
COVID-19: testing from 1 April 2023

Explains testing from 1 April 2023 onwards and sets out the purpose of ongoing testing, who will be eligible to access testing and when tests should be used.

This guidance was withdrawn on

This publication was withdrawn on 1 April 2024

The information in this page has been superseded by information in COVID-19: testing from 1 April 2024

The role of testing

Throughout the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the government has prioritised protecting the most vulnerable and those in high-risk settings. Government-funded testing will continue to focus on these groups, with new guidance coming into effect in England from 1 April 2023.

The ongoing success of the vaccination programme, increased access to treatments and high immunity amongst the population, has allowed the government to scale back testing in England. From April onwards, testing will be provided to individuals and settings at highest risk from COVID-19, whilst continuing to support diagnosis for care and access to treatments.

All testing will use lateral flow device (LFD) tests, which have proven to be effective at detecting COVID-19 and provide a rapid result. In NHS settings, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests may also be used to support clinical diagnosis.

Testing of residents, service users and patients will continue to help manage outbreaks in high-risk settings. Symptomatic testing will also continue for individuals who are eligible to access COVID-19 treatments, and staff working with patients who are at high-risk from severe outcomes, in NHS and hospice settings.

Specific operational guidance will continue to be provided to the different high-risk settings, giving details of how the LFD tests should be used.

Where symptomatic testing is recommended, this should be based on the current list of COVID-19 symptoms.

All other residents, service users, patients and staff who are symptomatic should follow guidance for the general population.

Situation Type of test
Symptomatic adults and children admitted for care or developing symptoms within hospitals where having COVID-19 will change clinical management, for example, to inform treatment PCR and LFD at local discretion
Symptomatic adults and children eligible for antiviral treatment or in community settings to inform treatment LFD
Discharge of patients to care settings, for example, care homes or hospices LFD
Symptomatic NHS staff and staff in NHS-commissioned Independent Healthcare Providers working on wards focussed on treating profoundly immunocompromised individuals LFD
Outbreak testing in healthcare settings LFD in locally directed protocol, except where PCR needed for diagnosis

In addition to the recommended testing identified, local healthcare organisations, with appropriate advice (including from Medical Directors, Nursing Directors or Directors of Infection Prevention and Control), may exercise local discretion to continue testing for specific individuals or cohorts in line with broader infection prevention and control measures. This includes emergency admission, elective pathway and transfer of care admissions, for example to a ward caring for patients who are severely immunosuppressed.

Setting Testing Type of test
Care homes Outbreak testing LFD
  Symptomatic testing for those eligible for COVID-19 therapeutics LFD
Hospices Outbreak testing LFD
  Symptomatic testing of patient facing staff LFD, where recommended by the hospice
  Symptomatic testing for those eligible for COVID-19 therapeutics LFD
Extra care and supported living Symptomatic testing for those eligible for COVID-19 therapeutics LFD

These settings include prisons, immigration retention or removal centres, asylum reception centres, asylum hostel accommodation and reception centres, homelessness settings (including night shelters, hostels, hotels, and other temporary accommodation), domestic abuse refuges and respite rooms.

Setting Testing Type of test
Non- healthcare settings Outbreak testing LFD
  Symptomatic testing for those eligible for COVID-19 therapeutics LFD

The risk of harm from COVID-19 for children and young people is very low.

Children and young people (CYP) settings do not require continued access to testing in residential special educational needs and disability (SEND) settings or the CYP secure estate (CYPSE).

Settings are encouraged to follow guidance on GOV.UK:

Updates to this page

Published 24 August 2022
Last updated 2 May 2023 show all updates
  1. Updated Testing recommended in other non-healthcare settings section.

  2. Update to reflect changes from 1 April 2023.

  3. First published.

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