
English Housing Survey live tables change note

This change note provide information on changes to the English Housing Survey live tables following a review in spring 2024.

Applies to England


This change notice advises users of changes to the English Housing Survey (EHS) live tables following a review to ensure the tables remain relevant and accessible. These changes will take effect from 18 July 2024.

The English Housing Survey (EHS) is a continuous national survey of people’s housing circumstances and condition and energy efficiency of housing in England, and is one of the longest running government surveys, first run in 1967. As such there is wealth of information, spanning many years. The aim of the EHS live tables is to provide this information in a consistent format in an easily accessible format to inform policy decisions on housing.

The EHS is badged as Accredited Official Statistics and as such follows the Code of Practice for Statistics, where statistics producers commit to ongoing development of statistics and data exploring innovations and reviewing whether to continue, discontinue, adapt or provide statistics through other means with users and other stakeholders.

The review

In the spring 2024, MHCLG held user engagement workshops looking at how we publish our EHS statistical releases and live tables, with the proposal that we move towards a more thematic approach for statistical reports and a consistent time series approach for live tables. This would allow us to be more ambitious with our reports, using our live tables to provide the business as usual data required every year and producing a more automated approach to the production of the tables.

We engaged with users both within and outside of the department to identify what we could do to improve the tables. We found that many tables would benefit from more detailed breakdowns and others could be combined to provide the data in one place. Some tables were found to be no longer relevant to current policy thinking, and as a result it was decided to discontinue these tables to make room for more relevant, new tables, bringing together a more up to date collection of data that could be used to inform policy decisions.

In addition to this, to improve navigability of the webpage, we have made small changes to the titles of the contents page for the tables to make it clearer what table are covered in each subsection.

What this means for users of the EHS live tables

Below is a summary of the results of the review, with the number of tables affected by improvements or discontinuation and those unaffected. In response to user feedback we have also created 4 new tables. The full results of the review can be found in Annex A.

Total number of live tables Number of tables unaffected Number of tables improved Number of new tables Number of tables discontinued
127 54 34 4 39

New tables

In response to user feedback MHCLG have created 4 new tables to present new data being collected on the EHS that will help with future policy development. These include:

  • FT2232: Demographic and economic characteristics of owner occupier leaseholders and freeholders
  • FT2233: Average annual ground rent and service charges for leaseholders
  • DA8101: Electric vehicle (EV) charge points - dwellings
  • DA8102: Electric vehicle (EV) charge points - households

Discontinued tables

To make way for new more relevant tables and reduce the burden on resource, table considered to be of less relevance were discontinued. However, should a user need a table, they can contact the team and ask for the relevant information at

