
Eligible funding on land conditionally exempt from Inheritance Tax

Find out which SFI or CS Higher Tier management actions, or capital items are eligible to use on land that’s conditionally exempt from Inheritance Tax.

Applies to England

You may be eligible for Environmental Land Management (ELM) funding on land designated by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) as:

  • conditionally exempt from Inheritance Tax
  • the object of a maintenance fund

You cannot be funded for any activity that is a requirement of an Inheritance Tax agreement (known as ‘the undertakings’).

ELM funding includes:

  • Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI)
  • Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier (CSHT)
  • capital items

If you are a tenant, you will need to ask your landlord if the land you rent is conditionally exempt from Inheritance tax or the object of a maintenance fund.

Conditional exemption or maintenance fund undertaking

A conditional exemption or maintenance fund undertaking is a legal agreement between HMRC and the landowner – Read: ‘Tax relief for national heritage assets’ for more information.

Land with a conditional exemption or maintenance fund undertaking will require you to:

  • maintain the land
  • preserve its character
  • provide reasonable public access

You may be able use an ELM funding scheme to help with this.

Table 1 sets out which SFI actions, CSHT actions or capital items are:

  • are always eligible 
  • are eligible if the revenue base action is eligible
  • are eligible where the guidance for a specific action guidance confirms eligibility
  • are never eligible

Table 1: Eligibility of actions or capital items on land with Inheritance Tax exemptions 

