Apply to pay less duty on goods you import for specific uses
Check if you can apply for authorised use to reduce your payments when you import goods for a specific use. This can include repairs, maintenance or processing.
You can get relief on certain goods you import from outside the UK if they’re used for specific purposes. This can include repairs, maintenance or processing.
Find out about the goods you can get relief on when importing from outside the UK.
Who can apply
To apply for authorised use, you’ll need to:
- be established in the UK
- have an EORI number
If you’re not established in the UK:
- we’ll consider an application to use authorised use for non-commercial imports
- you’ll need to be fully authorised and be processing the goods or arranging for them to be processed for you
You must also:
- be financially solvent
- have a good history of compliance with customs requirements
- have (or be able to keep) appropriate records
Before you apply
Before you start the application process, you’ll need to:
You’ll also need to gather this information before you apply:
- your goods’ commodity code — look up commodity codes, duty and VAT rates
- what you’ll do with the goods
- where you’ll carry out processing
- what goods will be put to authorised use
- how long it will take you to process the goods you import
- the average rate of yield for each process you carry out
- how many products you’ll make from goods you import
You’ll need to work out the amount of goods you want to import over the period of your authorisation.
You’ll need details of:
- where your records are and what records you keep
- where you plan to enter and put the goods to authorised use
- others who will be involved in the processing
How to apply
There are 4 types of authorisation you can get for authorised use:
- full authorisation
- authorisation by declaration
- retrospective authorisation — this is full authorisation where you request the start date to be before the date of application
- authorisation covering Northern Ireland and the EU
Full authorisation
Full authorisation allows you to use:
- authorised use regularly
- authorised use if you import non-commercial goods and you’re not established in the UK
- a simplified declaration to import or export your goods
You’ll need to sign in to use this service. If you do not already have sign in details, you can create them when you first apply.
You should apply at least one month before you start importing. We’ll need this time to process your application. If we need longer, we’ll contact you with a new date.
You may need to provide a guarantee to cover amounts of duty and VAT that will be suspended.
If you cannot do this online, you can use the print and post form for full authorisation.
If you’re applying for authorisation in Northern Ireland and Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) you’ll need to fill in a separate application for each.
Authorisation by declaration
When we accept your import declaration at the border, this gives you your authorisation.
You can use this type of authorisation up to 3 times in a rolling year for goods valued up to £500,000 for each import.
You must be the person who puts the goods to authorised use. You cannot sub-contract to someone to do it on your behalf.
You will usually need to provide security for Customs Duty and import VAT. When the procedure is discharged, the security will be refunded minus any charges due.
You cannot use authorisation by declaration if:
- you’re using simplified declarations for imports
- it’s for a retrospective or backdated authorisation
- your goods are subject to anti-dumping duty
- you’re using equivalence — when you use free circulation goods in special customs procedures
Retrospective authorisation
You can ask for an authorisation after you’ve imported your goods, even if you’ve already put them to use or exported them. We’ll only authorise you in exceptional circumstances and where we’ve not given you a retrospective authorisation in the previous 3 years, and you have met the conditions for authorised use.
You’ll need to send us:
- evidence of why you need this type of authorisation
- a list of imports you want to include in the retrospective period
- records that show the goods are eligible and you have a business need
- records that show you have followed the authorised use procedure properly
If we grant this authorisation, you’ll have to amend your import declaration and update your records.
You’ll need to sign in to use this service. If you do not already have sign in details, you can create them when you first apply.
Apply online for full authorisation.
If you cannot do this online, you can use the print and post form for full authorisation.
Authorisation covering Northern Ireland and the EU
In Northern Ireland, authorised use is referred to as end use.
You can apply for this if you are established in Northern Ireland and your authorised use activities involve premises in Northern Ireland and the EU.
You need to request access to the application system by emailing with your:
- name
- contact email address
- address of your Northern Ireland operation
- EORI number starting XI
We’ll reply within 5 days and provide a link to the EU Customs Trader Portal where you can access the application form.
After you apply
We may need to contact you after you apply. This could be to request additional information or to organise a site visit.
If any of your contact details change (for example, your address or telephone number) you must let us know by email or by writing to the address on the acknowledgement letter we sent you.
We may delay or refuse your application if you do not provide all the information we need to complete it.
After we’ve considered your application, we’ll send you a letter telling you if we’ve approved your application or not. If you do not get approval, the letter explains the reasons why and tells you about the review and appeals procedure.
If you get approval, the letter sets out the authorisation conditions.
Conditions include things like:
- paying Customs Duty and other charges
- keeping detailed records
Find out more about declaring your goods to authorised use or completing authorised use.
How to cancel or amend your authorisation
You can cancel or amend your authorisation by writing to us. You should also tell us if there has been a change to your business which may affect your authorisation such as:
- changing your trading name or your trading address
- if the owner of the business changes
Other ways to pay less duty or import VAT
Find out more information about other ways to:
- reduce the amount of Customs Duty or import VAT you need to pay
- delay the Customs Duty or import VAT so you do not pay it when goods arrive in the EU
Updates to this page
‘Your goods’ commodity code’ has been added to the list of information you need before you apply. Information about providing a guarantee or security to cover duty and VAT has been added.
Information about what to do if your contact details change after you've applied has been added.
Information about not being able to make import declarations on the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system from 1 October 2022 has been added.
This page has been updated because the Brexit transition period has ended.
This page has been updated with information about multi state authorisations in Northern Ireland from 1 January 2021.
An online form has been added.
First published.