Employing someone from outside the UK
Guidance for employers on employing someone outside the UK.
You’ll usually need a sponsor licence to employ someone to work for you from outside the UK.
This page covers:
- what you should check before applying for a sponsor licence
- how to apply for a licence
- what happens after you apply
- where to get help and advice
Check if you need a sponsor licence
You’ll usually need a sponsor licence to employ someone to work for you from outside the UK.
You will not need a licence to sponsor certain groups, for example:
- Irish citizens
- those with settled or pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme
- those with indefinite leave to remain in the UK
Read the guidance on who needs to be sponsored to see if you need a sponsor licence.
Read case study 1.1, and case study 1.2.
Type of licence
The licence you need depends on whether the workers you want to fill your jobs are:
- ‘Workers’ - for skilled or long-term employment
- ‘Temporary workers’ - for specific types of temporary employment
Whether you need a licence will also depend on whether the job that you want to fill meets certain criteria.
Check what type of licence you need to apply for.
Job suitability
You can sponsor a worker if the job they’re going to do has a suitable rate of pay and skill level, or meets the other criteria needed for their visa.
Read more about job suitability.
Business eligibility
To get a licence as an employer, your business must be eligible. This means you must be able to provide supporting documents to show you are genuine and have an operating or trading presence in the UK.
You will also be assessed to ensure you are suitable to be a sponsor. For example, this means you cannot have:
unspent criminal convictions for immigration offences or certain other crimes, such as fraud or money laundering
an unpaid or a recent civil penalty for employing illegal workers or certain other offences
had a sponsor licence revoked in the last 12 months
You’ll need appropriate systems in place to monitor sponsored employees and people to manage sponsorship in your business.
UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) will review your application form and supporting documents. They may visit your business to make sure you’re trustworthy and capable of carrying out your duties.
Read more about business eligibility.
How much it costs
Sponsor licence fee
You will need to pay a fee when you apply for a sponsor licence. The fee depends on:
- the type of licence you’re applying for
- what type of organisation you are
- whether you apply for a faster decision on your application
Check how much it costs to apply for a sponsor licence.
You will need to the pay the licence fee again if you renew your licence after 4 years.
Certificate of sponsorship fee
You must assign a certificate of sponsorship (CoS) to each foreign worker you employ. You will normally need to pay a CoS fee.
Check how much you need to pay for a CoS.
You will need to pay the CoS fee again if you assign a further CoS to extend the worker’s employment with you.
Immigration skills charge
You might have to pay an additional charge when you assign a certificate of sponsorship to someone applying for a Skilled Worker or Senior or Specialist Worker (Global Business Mobility) visa. This is called the ‘immigration skills charge’.
You must normally pay the immigration skills charge if they’re applying for a visa from:
- outside the UK to work in the UK for 6 months or more
- inside the UK for any length of time
Read more about the immigration skills charge.
Costs for the sponsored worker
The sponsored worker will need to pay for their visa application. How much this is depends on which visa they’re applying for. For example, see information on costs for the Skilled Worker visa.
Sponsored workers can pay to get a faster decision on their visa application.
They may also have to pay a healthcare surcharge (called the ‘immigration health surcharge’ or IHS) as part of their immigration application.
How long it takes
Sponsor licence application
It should take you 20 to 30 minutes to complete the application form for your sponsor licence application if you have all the necessary information with you before starting.
Getting a decision on your sponsorship licence application
See the current estimated times for getting a decision on a sponsor licence application.
Visa application times
You may also want to consider how long it takes for your worker to get a decision on their visa. How long this takes depends on the visa they are applying for. For example, here is information on how long it takes to get a decision on a Skilled Worker visa.
Sponsored workers may be able to pay to get a faster decision.
Apply for a sponsor licence
Before applying for your licence, make sure you’ve checked:
Once you’ve considered the sections above, you can apply online for a sponsor licence.
During the application process you will be asked for:
- the route(s) that you are applying in
- details of your organisation including size, sector and registration details
- how many ‘Undefined’ CoS you will need in the first year of your licence for each route that you are applying for
- details of the people you appoint to manage your sponsor licence including full name, date of birth and work address
If you are applying in the Skilled Worker or Minister of Religion route and you employ 50 or fewer people you will also be asked for more information about your company, including current vacancies, a hierarchy chart and a list of your current employees.
