
Culture and Heritage Capital: research and outputs

Current research and findings relating to the Culture and Heritage Capital programme.

Applies to England

You should use these CHC resources if you’re a:

  • government economist or analyst wanting to understand the impact of interventions which will affect culture and heritage

  • public sector organisation interested in understanding the scientific and economic evidence around culture and heritage

  • private practitioner interested in Culture and Heritage Capital evidence, tools, and resources used in government

These research reports should be used alongside Embedding a CHC Approach.

Visit the Culture and Heritage Capital portal to find out more about our work.

DCMS CHC evidence bank

The Culture and Heritage Capital programme conducts regular research. As new evidence becomes available, DCMS will continue to add to this evidence bank.

Culture and Heritage Capital Evidence Bank (ODS, 310 KB)

Technical research papers

This section is for economists, academics and researchers who would like to read in detail about current research outputs.

DCMS are keen to hear about other research that could contribute to the CHC Programme. If you have research you think would be relevant, please share this with us at

DCMS research

Culture and Heritage Capital: Monetising the impact of culture and heritage on health and wellbeing (PDF, 3.19 MB, 202 pages)

Research to understand and monetise the impact of engagement with culture and heritage on health and wellbeing. The study captures individual impacts, productivity impacts, and impacts on NHS and social care costs, using Green Book and DHSC recognised methods

Measuring the economic value of digital culture: a case study of the Art UK platform (PDF, 722 KB, 40 pages)

Co-authored with the Creative PEC, this research estimates the use and non-use value of digital galleries using contingent valuation, with ArtUK as the subject of the analysis.

Choice Modelling and Methodology Development: Marginal Willingness to Pay for Museum Improvements

Making use of choice modelling techniques to estimate the marginal change in value when improving museums, with the National Railway Museum (NRM) as the subject of analysis. The methods developed in this report will be used to develop further guidance to help organisations more effectively show the value of investment in museums and will also be applied to other types of culture and heritage.

Using Economic Valuation Techniques and Heritage Science to Measure the Welfare Impact of Conservation, Repair and Maintenance of Culture and Heritage Assets

Using a combined approach of valuation methodologies and heritage science to estimate the cultural, economic and social impact for interventions that halt the loss or deterioration of culture and heritage assets.

Rapid Evidence Assessment: Culture and Heritage Capital Valuation Studies

This Rapid Evidence Assessment (REA) provides an assessment of the current state of the literature valuing the services provided by culture and heritage assets. 

The report outlines:

  • the process used to collect and review the evidence

  • an overview of the methods used in the literature to value culture and heritage assets 

  • an assessment of the priority areas for future research

The Value of Maintaining Theatre Buildings - Discrete Choice (PDF, 3.44 MB, 70 pages)

An experimental research and development project to understand the welfare impact of maintenance on historic and non-historic theatres.

Arts Council England research

Measuring the Value of Museums and Galleries Digital Offers: an Exploratory use of Contingent Valuation Techniques

A research study measuring the value of the digital offer of galleries and museums using contingent valuation (CV) techniques. This study helps close evidence gaps in the valuation of digital culture, an area of future research for DCMS.

Regional galleries and theatres benefit transfer report

The research undertaken in this report provides monetary estimates of the benefits that art galleries and theatres provide to visitors and the local population in England. The approach used is consistent with HM Treasury Green Book, for use in Social Cost Benefit Analysis (SCBA).

Local Museums Benefit Transfer report

This research provides monetary estimates of the benefits that local museums provide to visitors and the local population in England. The approach used is consistent with HM Treasury Green Book, for use in Social Cost Benefit Analysis (SCBA).

Historic England research 

Culture and Heritage Capital and Wellbeing

Research examining the relationship between heritage density and life satisfaction.

Heritage and the Value of Place

This study develops a set of monetary values for the ‘everyday heritage’ sites that people use and experience in their local area, such as libraries and high streets. It does so using metrics and methods consistent with UK government HM Treasury Green Book guidance. 

Travel Cost Method Approach

Using the Travel Cost Method (TCM) to assess the economic and cultural value of historic attractions, comparing English Heritage booking data with mobile GPS data. The findings highlight the potential of using mobile data to value both ticketed and non-ticketed sites, offering a reliable and cost-effective tool to value cultural sites.

British Film Institute research

The Economic Value of Cinemas

This study examines the previously unmeasured social benefits created by cinemas for cinema users and communities.

Read a summary of ‘The Value of Cinemas’

The Value of Digital Archive Film History

A case study on the public value of Britain on Film which provides evidence on the benefits of online access to film heritage. 

Read a summary of ‘The Value of Digital Archive Film History’

Updates to this page

Published 17 December 2024
Last updated 25 March 2025 show all updates
  1. Added link to new Historic England research

  2. The report 'The Value of Maintaining Theatre Buildings- Discrete Choice' has been added to the page.

  3. First published.

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