Debt adviser tools and information
This page provides a single entry point for tools and information for debt advisers.
Application portals
Access the breathing space service
Complain about an insolvency practitioner
Options for dealing with your debts
Insolvency Service forms for England and Wales
Find an insolvency practitioner
Search the individual insolvency register
General information pages
Access the breathing space service and guidance for money advisers
The Insolvency Service technical manual
The Insolvency Service official statistics
Options for paying off your debts
Debt relief orders: guidance for debt advisers
Guidance on personal debt, bankruptcy, company liquidation, investigation and enforcement
Insolvency Practitioner tools and information
Intermediary guidance notes (V.15): DRO2 guidance for Approved Intermediaries
Launch of the new Debt Relief Order service (DRO2): What you need to know
Online Debt Solutions (ODS). Guidance for debt advisers
Email alerts
The Insolvency Service maintains a number of email alert groups, including the topics: Insolvency professionals, news, press releases and stakeholder newsletters.