SFI code CS HT code Capital code Description Eligibility on land with undertakings
AGF1 N/A N/A Action: Maintain very low density in-field agroforestry on less sensitive land Eligible except for specific features - read Table 2
AGF2 N/A N/A Maintain low density in-field agroforestry on less sensitive land Eligible except for specific features - read Table 2
AHW1 CAB16 N/A Bumblebird mix Always eligible
AHW2 CAB12 N/A Supplement: Supplementary winter bird food Always eligible
AHW3 N/A N/A Beetle banks Always eligible
AHW4 N/A N/A Skylark plots Always eligible
AHW5 CAB5 N/A Nesting plots for lapwing Always eligible
AHW6 CAB2 N/A Basic overwinter stubble Always eligible
AHW7 CAB6 N/A Enhanced overwinter stubble Always eligible
AHW8 CAB7 N/A Whole crop spring cereals and overwinter stubble Always eligible
AHW9 CAB10 N/A Unharvested cereal headland Always eligible
AHW10 CAB14 N/A Low input harvested cereal crop Always eligible
AHW11 CAB11 N/A Cultivated areas for arable plants Always eligible
AHW12 CWD3 N/A Manage woodland edges on arable land Always eligible
BFS1 N/A N/A 12m to 24m watercourse buffer strip on cultivated land Always eligible
BFS2 CWT2 N/A Buffer in-field ponds on arable land Always eligible
BFS3 CWT1 N/A Buffer in-field ponds on improved grassland Always eligible
BFS4 N/A N/A Protect in-field trees on arable land Always eligible
BFS5 N/A N/A Protect in-field trees on intensive grassland Always eligible
BFS6 N/A N/A 6m to 12m habitat strip next to waterbodies Always eligible
BND1 N/A N/A Maintain dry stone walls Never eligible
BND2 N/A N/A Maintain earth banks or stone-faced hedgebanks Never eligible
CAHL1 CAB19 N/A Pollen and nectar flower mix Always eligible
CAHL2 CAB17 N/A Winter bird food on arable and horticultural land Always eligible
CAHL3 N/A N/A Grassy field corners or blocks Always eligible
CAHL4 N/A N/A 4m to 12m grass buffer strip on arable and horticultural land Always eligible
CHRW1 N/A N/A Assess and record hedgerow condition Always eligible
CHRW2 CHR4 N/A Manage hedgerows Always eligible
CHRW3 N/A N/A Maintain or establish hedgerow trees Always eligible
CIGL2 N/A N/A Winter bird food on improved grassland Always eligible
CIGL3 N/A N/A 4m to 12m grass buffer strip on improved grassland Always eligible
CIPM1 N/A N/A Assess integrated pest management and produce a plan Always eligible
CIPM2 CAB18 N/A Flower-rich grass margins, blocks, or in-field strips Always eligible
CIPM3 N/A N/A Companion crop on arable and horticultural land Always eligible
CIPM4 N/A N/A No use of insecticide on arable crops and permanent crops Always eligible
CLIG1 N/A N/A Take grassland field corners or blocks out of management Always eligible
CLIG3 N/A N/A Manage grassland with very low nutrient inputs Eligible except for specific features - read Table 2
CMOR1 N/A N/A Assess moorland and produce a written record Always eligible
CNUM1 N/A N/A Assess nutrient management and produce a review report Always eligible
CNUM2 CGS25 N/A Legumes on improved grassland Always eligible
COH1 (Endorsed) CCT3 N/A Manage coastal saltmarsh Always eligible
COH2 (Endorsed) CCT6 N/A Supplement: Manage coastal vegetation Eligible if base action is eligible
COH3 (Endorsed) CCT8 N/A Manage and restore coastal sand dunes Always eligible
COH4 (Endorsed) CCT9 N/A Manage and restore coastal vegetated shingle Always eligible
CSAM1 N/A N/A Assess soil, produce a soil management plan and test soil organic matter Always eligible
CSAM2 N/A N/A Multi-species winter cover Always eligible
CSAM3 CGS4 N/A Herbal Leys Always eligible
GRH1 CUP2 N/A Manage rough grazing for birds Eligible except for specific features - read Table 2
GRH2  (Endorsed) CGS20 N/A Manage wet grassland for breeding waders Always eligible
GRH3 (Endorsed) CGS19 N/A Manage wet grassland for wintering waders and wildfowl Always eligible
GRH4 (Endorsed) CGS18 N/A Manage species - rich floodplain meadow Always eligible
GRH5 (Endorsed) CSP11 N/A Supplement: Manage scrapes and gutters Eligible if base action is eligible
GRH6 (Endorsed) CGS22 N/A Manage priority habitat species-rich grassland Eligible except for specific features - read Table 2
GRH7 CGS23 N/A Supplement: Haymaking - 30 June Eligible if base action is eligible
GRH8 CGS24 N/A Supplement: Haymaking (late cut) - 15 July Eligible if base action is eligible
GRH9 (Endorsed) CGS16 N/A Supplement: Rush control Eligible if base action is eligible
