Explore marine plans
Find marine planning information for England, including data on marine licenses, environmental designations and policy information from regional marine plans.
Applies to England
Use this service to find and view:
- marine data on a map of the English marine area
- information on marine planning licences relating to a specific area
- policy information from the marine plans
How to use this service
There are two ways to find information on the map. You can:
- find the most recently published marine activities data
- use the drawing tool to find and view marine policy information in the area you select
This service only includes geographic and marine policy information in England. Use of data within this service is subject to copyright, please see dataset metadata for individual copyright statements.
Contact us
If you have any questions about this service you can get help from the Marine Planning team at the Marine Management Organisation (MMO):
email: planning@marinemanagement.org.uk
phone: 0208 0265 325 (available Monday to Friday, 7am to 7pm)
You can also read about marine planning information without using this service by viewing the marine plan for the area you’re interested in.
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Accessibility statement for Explore Marine Plans
This accessibility statement applies to Explore Marine Plans.