DBS and Coronavirus (COVID-19): Frequently asked questions
A regularly updated list of answers to frequently asked questions related to DBS and coronavirus.
Applies to England and Wales
What measures has DBS put in place to support the fight against coronavirus?
A list of updates, including factsheets and updated guidelines can be found here.
Are applications for DBS checks being sped up during the coronavirus outbreak?
DBS is offering a temporary new service for certain roles such as nurses, midwives and social workers. When an application for an enhanced DBS check comes in and has been identified as an application for particular roles for COVID-19, we will do a check of both barred lists, within 24 hours.
The Department for Health and Social Care have advised users that if there is no match against the barred lists, the applicant can be recruited in advance of receiving the full DBS certificate.
Guidance for this new service can be found here.
What about applications that are already in progress?
Applications that are already in progress will follow the usual checking route.
How long do DBS checks last for?
DBS checks have no official expiry date. We suggest that if a check is older than three years, a decision should be made by the recruiting body based on the individual and the role they will be carrying out.
My enhanced DBS check has been stuck at Stage 4 for a number of weeks. Can this be sped up?
Currently, all timescales for an enhanced DBS check remain the same. A new service has been introduced for NHS and social care workers, here. If your check falls into this category, your employer will have advised if you are able to start work prior to the full certificate being issued. Your check will then be processed as usual.
If your role is not for a COVID-19-related NHS or social care role, the process for an enhanced DBS check remains the same.
Our published service standards show that 96% of enhanced DBS applications are completed within 42 days and this is still the case, with many applications taking significantly less time to process. If you have any application-specific questions or queries, we would advise getting in touch with our Customer Services department, via email at customerservices@dbs.gov.uk or via telephone at 03000 200 190.
Please note our Contact Centre hours are currently 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday and that due to an increased number of applications, we are experiencing a higher volume of calls than usual.
Do I still need to complete the ‘Position Applied For’ field on the application form fully, or do I just put ‘COVID19’?
The ‘Position Applied For’ field must contain all of the elements we usually request i.e. workforce and job role. It must now also state ‘COVID19’ if your check is eligible for the new fast-track service.
Can I use my fast-track DBS check to join the Update Service?
No, fast-track DBS checks must not be linked to the Update Service.