GRH10 CGS17 N/A Lenient grazing supplement Eligible if base action is eligible
GRH11 CSP6 N/A Supplement: Cattle grazing (non-moorland) Eligible if base action is eligible
HEF1 N/A N/A Maintain weatherproof traditional farm or forestry buildings Never eligible
HEF2 N/A N/A Maintain weatherproof traditional farm or forestry buildings in remote areas Never eligible
HEF3 (Endorsed) CHS2 N/A Take historic and archaeological features out of cultivation Never eligible
HEF4 (Endorsed) CHS3 N/A Reduce cultivation depths on historic and archaeological features Never eligible
HEF5 CHS4 N/A Control scrub on historic and archaeological features Never eligible
HEF6 CHS5 N/A Manage historic and archaeological features on grassland Never eligible
HEF7 (Endorsed) CHS9 N/A Restrict crop establishment depth on historic and archaeological features Never eligible
HEF8 CHS6 N/A Maintain designed or engineered waterbodies Never eligible
N/A CGS21 N/A Manage grassland for target habitats, species or features Always eligible
N/A CLH1 N/A Manage lowland heathland Always eligible
N/A CLH2   Restore lowland heathland Always eligible
N/A N/A SM1 Training to control and manage deer Always eligible
N/A N/A SM2 Training to control and manage American mink Always eligible
N/A N/A SM3 Training to control and manage non-native plants Always eligible
N/A N/A SM4 Traps for American mink Always eligible
N/A N/A SM5 Traps for edible dormouse Always eligible
N/A N/A SM6 Use monitoring equipment to manage invasive species Always eligible
N/A N/A TE17 Tree surgery for veteran trees Always eligible
N/A N/A TE18 Supplement: Pruning to restore fruit trees Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A CSP13 N/A Supplement: Invasive plant species control and management (lower rate) Always eligible
N/A CSP14 N/A Supplement: Invasive plant species control and management (medium rate) Always eligible
N/A CES6 N/A Supplement to Woodland improvement action: Maintain features for wildfire management (fire belts) Always eligible
N/A CGS26 N/A Manage grassland with very low inputs Eligible except for specific features - read Table 2
NUM3 N/A N/A Legume fallow Always eligible
OFA1 N/A N/A Overwinter stubble (organic land) Always eligible
OFA2 COP2 N/A Winter bird food (organic land) Always eligible
OFA3 COP3 N/A Supplement: Additional winter bird food (organic land) Always eligible
OFA4 N/A N/A Multi species ley Always eligible
OFA6 N/A N/A Undersown cereal crop (organic land) Always eligible
OFC1 N/A N/A Organic conversion – improved permanent grassland Always eligible
OFC2 N/A N/A Organic conversion – unimproved permanent grassland Always eligible
OFC3 N/A N/A Organic conversion - rotational land Always eligible
OFC4 N/A N/A Organic conversion - horticultural land Always eligible
OFC5 N/A N/A Organic conversion – top fruit Always eligible
OFM1 N/A N/A Organic land management – improved permanent grassland Always eligible
OFM2 N/A N/A Organic land management – unimproved permanent grassland Always eligible
OFM3 N/A N/A Organic land management - enclosed rough grazing Always eligible
OFM4 N/A N/A Organic land management - rotational land Always eligible
OFM5 N/A N/A Organic land management - horticultural land Always eligible
OFM6 N/A N/A Organic land management – top fruit Always eligible
ORH1 (Endorsed) CBE4 N/A Manage traditional orchards Never eligible
PRF1 N/A N/A Variable rate application of nutrients Always eligible
PRF2 N/A N/A Camera or remote sensor guided herbicide spraying Always eligible
PRF3 N/A N/A Non-mechanical robotic weeding Always eligible
PRF4 N/A N/A Mechanical robotic weeding Always eligible
SCR1 CWD7 N/A Manage scrub and open habitat mosaics Always eligible
SCR2 CWD8 N/A Create scrub and open habitat mosaics Always eligible
SOH1 N/A N/A No-till farming Always eligible
SOH2 N/A N/A Multi-species spring-sown cover crop Always eligible
SOH3 N/A N/A Multi-species summer-sown cover crop Always eligible
SOH4 N/A N/A Winter cover following maize crops Always eligible
SPM1 CSP9 N/A Supplement: Threatened species Always eligible
SPM2 CSP16 N/A Supplement: Keep native breeds on grazed habitats supplement (50-80%) Eligible if base action is eligible
SPM3 CSP17 N/A Supplement: Keep native breeds on grazed habitats supplement (more than 80%) Eligible if base action is eligible
SPM4 CSP18 N/A Supplement: Keep native breeds on extensively managed habitats supplement (50-80%) Eligible if base action is eligible