Annex A: List of live tables and review results

Table number Title Outcome of review
DA2101 Secondary amenities - dwellings discontinue
DA2102 Secondary amenities - areas discontinue
DA2103 Secondary amenities - households discontinue
DA2201 Parking and mains gas - dwellings keep
DA2202 Parking and mains gas - areas keep
DA2203 Parking and mains gas - households keep
DA2301 Security and fire safety - dwellings keep – move into dwelling condition and safety section
DA2302 Security and fire safety-areas keep – move into dwelling condition and safety section
DA2303 Security and fire safety- households keep – move into dwelling condition and safety section
DA6101 Heating - dwellings keep
DA6102 Heating - areas keep
DA6103 Heating - households keep
DA6201 Insulation - dwellings keep
DA6202 Insulation - areas keep
DA6203 Insulation - households keep
DA7101 Energy performance - dwellings new columns with percentage of A/B/C and E/F/G added
DA7102 Energy performance - areas new columns with percentage of A/B/C and E/F/G added
DA7103 Energy performance - households new columns with percentage of A/B/C and E/F/G added
DA7104 Energy performance - heating and insulation characteristics of dwellings new columns with percentage of A/B/C and E/F/G added
DA3201 Decent homes - dwellings tenure breakdown added
DA3202 Decent homes - areas tenure breakdown added
DA3203 Decent homes - households tenure breakdown added
DT3101 Decent homes trends tenure breakdown added
DA4101 Health and safety - dwellings tenure breakdown added
DA4102 Health and safety - areas tenure breakdown added
DA4103 Health and safety - households tenure breakdown added
DA5101 Damp and mould - dwellings tenure breakdown added
DA5102 Damp and mould - areas tenure breakdown added
DA5103 Damp and mould - households tenure breakdown added
DA5201 Disrepair and electrics - dwellings tenure breakdown added
DA5202 Disrepair and electrics - areas tenure breakdown added
DA5203 Disrepair and electrics - households tenure breakdown added
FA4121 Demographic characteristics of recent movers keep table and combine with table FA4441
FA4131 Length of residence of household reference person by tenure keep
FA4141 Age of household reference person by current tenure - all moving households discontinue
FA4142 Household type by current tenure - all moving households discontinue
FA4143 Type of accommodation and whether self-contained by current tenure - all moving households discontinue
FA4144 Economic status of household reference person by current tenure - all moving households discontinue
FA4145 Gross weekly income of household reference person and partner by current tenure - all moving discontinue
FA4201 Previous accommodation of new household reference persons discontinue
FA4211 Demographic characteristics of new household reference persons previous accommodation and tenure breakdowns added
FA4301 Previous tenure by current tenure (households resident < 1 year) keep
FA4401 Previous tenure of recent owners by current tenure combined with table FA4411 into new table FA4412
FA4411 Characteristics of recent owners by previous tenure combined with table FA4401 into new table FA4412
FA4412 Characteristics of recent owners by previous tenure new table created from combined FA4401 and FA4411
FA4431 Previous tenure of households entering social renting by current tenure keep
FA4441 Demographic characteristics of recent movers entering private renting, by whether in receipt of Housing Benefit discontinued, instead combined with table FA4121
FA4501 Characteristics of households who had recently left owner occupation by current tenure discontinue
FA4502 Characteristics of households who had recently left private renting by current tenure discontinue
FA4602 Demographic and economic characteristics of movers within the social rented sector discontinue
FA4611 Previous tenure of households moving within social rented sector by current tenure discontinue
FA4621 Previous tenure of households moving within owner occupation by current tenure discontinue
FA4622 Whether moved within private rented sector in the last year, by age of household reference person combined with table FA4623 into new table FA4624
FA4623 Whether moved within private rented sector in the last year, by household composition combined with table FA4622 into new table FA4624
FA4624 Whether moved within tenure in the last year, by age of household reference person and household type new table created from combined FA4622 and FA4623
FT4101 Trends in households who had moved in the last year keep
FT4111 Trends in current tenure of moving households keep
FT4302 Trends in previous tenure by current tenure keep
FT4421 Recent first time buyers by previous tenure and age keep
FA2211 Type of purchase by age of household reference person combined with table FA2221 into new table FA2222
FA2221 Type of purchase by household type combined with table FA2211 into new table FA2222
FA2222 Whether first property owned by household, by age of household reference person and household type new table created from combined FA2211 and FA2221
FA2301 Age of household reference person by type of ownership discontinue
FA2321 Sources of finance, other than a mortgage, for purchase of current property keep
FA2401 Type of mortgage by year started discontinue
FA2501 Mortgage payment (£ per week) by type of mortgage combined with table FA2511 and FA2531 into new table FA2555
FA2511 Mortgage payments by age of household reference person combined with table FA2501 and FA2531 into new table FA2555
FA2531 Mortgage payments by economic status of household reference person combined with table FA2501 and FA2511 into new table FA2555