After you’ve finished the online application, you need to send in:
- the submission sheet at the end of the application
- your supporting documents
Read more about how to apply for a sponsor licence.
Details missing from your application
If any mandatory items are missing or incorrect, your application will be invalid. We reject invalid applications, return them to you without further consideration, and refund the application fee. If you still wish to apply for a licence, you will need to make a new application and pay the fee.
If there are any other documents or information we need, we will contact you by email.
Read more about what happens if some details are missing from your application.
Getting a decision on your sponsor licence
If your application is refused
You may be able to:
- ask us to review the decision through the ‘Error correction request’ process, if you believe there has been a simple caseworking error
- apply again – but only after the appropriate ‘cooling-off period’, if applicable, has ended
Read more about what happens if your application is refused.
If your application is approved
We will tell you in our decision letter:
- the maximum number of undefined certificates of sponsorship (CoS) you will be allowed to assign
- your sponsor licence number (SLN) – this is unique to you and you must quote it in all communications with us
- the user identification number for your Level 1 User
Read more about what happens if your application is approved.
Sponsorship management system
Once licensed, you will be given access to the sponsorship management system (SMS). This online function allows you to carry out day-to-day activities and report any changes to us, such as a change of address. You will also use it to:
- manage or renew your organisation’s licence or services
- create and assign certificates of sponsorship (CoS) to workers you wish to sponsor
- apply for defined CoS for Skilled Workers
- report changes of circumstances of your sponsored workers, including withdrawal of sponsorship
- add new users
Read more about using the SMS generally.
For technical information about managing your sponsorship licence using the SMS, including adding new users, see the SMS guide.
Certificates of sponsorship
Assign a certificate of sponsorship (CoS)
You must assign a valid certificate of sponsorship (CoS) to the worker so they can make a successful immigration application.
A CoS is not a paper certificate or document, but a database record which confirms details of the worker you intend to sponsor and the job they will do. You assign one using your sponsorship management system (SMS) account. This involves working through a short online form where you give us the relevant information. All of the information you enter will be stored and can be viewed by us.
Read more about certificates of sponsorship, and how to assign a CoS.
Assign the correct type of CoS
You must make sure you assign the correct CoS type.
There are 2 types of CoS:
- ‘Defined’ CoS: these are for Skilled Workers applying for entry clearance (a visa) from outside the UK
- ‘Undefined’ CoS – these are:
- CoS assigned to Skilled Workers applying for permission to stay from within the UK
- CoS assigned to workers on all other routes, whether applying for entry clearance, permission to enter or permission to stay
You cannot have an annual allocation of defined CoS – you must apply for one, using a separate process, each time you need one. You must assign undefined CoS from your annual allocation.
If you are sponsoring Skilled Workers, you must ensure you understand the difference between defined and undefined CoS and assign the correct type. You must not assign:
- a defined CoS for a job other than the one described in the application for that CoS
- an undefined CoS where a defined one is required
If you do, we may revoke your licence.
Reporting duties
Reporting information about your sponsored worker
Your responsibility for each worker you sponsor starts on the day you assign a CoS to them.
You must report certain information or events about your sponsored worker to us using the SMS. This includes if:
- a sponsored worker doesn’t start the role for which they’re being sponsored
- a sponsored worker is absent from work for more than 10 consecutive working days
- if there are any significant changes in the sponsored worker’s employment
Read more about reporting information about your sponsored worker.
Reporting changes in your organisation’s circumstances
You must tell us of any changes to your details. You can report most changes via the sponsorship management system (SMS). In limited cases, you will need to complete a ‘sponsor change of circumstances form’ instead.
Read more about how to report changes in your organisation’s circumstances.
Help and further information
Sponsorship, employer and education helpline
You can get advice from the sponsorship, employer and education helpline:
Sponsorship, employer and education helpline
Telephone: 0300 123 4699
Monday to Thursday, 11am to 3pm
You can also join the premium customer service scheme to get extra support from a licence manager - this costs at least £8,000 a year.
Sponsorship policy guidance
For full up-to-date sponsorship policy guidance, see the sponsorship guidance collection page.