Digital presentations in court: guidance for professionals
Guides and videos for prosecutors and defence lawyers on using court technology to present evidence on screens in courtrooms.
Applies to England and Wales
The Evidence Presentation System (EPS) is replacing Clickshare. Visit our guidance for how to display evidence from your laptop on courtroom monitors using EPS.
You can use ClickShare equipment and software to present evidence in court such as CCTV footage, digital images, audio and video recordings, and maps.
For instance, you can use the system to show the court photos of injuries in sentencing and bail hearings.
Read the guides or watch the videos below to find out how to connect your laptop, mobile phone or other device to a screen to present evidence.
The guidance includes tips on using video links, DVDs and extended desktops.
Court presentations user guide
Updates to this page
Added call out note signposting to new system.
Deleted the video section as the videos were no longer working. Added link to new guidance for users experiencing difficulties using ClickShare software on MacBooks.
Updated attachment
Revised clickshare user guide uploaded.
First published.