Dosimetry services
Information about Dstl’s dosimetry services and how to use them.
The Defence Science and Technology Laboratory’s (Dstl) dosimetry services measure and record radiation workers’ exposure to ionising radiation such as X-rays, gamma rays, beta particles and neutrons.
About the facilities
Dstl offers a dose assessment and dose record keeping service. We are one of the largest dosimetry providers in the UK and have a long service history spanning more than 50 years.
Our services are approved by the Health and Safety Executive under the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 and the Requirements for Approval of Dosimetry Services. We undertake approximately 60,000 dose assessments every year. All of our dosemeters are maintained to the highest quality standard and we undertake regular performance tests as a requirement of our approval.
Dstl’s dosimetry services are open to all employers that have classified or unclassified radiation workers. For all categories of radiation workers, Dstl’s dosimetry services can provide a range of different dosimetry options to carry out dose assessments and to open and maintain dose records for individuals.

What dosimetry options are offered at Dstl?
Whole Body Thermoluminescent Dosemeters: to assess whole body exposure to beta, gamma and x-radiations. These dosemeters are approved for routine, special accident and emergency dosimetry.
Combined Dosemeters: to assess whole body exposure to neutrons as well as beta, gamma and x-radiations.
Extremity Thermoluminescent Dosemeters: to assess beta, gamma and x-radiation doses to the hands.
Environmental Thermoluminescent Dosemeters: to undertake environmental monitoring of low-level environmental gamma and x-radiations. Can be used inside or outside, and have been tested in all weather conditions.
Personal Radon Dosemeters: to measure a person’s exposure to Radon gas in the workplace.
Environmental Radon Detectors: to measure the Radon gas concentration in workplaces and dwellings.
In vivo monitoring: whole body, lung and thyroid monitoring to assess intakes of radionuclides.
Co-ordination and record keeping: we store and maintain personal dosimetry records in accordance with the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017. We provide regular dose assessment results for returned dosimetry, as well as quarterly dose reports. Each individual person has a unique personnel dosimetry record and all information is kept securely in accordance with data protection regulations.

Whole body monitor
How will I receive dosemeters from Dstl?
Dosemeters will be sent out to customers using approved couriers. All dosimetry should be returned to us in the same way.

Extremity dosemeter
I would like to use the services. How do I proceed?
If you would like to use Dstl’s dosimetry services please contact us, giving details of the type and quantity of dosemeter you would like. We will pass your details to a dedicated project manager who will be in touch shortly.
If you are unsure of any technical aspects, Dstl has experts who can advise on all types of dosimetry.
Contact us for more information
Dstl Dosimetry Service
c/o Institute of Naval Medicine
Crescent Road
PO12 2DL
Telephone 01980 950004