Registration process

Information on how to register for an EORI.

There is a digital registration service at Get an EORI number: Apply for an EORI number - GOV.UK ( which takes 10 minutes to complete. You will receive your GB EORI immediately, or within 5 working days if extra checks are required. XI EORIs may take up to 5 working days. 

To get an XI EORI number a business must already have a GB EORI number.

Data required to get an EORI number

The digital registration service requires you to sign into Government Gateway (GG) or create a GG account. You may need to provide: 

  • the full name of the person or registered organisation name 

  • the address, including postcode, of residence or establishment 

  • what you want to apply as for example, sole trader, partnership, Charity or public body  

  • the VAT identification number 

  • Unique Tax Reference number (UTR) 

  • consent to disclosure of personal data 

  • start date of the EORI number

VAT registered companies are given a GB EORI and XI EORI, if required and that number will mirror their VAT number.


A business has VAT number 123 4567 89 their EORI will be GB123456789000. 

If a business is not VAT registered and has EORI number GB987654321000 and subsequently becomes VAT registered the previous EORI GB987654321000 will be cancelled and will need to be replaced with an EORI that reflects the new VAT number.

Likewise, if a business is VAT registered and has VAT number 123 0456 98 with corresponding EORI GB123045698000, then de-register from VAT, their EORI will be automatically cancelled at the same time, and they must apply for a new EORI that is not related to a VAT number. 

If you are not VAT registered your EORI will be automatically generated with a unique 12-digit number.

Invalidation and deletion of an EORI number

An EORI number shall be invalidated if:  

  • the registered person requests the invalidation  

  • HMRC becomes aware that the registered person no longer carries out any activities that require the number, for example if a company has ceased trading as a result of insolvency or an individual is bankrupt 

  • your VAT status changes

When an EORI is invalidated, HMRC will where appropriate contact the business or person with the invalidation date. In all these cases the invalidated number is kept on the EORI database for 10 years from the expiry date.

More information about invalidation can be found here Get an EORI number: Report a change or cancel an EORI number - GOV.UK (