2007 to 2013 ERDF programmes and resources
Guidance about the types of ERDF programmes in England, the amount of resources allocated to them and how each programme is managed.
Applies to England
For funding from 2014 to 2020, apply for European Structural and Investment Funds.
The 2007 to 2013 ERDF programmes focus on 3 priority objectives:
- convergence
- regional competitiveness and employment
- European territorial cooperation
Convergence funding provides investment in the least-developed regions that have a gross domestic product (GDP) below 75% of the average in the European Union. Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly is the only area in England to qualify.
Regional competitiveness and employment
Regional competitiveness and employment funding is for all regions that do not receive convergence funding. This funding is aimed at strengthening the region’s competitiveness and increasing employment. There are 9 regional competitiveness and employment programmes in England with different levels of funding dependent on the relative need:
- East Midlands: €268.5 million
- East of England: €110.9 million
- London: €181.9 million
- North East: €375.7 million
- North West: €755.5 million
- South East: €23.7 million
- South West: €124.7 million
- West Midlands: €399.9 million
- Yorkshire and the Humber: €583.6 million
ERDF programmes details
An operational programme has been developed for each ERDF programme in England providing details on what the programme is and what it aims to do over the lifetime of the programming period.
Managing the ERDF programmes
The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) is the managing authority for all European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) programmes in England. The managing authority is the body designated by the European Union (EU) member state to ensure EU structural fund programmes are implemented and that their activity conforms to European Commission regulations. DCLG provides the framework for how ERDF programmes should be delivered, reporting to ministers and the European Commission.
DCLG has locally based teams responsible for delivering the English ERDF programmes. This provides government with operational scrutiny, mitigating the risk of financial corrections imposed by the European Commission, while retaining local expertise and experience.
Local management committees
Each programme has a local management committee and a growth delivery team to oversee ERDF investment, guide the programme, and assess progress. The committees draw their membership from government departments and a wide range of local partners including:
•local enterprise partnerships •local authorities •higher and further education institutions •environmental bodies •voluntary and private sectors •business community
Latest meeting minutes:
Past meeting minutes can be requested for each ERDF programme through the contacts provided below.
Contacts for the ERDF programmes
The following contact details can be used to request more information on the ERDF programmes and to speak to the DCLG growth delivery team in each area.
Cornwall and Isles of Scilly convergence programme: 0303 444 6585 or SWconv.ERDFenquiries@communities.gsi.gov.uk. Further information is also available on the Cornwall convergence programme’s website.
East Midlands programme: 0303 444 6427 or EM.ERDFenquiries@communities.gsi.gov.uk.
Greater South East programme: 0303 444 6400 or GSE.ERDFenquiries@communities.gsi.gov.uk.
North East programme: 0303 444 6475 or NE.ERDFenquiries@communities.gsi.gov.uk.
North West programme: 0303 444 6520 or NW.ERDFenquiries@communities.gsi.gov.uk.
South West programme: 0303 444 6580 or SWcomp.ERDFenquiries@communities.gsi.gov.uk.
West Midlands programme: 0303 444 6589 or WM.ERDFenquiries@communities.gsi.gov.uk.
Yorkshire and the Humber programme: 0303 444 6640 or YH.ERDFenquiries@communities.gsi.gov.uk.
London programme is administered by the Greater London Authority.
Updates to this page
ERDF South West LMC Minutes updated
ERDF West Midlands Investment Frameworks update to latest version (v5.3).
Added a revised version of the Yorkshire and Humber operational programme which was adopted by the European Commission on 11 April 2013
Added information about the proposed Technical modification to the North East's ERDF Operational Programme
First published.