SPM5 CSP19 N/A Supplement: Keep native breeds on extensively managed habitats supplement (more than 80%) Eligible if base action is eligible
UPL1 CUP8 N/A Moderate livestock grazing on moorland (up to 0.16GLU) Always eligible
UPL10 CUP14 N/A Shepherding livestock on moorland (remove stock for at least 8 months) Eligible except for specific features - read Table 2
UPL2 CUP9 N/A Low livestock grazing on moorland (up to 0.08GLU) Always eligible
UPL3 CUP10 N/A Limited livestock grazing on moorland (up to 0.04GLU) Always eligible
UPL4 CUP15 N/A Supplement: Keep cattle and ponies on moorland - at least 30% Always eligible
UPL5 CUP16 N/A Supplement: Keep cattle and ponies on moorland- at least 70% Always eligible
UPL6 CUP17 N/A Supplement: Keep cattle and ponies on moorland - 100% Always eligible
UPL7 CUP11 N/A Shepherding livestock on moorland (no required stock removal period) Eligible except for specific features - read Table 2
UPL8 CUP12 N/A Shepherding livestock on moorland (remove stock for at least 4 months) Eligible except for specific features - read Table 2
UPL9 CUP13 N/A Shepherding livestock on moorland (remove stock for at least 6 months) Eligible except for specific features - read Table 2
WBD1 N/A N/A Manage ditches Always eligible
WBD2 N/A N/A Manage ponds Always eligible
WBD3 N/A N/A In-field grass strips Always eligible
WBD4  (Endorsed) CSW7 N/A Arable reversion to grassland with low fertiliser input Always eligible
WBD5 (Endorsed) CSW8 N/A Manage intensive grassland adjacent to a watercourse Always eligible
WBD6 N/A N/A Remove livestock from intensive grassland during the autumn and winter (outside SDAs) Always eligible
WBD7 N/A N/A Remove livestock from grassland during the autumn and winter (SDAs) Always eligible
WBD8 CSW13 N/A Manage grassland to reduce nutrient levels in groundwater Always eligible
WBD9  (Endorsed) CSW14 N/A Supplement: Nil fertiliser supplement Always eligible
WBD10 (Endorsed) CWT3 N/A Manage ditches of high environmental value Always eligible
WOD1 (Endorsed) CWD22 N/A Manage wood pasture and parkland Never eligible
WT7 & WT8 combination CWT14 N/A Create reedbed, fen or wetland mosaics Always eligible
N/A N/A PA4 Agroforestry plan Always eligible
N/A N/A PA5 Moorland mapping Always eligible
N/A N/A AC1 Access capital item Always eligible
N/A N/A AC2 Countryside educational visits accreditation Always eligible
N/A N/A AQ1 Automatic slurry scraper Always eligible
N/A N/A AQ2 Low ammonia emission flooring for livestock building Always eligible
N/A N/A BC3 Crop protection fencing mesh and wire for permanent crops Always eligible
N/A N/A BC4 Tree guard post and wire Always eligible
N/A N/A BC5 Expert dam management Always eligible
N/A CBE5 N/A Create traditional orchards Always eligible
N/A N/A BN1 Stone-faced bank repair Always eligible
N/A N/A BN10 Hedgerow supplement - top binding and staking Always eligible
N/A N/A BN11 Planting new hedges Always eligible
N/A N/A BN12 Stone wall restoration Always eligible
N/A N/A BN13 Top wiring - stone wall Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A N/A BN14 Stone wall supplement - stone from quarry Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A N/A BN15 Stone wall supplement - difficult sites Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A N/A BN2 Stone-faced bank restoration Always eligible
N/A N/A BN3 Earth bank creation Always eligible
N/A N/A BN4 Earth bank restoration Always eligible
N/A N/A BN5 Hedgerow laying Always eligible
N/A N/A BN6 Hedgerow coppicing Always eligible
N/A N/A BN7 Hedgerow gapping-up Always eligible
N/A N/A BN8 Hedgerow supplement - casting up Always eligible
N/A N/A BN9 Hedgerow supplement - substantial pre-work Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A CCT2 N/A Make space for new coastal habitat Always eligible
N/A CCT4 N/A Create intertidal and saline habitat on arable land Always eligible
N/A CCT5 N/A Create intertidal and saline habitat by non-intervention Always eligible
N/A CCT7 N/A Create intertidal and saline habitat on intensive grassland Always eligible
N/A N/A VED1 Educational access visits Always eligible
N/A N/A FG1 Fencing Always eligible
N/A N/A FG10 Temporary deer fencing Always eligible
N/A N/A FG11 Deer exclosure plot Always eligible
N/A N/A FG12 Wooden field gate Always eligible
N/A N/A FG13 Stone gate post Always eligible
N/A N/A FG14 Badger gate Always eligible
N/A N/A FG15 Water gates Always eligible
N/A N/A FG16 Deer pedestrian gate Always eligible
