Criminal Procedure Rules: Forms
Forms to use with the Criminal Procedure Rules.
Applies to England and Wales
The forms for use with the Criminal Procedure Rules collect information required by the court for the purposes of criminal case management under the Rules and under other legislation.
Each form identifies the Criminal Procedure Rule and any other legislation that the court must apply: see the Rules and that other legislation for details.
General matters (including case management)
Part 1 The overriding objective
There are no forms for use with this Part.
Part 2 Understanding and applying the Rules
There are no forms for use with this Part.
Part 3 Case management
Magistrates’ Court forms
- Preparation for trial in a Magistrates Court
- Magistrates court trial triage form (coronavirus)
- Case sent to the Crown Court for trial
Crown Court forms
- Plea and trial preparation hearing (PTPH) forms
- Standard witness table
- Certificate of readiness forms
Pre-trial medical report commissioning directions
Application for a live link direction
Part 4 Service of documents
There are no forms for use with this Part.
Part 5 Forms and court records
Part 6 Reporting, etc. restrictions
There are no forms for use with this Part.
Preliminary proceedings
Part 7 Starting a prosecution in a magistrates’ court
Part 8 Initial details of the prosecution case
There are no forms for use with this Part.
Part 9 Allocation and sending for trial
There are no forms for use with this Part.
Part 10 The indictment
Part 11 Deferred prosecution agreements
There are no forms for use with this Part.
Part 12 Discontinuing a prosecution
There are no forms for use with this Part.
Custody and bail
Part 13 Warrants for arrest, detention or imprisonment
There are no forms for use with this Part.
Part 14 Bail and custody time limits
- Application to magistrates’ court to reconsider police bail
- Notice of application for court to consider bail
- Defendant’s application for appeal to the Crown Court after magistrates’ court bail decision
- Application for extension of pre-charge bail
- Response to application for extension of pre-charge bail
Part 15 Disclosure
Part 16 Written witness statements
Part 17 Witness summonses, warrants and orders
Part 18 Measures to help a witness or defendant to give evidence or otherwise participate
- Application for a special measures direction
- Application for a ‘McKenzie friend’ (defendant’s assistant)
Part 19 Expert evidence
There are no forms for use with this Part.
Part 20 Hearsay
Part 21 Evidence of bad character
- Application to introduce evidence of a non-defendant’s bad character
- Notice objecting to evidence of a non-defendant’s bad character
- Notice to introduce evidence of a defendant’s bad character
- Application to exclude evidence of a defendant’s bad character
Part 22 Evidence of a complainant’s previous sexual behaviour
There are no forms for use with this Part.
Part 23 Restrictions on cross-examination by a defendant
- Prosecutor’s notice of prohibition against cross-examination by defendant in person
- Prosecutor’s application for order prohibiting cross-examination by defendant in person
- Court’s notice of prohibition against cross-examination by defendant in person
- Court’s notice of appointment of advocate
Part 24 Trial and sentence in a magistrates’ court
There are no forms for use with this Part.
Part 25 Trial and sentence in a Crown Court
There are no forms for use with this Part.
Part 26 Jurors
Part 27 Retrial after acquittal
There are no forms for use with this Part.
Part 28 Sentencing procedures in special cases
Part 29 Road traffic penalties
- Statutory declaration under s. 72(2), Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988
- Statutory declaration under s. 73(2), Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988
- Notice of appeal against recognition of foreign driving disqualification
Part 30 Enforcement of fines and other orders for payment
There are no forms for use with this Part.
Part 31 Behaviour orders
- Notice and application for a serious crime prevention order
- Notice and application for a criminal behaviour order
- Application to vary or revoke a behaviour order
- Application by defendant to vary or revoke a restraining order
- Application by protected person to vary or revoke a restraining order
- Notice and application for a serious disruption prevention order
- Notice and application by prosecutor for a domestic abuse protection order
- Application by defendant to vary or discharge a domestic abuse protection order
- Application by police to vary or discharge a domestic abuse protection order
- Application by protected person to vary or discharge a domestic abuse protection order
Part 32 Breach, revocation and amendment of community and other orders
There are no forms for use with this Part.
