-month extension Extension start date: 01 June 2025 Extension end date: 30 November 2025
  • All Facilitation plans must be on track to be achieved by the original end date.
  • Additional activities must be agreed and delivered. You must tell us of any planned changes to activities by applying for a variation using your change log form. Read Section 7.1 ‘Applying for a Variation’ for more information.