
This guidance explains how to apply for a Woodland Creation and Maintenance grant, including how to complete any maps and annexes.

You can download the application form from GOV.UK, but need to email or call us to ask for a copy of the annex. You can also request a paper copy of the application form if you are unable to download one.

Search for ‘Woodland Creation and Maintenance grant’ on GOV.UK.

Read this guidance carefully and use it to help you complete your application form in full and include all supporting documents. This will help us and the Forestry Commission (FC) make decisions about your application as quickly as possible.

Please put your Single Business Identifier (SBI) on everything you send to the RPA.

If you do not have access to the internet or if you read this guidance and are still unsure how to complete your application please contact us on 03000 200 301.

When to apply

You can apply for a Woodland Creation and Maintenance grant throughout the year.