Modern slavery

How to report worker exploitation, modern slavery and human trafficking and support for victims.

England: national support

County Lines (National Crime Agency) – tackles drug trafficking and exploitation

Crimestoppers – report crimes anonymously

Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) – investigates reports of worker exploitation and human trafficking

Report Modern Slavery on GOV.UK – guidance on how to report modern slavery

Hope for Justice – support for victims of modern slavery

Human Trafficking Foundation – covid-19 related resources for potential victims of modern slavery

Just Good Work – free app with information on working abroad

Migrant Help – support for victims of human trafficking and can provide safe accommodation

Modern Slavery Act 2015 on GOV.UK – overview of the Modern Slavery Act 2015

Modern Slavery Helpline – support for victims of modern slavery including safehouse referrals

National Referral Mechanism – can only be made by First Responders. Dial 101 or 999 in an emergency

Refugee Action – supports refugees and combats human trafficking

St Giles Trust – supports severely disadvantaged people into work and know their rights

Salvation Army – provide a specialist modern slavery support programme

Stronger Together – provides guidance, training and support for employers and labour providers on modern slavery and human trafficking

Unseen – helpline and online reporting form for modern slavery cases

Unseen UK – provides an app for modern slavery victims, helpline and safehouse support

Avon, Somerset and Gloucestershire

Report modern slavery - Avon and Somerset Police - Details of reporting modern slavery within the Avon and Somerset police area

Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership - Information, advice and support for Bristol residents about human trafficking and modern day slavery

Modern slavery and exploitation ( - Information for residents in Bristol about what modern slavery and exploitation is and what to do if you think it is happening

Modern slavery and exploitation information for professionals ( - Information about what Bristol City Council are doing to protect adults, children and the community.  Further resources about modern slavery and exploitation

Modern slavery - South Gloucestershire Council - Information for residents in South Gloucestershire about what modern slavery is and what to do if you think it is happening

Modern slavery - Gloucestershire Constabulary - Details of reporting modern slavery within the Gloucestershire police area

Gloucestershire Anti Slavery Partnership - Gloucestershire County Council - Information for residents in Gloucestershire about what modern slavery is and what to do if you think it is happening

Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire

Bedford Borough Council-Child trafficking and modern slavery - Information about Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in Bedfordshire

Support for Crime Victims in Bedfordshire – see website for details

Gangs & Exploitation – Direction for Bedfordshire - see website for details

Report a concern about an adult - Hertfordshire County Council - A partnership working with organisations to make sure adults at risk are cared for somewhere free from abuse and harassment, in their daily lives

Hertfordshire Modern Slavery Partnership - Multi agency group to tackle human trafficking and modern slavery. Support for reporting modern slavery

Shiva Foundation - Working with Herts County Council to tackle Human Trafficking

Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire

Oxfordshire SCB - Oxfordshire Safeguarding Childrens board training courses

Victims First - Support for Victims of Crime in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire

East London

Hestia – provides safehouses across London and Kent

Essex support

Stop the Traffik – training and awareness to help spot the signs of modern slavery, including an app


Hestia – provides safehouses across London and Kent

North London

Hestia – provides safehouses across London and Kent

South London

Hestia – provides safehouses across London and Kent


Cheshire anti slavery network – provides a mechanism for agencies to collaborate with each other and the public across Cheshire to identify victims and prosecute those behind the trafficking and enslavement of others.

Cumbria and Lancashire

Lancashire Victim Services - Whether you are facing exploitation at the moment or the events happened in the past, we are here – to talk, to listen, for advice, for help.

West Yorkshire

Calderdale Council - Fighting Human Trafficking and all forms of exploitation

South Yorkshire

The Snowdrop Project - provides support to survivors of human trafficking

South Yorkshire Modern Slavery Partnership - multi-agency group to strengthen the area’s response to modern slavery

Birmingham and Solihull

Sophie Hayes Foundation – offers support to survivors of human trafficking through employability coaching, skills development, and access to education

Black Country

Changing Lives - offers support to women affected by sexual exploitation

Scotland: national support

County Lines (National Crime Agency) – tackles drug trafficking and exploitation

Crimestoppers – report crimes anonymously

Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) – investigates reports of worker exploitation and human trafficking

Report Modern Slavery on GOV.UK – guidance on how to report modern slavery

Hope for Justice – support for victims of modern slavery

Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Act 2015 – an overview of the act

Human Trafficking Foundation – covid-19 related resources for potential victims of modern slavery

Just Good Work – free app with information on working abroad

Migrant Help – support for victims of human trafficking and can provide safe accommodation

Modern Slavery Act 2015 on GOV.UK – overview of the Modern Slavery Act 2015

Modern Slavery Helpline – support for victims of modern slavery including safehouse referrals

National Referral Mechanism – can only be made by First Responders. Dial 101 or 999 in an emergency

Refugee Action – supports refugees and combats human trafficking

St Giles Trust – supports severely disadvantaged people into work and know their rights

Stronger Together – provides guidance, training and support for employers and labour providers on modern slavery and human trafficking

Trafficking Awareness Raising Alliance (TARA) – support service to identify and support women who may have been trafficked for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation

Unseen – helpline and online reporting form for modern slavery cases

Unseen UK – provides an app for modern slavery victims, helpline and safehouse support

Victims Choice – provides signposting support for anyone affected by a crime such as modern slavery or human trafficking in Scotland

Wales: national support

Bawso – support for people affected by modern slavery and human trafficking

County Lines (National Crime Agency) – tackles drug trafficking and exploitation

Crimestoppers – report crimes anonymously

Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) – investigates reports of worker exploitation and human trafficking

Report Modern Slavery on GOV.UK – guidance on how to report modern slavery

Hope for Justice – support for victims of modern slavery

Human Trafficking Foundation – covid-19 related resources for potential victims of modern slavery

Just Good Work – free app with information on working abroad

Live Fear Free – provides information and support for anyone experiencing modern slavery

Modern Slavery Act 2015 on GOV.UK – overview of the Modern Slavery Act 2015

Modern Slavery Helpline – support for victims of modern slavery including safehouse referrals

Modern Slavery: how to get help on GOV.WALES – how to get help if you think you may be a victim

National Referral Mechanism – can only be made by First Responders. Dial 101 or 999 in an emergency

Refugee Action – supports refugees and combats human trafficking

Safer Wales – information for victims of domestic violence, rape, sexual abuse, exploitation and hate crime

St Giles Trust – supports severely disadvantaged people into work and know their rights

Salvation Army – provide a specialist modern slavery support programme

Stronger Together – provides guidance, training and support for employers and labour providers on modern slavery and human trafficking

Unseen – helpline and online reporting form for modern slavery cases

Unseen UK – provides an app for modern slavery victims, helpline and safehouse support

North and Mid Wales

North Wales Safeguarding Board – information about Modern Slavery including the national helpline 0800 0121700

North Wales Police Modern Slavery Team – information and contact details to report a case of Modern Slavery

South East Wales

Safer Merthyr Tydfil – supporting people in Merthyr Tydfil to feel safer and more connected in the community