FA2555 Mortgage payment (£ per week) by type of mortgage, age of HRP and economic status of HRP new table created from combined FA2501 and FA2511 and FA2531
FA2551 How propose to repay mortgage discontinue
FA2601 Second properties by type keep
FA2621 Reasons for having a second home keep
FC2101 Percentage of each age group that are owner occupiers (figure) discontinue
FC2111 Percentage of each household type that are owner occupiers (figure) discontinue
FC2521 Percentage of owner-occupiers aged 65 or over who are still repaying a mortgage (figure) discontinue
FT2201 Trends in type of purchase keep
FT2231 Whether accommodation is owned freehold or leasehold keep
FT2311 Trends in type of ownership keep
FT2411 Trends in type of mortgage keep
FT2611 Location of second homes keep
FA3101 Demographic and economic characteristics of social and privately renting households keep
FA3111 Demographic and economic characteristics of young social sector and private tenants discontinue
FA3121 Accommodation characteristics of social and privately renting households keep
FA3201 Rent before Housing Support keep
FA3211 Mean and median rent before housing benefit by type of accommodation discontinue
FA3221 Demographic and economic characteristics of social sector and private tenants who were receiving Housing Benefit keep
FA3241 Households receiving Housing Benefit and average rent after benefit discontinue
FA3242 Households receiving Housing Benefit and average rent after benefit, by household type keep
FA3243 Households receiving Housing Benefit and average rent after benefit, by household composition discontinue
FA3244 Households receiving Housing Benefit and average rent after benefit, by economic status of household reference person combined with table FA3245 into new table FA3246
FA3245 Households receiving Housing Benefit and average rent after benefit, by gross weekly income of household reference person (and partner) combined with table FA3244 into new table FA3246
FA3246 Households receiving Housing support and average rent after support, by economic status of household reference person and gross weekly income of household reference person (and partner) new table created from combined FA3244 and FA3245
FA3501 Age and sex of household reference person by type of letting age and overall gender split added
FA3511 Household size by type of letting discontinue
FA3531 Length of time in rented accommodation by type of letting discontinue
FA3541 Economic status of household reference person by type of letting discontinue
FA3551 Gross annual income of household reference person and partner by type of letting keep
FA3601 Weekly rent net of services by type of letting keep
FA3611 Whether receiving Housing Benefit by weekly rent net of services discontinue
FC3301 Percentage of each age group that are in the social rented sector (figure) discontinue
FC3311 Economic activity of social renters (figure) discontinue
FT3231 Trends in households saying that they receive Housing Benefit keep
FT3232 Trends in mean rent after Housing Benefit keep
FT3401 Trends in proportion of privately renting households resident less than one year by age of tenant discontinue
DA1101 Stock Profile improve
FA1201 Age of household reference person by tenure keep
FA1211 Number of people living in household by tenure keep
FA1221 Household type by tenure keep
FA1301 Economic status of household reference person by tenure keep
FA1311 Number of persons in household who were working by tenure keep
FA1321 Gross weekly income of household reference person (and partner) by tenure keep
FA1331 Gross annual income of household reference person and partner by tenure keep
FA1341 Gross weekly income of household by tenure discontinue
FA1401 Number of rooms by tenure keep
FA1422 Overcrowding and under-occupation by tenure keep
FT1101 Trends in tenure keep
FT1241 Trends in tenure households with dependent children keep
FT1421 Trends in overcrowding by tenure discontinue
FA5211 Satisfaction with area by characteristics of respondent improve
FA5212 Satisfaction with area by characteristics of the household discontinue
FA5213 Satisfaction with area by characteristics of the area in which the household reference person was living keep
FA5401 Satisfaction with accommodation keep
FA5342 Perception of change over the last 2 years keep
FA5423 Satisfaction with the way the landlord carries out repairs and maintenance discontinue
FA5431 Satisfaction with the way landlord deals with repairs, by characteristics of respondent keep
FA5441 Main reasons for dissatisfaction with the way landlord deals with repairs keep
FC5201 Overall satisfaction with the local area (figure) discontinue
FC5411 Satisfaction with the way the landlord carries out repairs and maintenance (figure) discontinue
FC5422 Satisfaction with the way the landlord carries out repairs and maintenance (figure with la/ha split) discontinue
FT5101 Proportion of household reference persons expressing satisfaction with both their neighbourhood and accommodation keep
FT5421 Trend in satisfaction with the way the landlord carries out repairs and maintenance, by tenure keep
FA5361 Respondents’ feelings of safety in the home keep
FT2232   Demographic and economic characteristics of owner occupier leaseholders and freeholders new
FT2233 Average annual ground rent and service charges for leaseholders new
DA8101 Electric vehicle (EV) charge points - dwellings new
DA8102 Electric vehicle (EV) charge points - households new

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Published 18 July 2024

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