N/A N/A FG17 Deer vehicle gate Always eligible
N/A N/A FG2 Sheep netting Always eligible
N/A N/A FG3 Permanent electric fencing Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A N/A FG4 Rabbit fencing supplement Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A N/A FG5 Fencing supplement - difficult sites Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A N/A FG7 Anti-predator combination fencing Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A N/A FG8 Anti-predator temporary electric fencing Always eligible
N/A N/A FG9 Deer fencing Always eligible
N/A N/A FM1 Management of geodiversity features Always eligible
N/A N/A FM2 Carry out customised capital works to manage specific sites or species Always eligible
N/A N/A FY1 Deer high seat Always eligible
N/A N/A FY2 Woodland infrastructure Always eligible
N/A N/A FY3 Squirrel traps and maintenance Always eligible
N/A N/A FY8 Supplement for a freestanding deer high seat Always eligible
N/A N/A HE1 Historic and archaeological feature protection Always eligible
N/A N/A HE3 Removal of eyesore Always eligible
N/A CHS7 N/A Manage historic water meadows through traditional irrigation Never eligible
N/A CLH3 N/A Create lowland heathland Always eligible
N/A N/A LV1 Cattle grid Always eligible
N/A N/A LV2 Livestock handling facilities Always eligible
N/A N/A LV3 Hard bases for livestock drinkers Always eligible
N/A N/A LV4 Hard bases for livestock feeders Always eligible
N/A N/A LV5 Pasture pumps and associated pipework Always eligible
N/A N/A LV6 Ram pumps and associated pipework Always eligible
N/A N/A LV7 Livestock troughs Always eligible
N/A N/A LV8 Pipework associated with livestock troughs Always eligible
N/A N/A AC3 Install and maintain signage Always eligible
N/A N/A AF1 Plant an agro-forestry woodland tree Always eligible
N/A N/A AF2 Plant an agro-forestry fruit tree Always eligible
N/A N/A AF3 Supplement: Species diversity bonus Always eligible
N/A N/A BN16 Repair stone walls Always eligible
N/A N/A FY4 Create 2-zone rides in woodland Always eligible
N/A N/A FY5 Create 3-zone rides in woodland Always eligible
N/A N/A FY6 Restore coppicing in woodland Always eligible
N/A N/A FY7 Assessing woodland condition Always eligible
N/A N/A GR1 Create or restore grassland habitat Always eligible
N/A N/A GR2 Standard seed mix for grassland habitat Always eligible
N/A N/A GR3 Floristically enhanced seed mix for grassland habitat Always eligible
N/A N/A PA7 Species management plan Always eligible
N/A N/A TE15 Plant groups of trees in large guards Always eligible
N/A N/A TE16 Use tree surgery to hinge a tree or limb into a watercourse Always eligible
N/A N/A WF1 Create a wildfire checklist Always eligible
N/A N/A WN11 Install temporary water storage features Always eligible
N/A   WN12 Create or restore ponds Always eligible
N/A CWS5 N/A Supplement to Woodland improvement action: Improve woodland resilience Always eligible
N/A CWS7 N/A Supplement to Woodland improvement action: Manage historic features in woodlands Eligible except for specific features - read Table 2
N/A CWS8 N/A Supplement to Woodland improvement action: Manage native woodland including ancient semi-natural woodlands (ASNW) Always eligible
N/A CWS9 N/A Supplement to Woodland improvement action: Manage woodlands for flood and drought mitigation Always eligible
N/A CWS10 N/A Supplement to Woodland improvement action: 2-zone rides Always eligible
N/A CWS11 N/A Supplement to Woodland improvement action: 3-zone rides Always eligible
N/A CAGF1 N/A Maintain high density in-field agroforestry Always eligible
N/A CAGF2 N/A Maintain low density in-field agroforestry on more sensitive land Always eligible
N/A CAGF3 N/A Maintain medium density in-field agroforestry Always eligible
N/A CAGF4 N/A Maintain very low density in-field agroforestry on more sensitive land Always eligible
N/A CSW21 N/A 6m to 24m 3-dimensional (3D) waterbody buffer strip Always eligible
N/A CSW22 N/A Connect river and floodplain habitats Always eligible
N/A CSW23 N/A Manage features on arable land for flood and drought resilience and water quality Always eligible
N/A CSW24 N/A Manage grassland for flood and drought resilience Always eligible
N/A CSW25 N/A Manage riparian and water edge habitats Always eligible
N/A CSW26 N/A Supplement: Enhanced floodplain storage Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A CCT10 N/A Manage and restore maritime cliffs and slopes Always eligible
