
Data sharing and case management system (CMS): Homes for Ukraine

How to access and share sponsor and guest data on the CMS. Includes how accurate and regular updating is essential for funding.

Applies to England

In England, unitary and county councils will receive the necessary data from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) about sponsors and guests who have applied for visas (including the accommodation address).

Access to the CMS and data

The data is stored in the CMS and councils can apply for access by completing the MHCLG Digital Services application form.

District and county council users can access the CMS and see matched data for their respective areas. District councils will need to access this data to commence necessary checks on sponsors.

Data will also be passed to the devolved administrations (Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland).

MHCLG is exploring how to provide councils with live data on expected arrivals and will work with councils directly on this.

Required data and how it is used

The application form will ask for details on the location of the proposed accommodation for the guest so that details can be passed to councils and the devolved administrations.

These are the data transfer steps:

1. The sponsor and guest’s data are submitted to the Home Office via the visa application process

2. These data are shared with MHCLG and the relevant council via the CMS. It will include the sponsor’s contact details, address and the guest’s visa status

3. The visa application will then be processed by the Home Office.

4. Data are updated every day and council users must log into the CMS to see

The CMS will prompt council users to:

  • contact sponsors and guests
  • ensure accommodation is suitable
  • conduct safeguarding checks

Accurate and regular data updating is necessary for funding

Please note that it is a condition of the funding provided to councils that data is uploaded accurately and frequently to the CMS. For further detail, read Grant conditions for scheme funding.

MHCLG and the Home Office are data controllers for the scheme. More information can be found in the scheme’s privacy notice.

More information on council funding for the scheme is in payments and funding.

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Published 16 January 2023

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