Modern slavery
How to report worker exploitation, modern slavery and human trafficking and support for victims.
County Lines (National Crime Agency) – tackles drug trafficking and exploitation
Crimestoppers – report crimes anonymously
Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) – investigates reports of worker exploitation and human trafficking
Report Modern Slavery on GOV.UK – guidance on how to report modern slavery
Hope for Justice – support for victims of modern slavery
Human Trafficking Foundation – covid-19 related resources for potential victims of modern slavery
Just Good Work – free app with information on working abroad
Migrant Help – support for victims of human trafficking and can provide safe accommodation
Modern Slavery Act 2015 on GOV.UK – overview of the Modern Slavery Act 2015
Modern Slavery Helpline – support for victims of modern slavery including safehouse referrals
National Referral Mechanism – can only be made by First Responders. Dial 101 or 999 in an emergency
Refugee Action – supports refugees and combats human trafficking
St Giles Trust – supports severely disadvantaged people into work and know their rights
Salvation Army – provide a specialist modern slavery support programme
Stronger Together – provides guidance, training and support for employers and labour providers on modern slavery and human trafficking
Unseen – helpline and online reporting form for modern slavery cases
Unseen UK – provides an app for modern slavery victims, helpline and safehouse support
Report modern slavery - Avon and Somerset Police - Details of reporting modern slavery within the Avon and Somerset police area
Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership - Information, advice and support for Bristol residents about human trafficking and modern day slavery
Modern slavery and exploitation ( - Information for residents in Bristol about what modern slavery and exploitation is and what to do if you think it is happening
Modern slavery and exploitation information for professionals ( - Information about what Bristol City Council are doing to protect adults, children and the community. Further resources about modern slavery and exploitation
Modern slavery - South Gloucestershire Council - Information for residents in South Gloucestershire about what modern slavery is and what to do if you think it is happening
Modern slavery - Gloucestershire Constabulary - Details of reporting modern slavery within the Gloucestershire police area
Gloucestershire Anti Slavery Partnership - Gloucestershire County Council - Information for residents in Gloucestershire about what modern slavery is and what to do if you think it is happening
Bedford Borough Council-Child trafficking and modern slavery - Information about Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in Bedfordshire
Support for Crime Victims in Bedfordshire – see website for details
Gangs & Exploitation – Direction for Bedfordshire - see website for details
Report a concern about an adult - Hertfordshire County Council - A partnership working with organisations to make sure adults at risk are cared for somewhere free from abuse and harassment, in their daily lives
Hertfordshire Modern Slavery Partnership - Multi agency group to tackle human trafficking and modern slavery. Support for reporting modern slavery
Shiva Foundation - Working with Herts County Council to tackle Human Trafficking
Oxfordshire SCB - Oxfordshire Safeguarding Childrens board training courses
Victims First - Support for Victims of Crime in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire
Hestia – provides safehouses across London and Kent
Stop the Traffik – training and awareness to help spot the signs of modern slavery, including an app
Hestia – provides safehouses across London and Kent
Hestia – provides safehouses across London and Kent
Hestia – provides safehouses across London and Kent
Cheshire anti slavery network – provides a mechanism for agencies to collaborate with each other and the public across Cheshire to identify victims and prosecute those behind the trafficking and enslavement of others.
Lancashire Victim Services - Whether you are facing exploitation at the moment or the events happened in the past, we are here – to talk, to listen, for advice, for help.
Calderdale Council - Fighting Human Trafficking and all forms of exploitation
The Snowdrop Project - provides support to survivors of human trafficking
South Yorkshire Modern Slavery Partnership - multi-agency group to strengthen the area’s response to modern slavery
Sophie Hayes Foundation – offers support to survivors of human trafficking through employability coaching, skills development, and access to education
Changing Lives - offers support to women affected by sexual exploitation
County Lines (National Crime Agency) – tackles drug trafficking and exploitation
Crimestoppers – report crimes anonymously
Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) – investigates reports of worker exploitation and human trafficking
Report Modern Slavery on GOV.UK – guidance on how to report modern slavery
Hope for Justice – support for victims of modern slavery
Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Act 2015 – an overview of the act
Human Trafficking Foundation – covid-19 related resources for potential victims of modern slavery
Just Good Work – free app with information on working abroad
Migrant Help – support for victims of human trafficking and can provide safe accommodation
Modern Slavery Act 2015 on GOV.UK – overview of the Modern Slavery Act 2015
Modern Slavery Helpline – support for victims of modern slavery including safehouse referrals
National Referral Mechanism – can only be made by First Responders. Dial 101 or 999 in an emergency
Refugee Action – supports refugees and combats human trafficking
St Giles Trust – supports severely disadvantaged people into work and know their rights
Stronger Together – provides guidance, training and support for employers and labour providers on modern slavery and human trafficking
Trafficking Awareness Raising Alliance (TARA) – support service to identify and support women who may have been trafficked for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation
Unseen – helpline and online reporting form for modern slavery cases
Unseen UK – provides an app for modern slavery victims, helpline and safehouse support
Victims Choice – provides signposting support for anyone affected by a crime such as modern slavery or human trafficking in Scotland
Bawso – support for people affected by modern slavery and human trafficking
County Lines (National Crime Agency) – tackles drug trafficking and exploitation
Crimestoppers – report crimes anonymously
Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) – investigates reports of worker exploitation and human trafficking
Report Modern Slavery on GOV.UK – guidance on how to report modern slavery
Hope for Justice – support for victims of modern slavery
Human Trafficking Foundation – covid-19 related resources for potential victims of modern slavery
Just Good Work – free app with information on working abroad
Live Fear Free – provides information and support for anyone experiencing modern slavery
Modern Slavery Act 2015 on GOV.UK – overview of the Modern Slavery Act 2015
Modern Slavery Helpline – support for victims of modern slavery including safehouse referrals
Modern Slavery: how to get help on GOV.WALES – how to get help if you think you may be a victim
National Referral Mechanism – can only be made by First Responders. Dial 101 or 999 in an emergency
Refugee Action – supports refugees and combats human trafficking
Safer Wales – information for victims of domestic violence, rape, sexual abuse, exploitation and hate crime
St Giles Trust – supports severely disadvantaged people into work and know their rights
Salvation Army – provide a specialist modern slavery support programme
Stronger Together – provides guidance, training and support for employers and labour providers on modern slavery and human trafficking
Unseen – helpline and online reporting form for modern slavery cases
Unseen UK – provides an app for modern slavery victims, helpline and safehouse support
North Wales Safeguarding Board – information about Modern Slavery including the national helpline 0800 0121700
North Wales Police Modern Slavery Team – information and contact details to report a case of Modern Slavery
Safer Merthyr Tydfil – supporting people in Merthyr Tydfil to feel safer and more connected in the community