N/A CUP7 N/A Supplement: Manage non-peat moorland soils for flood and drought resilience Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A CUP18 N/A Supplement: Maintain features for wildfire management (fire and fuel breaks) Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A CSW19 N/A Raise water levels in cropped or arable peat soils (31-50cm) Always eligible
N/A CSW20 N/A Raise water levels in permanent grassland peat soils (31-50cm) Always eligible
N/A CSP12 N/A Supplement: Rhododendron control and management Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A CSP20 N/A Edible dormouse control and management Always eligible
N/A CSP21 N/A Mink control and management Always eligible
N/A CPAC1 N/A Open access Always eligible
N/A CPAC2 N/A Access for people with reduced mobility Always eligible
N/A CPAC3 N/A Bridleway or cycle path access Always eligible
N/A CPAC4 N/A Footpath access Always eligible
N/A CPAC5 N/A Upgrading Countryside and Right of way for cyclists and horse riders Always eligible
N/A CPAC6 N/A Upgrading Countryside and Rights of Way for people with reduced mobility Always eligible
N/A CCT9   Manage and restore vegetated shingle Always eligible
N/A N/A PA1 Implementation plan Always eligible
N/A N/A PA2 Feasibility study Always eligible
N/A N/A PA3 Woodland management plan Always eligible
N/A N/A RP1 Resurfacing of gateways Always eligible
N/A N/A RP2 Gateway relocation Always eligible
N/A N/A RP3 Watercourse crossings Always eligible
N/A N/A RP4 Livestock and machinery hardcore tracks Always eligible
N/A N/A RP5 Cross drains Always eligible
N/A N/A RP6 Installation of piped culverts in ditches Always eligible
N/A N/A RP7 Sediment ponds and traps Always eligible
N/A N/A RP8 Constructed wetlands for the treatment of pollution Always eligible
N/A N/A RP9 Earth banks and soil bunds Always eligible
N/A N/A RP10 Silt filtration dams or seepage barriers Always eligible
N/A N/A RP11 Swales Always eligible
N/A N/A RP12 Check dams Always eligible
N/A N/A RP13 Yard - underground drainage pipework Always eligible
N/A N/A RP14 Yard inspection pit Always eligible
N/A N/A RP15 Concrete yard renewal Always eligible
N/A N/A RP16 Rainwater goods Always eligible
N/A N/A RP17 Storage tanks underground Always eligible
N/A N/A RP18 Above ground tanks Always eligible
N/A N/A RP19 First flush rainwater diverters and downpipe filters Always eligible
N/A N/A RP20 Relocation of sheep dips and pens Always eligible
N/A N/A RP21 Relocation of sheep pens only Always eligible
N/A N/A RP22 Sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps Always eligible
N/A N/A RP23 Installation of livestock drinking troughs (in draining pens for freshly dipped sheep) Always eligible
N/A N/A RP24 Lined biobed plus pesticide loading and washdown area Always eligible
N/A N/A RP25 Lined biobed with existing washdown area Always eligible
N/A N/A RP26 Biofilters Always eligible
N/A N/A RP27 Sprayer or applicator load and washdown area Always eligible
N/A N/A RP28 Roofng (sprayer washdown area, manure storage area, livestock gathering area, slurry stores, silage stores) Always eligible
N/A N/A RP29 Self-supporting covers for slurry stores and anaerobic digestate stores Always eligible
N/A N/A RP30 Floating covers for slurry stores and anaerobic digestate stores lagoons Always eligible
N/A N/A RP31 Equipment to disrupt tramlines in arable areas Always eligible
N/A N/A RP32 Small leaky woody dams Always eligible
N/A N/A RP33 Large leaky woody dams Always eligible
N/A N/A SB1 Scrub control and felling diseased trees Always eligible
N/A N/A SB2 Scrub control on difficult sites Always eligible
N/A N/A SB3 Tree removal Always eligible
N/A N/A SB4 Chemical bracken control Always eligible
N/A N/A SB5 Mechanical bracken control Always eligible
N/A N/A SB6 Rhododendron control Always eligible
N/A CSP1 N/A Supplement: Difficult sites Always eligible
N/A CSP2 N/A Supplement: Rewetting Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A CSP3 N/A Supplement: Bracken control Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A CSP5 N/A Supplement: Shepherding (non-moorland) Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A CSP7 N/A Supplement: Introduction of cattle grazing on the Isles of Scilly Always eligible
N/A CSP10 N/A Supplement: Administration of group managed agreements Always eligible
N/A CSP15 N/A Supplement Invasive plant species control and management (upper rate) Always eligible