Confiscation and related proceedings
Part 33 Confiscation and related proceedings
Defendant’s notice to person with property interest
Part 34 Appeal to the Crown Court
- Appeal against conviction, or conviction and sentence
- Appeal against sentence only
- Appeal notice (easy read version)
- Respondent’s notice (appeal against conviction)
- Notice abandoning an appeal
Part 35 Appeal to the High Court by case stated
Part 36 Appeal to the Court of Appeal - general rules
- Notice of abandonment of proceedings in the Court of Appeal
- Notice of abandonment: s.9(11) Criminal Justice Act, 1987, s.35(1) Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996 or s.47(1) Criminal Justice Act 2003
- Notice of abandonment of proceedings instituted under s.58 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003
Part 37 Appeal to the Court of Appeal against ruling at a preparatory hearing
- Notice and grounds of appeal, or application for permission to appeal, against ruling(s) made at a preparatory hearing
- Respondent’s notice and grounds of opposition to appeal against ruling(s) made at a preparatory hearing
Part 38 Appeal to the Court of Appeal against ruling adverse to prosecution
- Notice and grounds of appeal, or application for permission to appeal, under s.58 Criminal Justice Act 2003
- Respondent’s notice and grounds of opposition to appeal under s.58 Criminal Justice Act 2003
Part 39 Appeal to the Court of Appeal about conviction or sentence
- Notice and grounds of appeal, or application for permission to appeal, against conviction
- Notice and grounds of appeal, or application for permission to appeal, against a finding of disability or a finding that the defendant did the act or made the omission charged
- Easy Read notice to appeal against a Crown Court conviction
- Notice and grounds of appeal, or application for permission to appeal, against sentence
- Notice and grounds of appeal, or application for permission to appeal, against a disposal following a finding that the defendant did the act or made the omission charged
- Easy Read notice to appeal against a Crown Court sentence
- Notice and grounds of appeal, or application for permission to appeal, against a confiscation order
- Respondent’s notice and grounds of opposition to appeal against conviction or sentence
- Notice of application for bail
- Recognizance of appellant’s surety
- Recognizance of appellant’s surety pending re-trial
- Notice of application for a witness order and/or permission to call a witness
- Notice and grounds of appeal, or application for permission to appeal, against a minimum term set or reviewed by the High Court
- Notice and grounds of appeal, or application for permission to appeal, against a sentence review decision
- Notice and grounds of appeal, or application for permission to appeal, in relation to a serious crime prevention order under s.24 Serious Crime Act 2007
- Respondent’s notice and grounds of opposition to appeal in relation to a serious crime prevention order under s.24 Serious Crime Act 2007
- Notice of application for permission to appeal about reporting or public access restriction
Part 40 Appeal to the Court of Appeal about reporting or public access restrictions
- Notice of application for permission to appeal about reporting or public access restriction
- Respondent’s notice and grounds of opposition to appeal about reporting or public access restriction
Part 41 Reference to the Court of Appeal of point of law or unduly lenient sentencing
There are no forms for use with this Part.
Part 42 Appeal to the Court of Appeal in confiscation and related proceedings
- Notice of application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court
- Notice and grounds of application for leave to appeal, and appeal, about confiscation under s.31 Proceeds of Crime Act 2002
- Respondent’s notice and grounds of opposition to appeal about confiscation under s.31 Proceeds of Crime Act 2002
- Notice and grounds of application for leave to appeal, and appeal, about a compliance, restraint or receivership decision
- Respondent’s notice and grounds of opposition to appeal about compliance, restraint or receivership decision
Part 43 Appeal or reference to the Supreme Court
- Notice of application for permission to appeal to the Supreme Court
- Recognizance of defendant’s surety on appeal to the Supreme Court
Part 44 Reopening a case in a magistrates’ court
Part 45 Costs
Other proceedings
Part 46 Representatives
Part 47 Investigation orders and warrants
Investigating officers can obtain up to date templates for draft orders or draft warrants from the court office to which they apply.
Investigation orders
Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984
Terrorism Act 2000
- Application for a production order and order to grant entry under Terrorism Act 2000
- Notice of application for a Terrorism Act production order
- Application for a disclosure order under the Terrorism Act 2000
- Notice of application for a Terrorism Act disclosure order
- Application for a explanation order under the Terrorism Act 2000
- Notice of application for a Terrorism Act explanation order
- Application for a customer information order under the Terrorism Act 2000
- Notice of application for a Terrorism Act customer information order
- Application for an account monitoring order under the Terrorism Act 2000
- Notice of application for a Terrorism Act account monitoring order
Proceeds of Crime Act 2002
- Application for a production order and order to grant entry under POCA
- Notice of application for a POCA production order
- Application for a disclosure order under POCA
- Notice of application for a POCA disclosure order
- Application for a further information order under POCA
- Application for a customer information order under POCA
- Notice of application for a POCA customer information order
- Application for an account monitoring order under POCA
- Notice of application for a POCA account monitoring order
National Security Act 2023
- Application for a production order and order to grant entry under the National Security Act 2023
- Notice of application for a National Security Act production order
- Application for a disclosure order under the National Security Act 2023
- Notice of application for a National Security Act disclosure order
- Application for an explanation order under the National Security Act 2023
- Notice of application for a National Security Act explanation order
- Application for a customer information order under the National Security Act 2023
- Application for a search warrant under the National Security Act 2023
Investigation warrants
- Application for search warrant under s.8 Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984
- Application for search warrant under s.2 Criminal Justice Act 1987
- Application for a search warrant under s.9 & Sch 1 Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984
- Application for a search warrant under the Terrorism Act 2000
- Application for a search warrant under POCA 2002
- Application for search warrant under s.15 and 16 Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984
- Application for search warrant under s.26 Theft Act 1968
- Application for search warrant under s.23 Misuse of Drugs Act 1971
Crime (International co-operation) Act 2003 application
Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 moratorium period
- Application for an extension to a moratorium period under POCA
- Notice of application for an extension to a moratorium period under POCA
Part 48 Contempt of court
Part 49 International co-operation
There are no forms for use with this Part.
Part 50 Extradition
Updates to this page
Added 'Application for an order to inspect and copy bank records' to Part 17 Witness summonses, warrants and orders.
Defendant’s notice to person with property interest form added.
Notice and application for a serious disruption prevention order added.
Application for access to a special measures video recording form added.
Application for a live link direction published.
Application for a 'McKenzie friend' (defendant’s assistant) form added.
Investigation warrants section updated.
First published.