N/A CSW12 N/A Make room for the river to move Always eligible
N/A CSW15 N/A Flood mitigation on arable reversion to grassland Always eligible
N/A CSW16 N/A Flood mitigation on permanent grassland Always eligible
N/A CSW17 N/A Raise water levels in cropped or arable peat soils to near the land surface (10-30cm) Always eligible
N/A CSW18 N/A Raise water levels in permanent grassland peat soils to near the land surface (10-30cm) Always eligible
N/A   TE1 Planting standard hedgerow tree Always eligible
N/A N/A TE2 Planting standard parkland tree Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A N/A TE3 Planting fruit trees Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A N/A TE4 Supply and plant tree Always eligible
N/A N/A TE5 Supplement for use of individual tree-shelters Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A N/A TE6 Tree guard (tube and mesh) Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A N/A TE7 Tree guard (wood post and rail) Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A N/A TE8 Tree guard (wood post and wire) Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A N/A TE9 Parkland tree guard - welded steel Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A N/A TE10 Coppicing bankside trees Always eligible
N/A N/A TE11 Tree surgery Always eligible
N/A N/A TE12 Stump grinding Always eligible
N/A N/A TE13 Creation of dead wood habitat on trees Always eligible
N/A N/A TE14 Identification of orchard fruit tree varieties Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A CUP3   General Moorland Management Always eligible
N/A N/A WB1 Small wildlife box Always eligible
N/A N/A WB2 Medium wildlife box Always eligible
N/A N/A WB3 Large wildlife box Always eligible
N/A CWD1 N/A Woodland creation maintenance Always eligible
N/A CWD21 N/A Restore wood pasture and parkland Always eligible
N/A CWD20 N/A Create wood pasture Always eligible
N/A CWD2 N/A Woodland improvement Always eligible
N/A CWD21 N/A Restore wood pasture and parkland Always eligible
N/A CWD20 N/A Create wood pasture Always eligible
N/A N/A WN1 Grip blocking drainage channels Always eligible
N/A N/A WN2 Creation of scrapes and gutters Always eligible
N/A N/A WN3 Ditch, dyke and rhine restoration Always eligible
N/A N/A WN4 Ditch, dyke and rhine creation Always eligible
N/A N/A WN7 Restoration of large water bodies Always eligible
N/A N/A WN8 Timber sluice Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A N/A WN9 Brick, stone or concrete sluice Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A N/A WN10 Construction of water penning structures Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A N/A WN13 Supplement: Manage wetland cutting Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A CWS1 N/A Supplement: Deer control and management Always eligible
N/A CWS2 N/A Supplement to Woodland improvement action: Manage and restore Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS) Always eligible
N/A CWS3 N/A Grey squirrel control and management Always eligible
N/A CWT10 N/A Manage lowland raised bog Always eligible
N/A CWT12 N/A Supplement: Wetland grazing Eligible if base action is eligible
N/A CWT15 N/A Manage ponds and bodies of water up to 2ha Always eligible
N/A CWT16 N/A Manage lake and bodies of water greater than 2ha Always eligible
N/A CWT13 N/A Manage and restore reedbed, fen and wetland mosaics Always eligible
N/A CWT14 N/A Create reedbed, fen or wetland mosaics Always eligible

Table 2: Additional eligibility guidance on certain actions

Action code Additional eligibility
Eligible unless this a traditional orchard that has to be maintained
Eligible where there are no historic or archaeological features or SSSI land or:
- there are historic or archaeological features, but scrub encroachment is unlikely to affect the feature
- there are historic or archaeological features, but the action can be applied part-parcel to exclude the features
- if the land is SSSI, unless there are restrictions on nutrient input and weed control, necessary to maintain the outstanding interest
Eligible unless there any historic or archaeological features which need protecting from livestock. If this is the case, these actions are not eligible, unless they are applied to part-parcels to exclude the features.

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Published 11 December 2024

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