
Export licensing in support of UK government defence contracts

How to get prior authorisation to use an open general export licence (OGEL) for goods, software or technology which support UK government defence contracts.


The export or transfer of goods, software or technology (including data, information and technical assistance) in support of UK government defence contracts may require an export licence. This guide explains what falls into this category and how an open general export licence (OGEL) can be used in support of government defence contracts.

The Export Control Joint Unit (ECJU), part of the Department for International Trade (DIT), is the UK regulatory authority responsible for assessing export licences for strategically controlled goods.

Ministry of Defence prior authorisation

Goods, software or technology which are exported or transferred in support of UK government defence contracts may be eligible for the OGEL - exports or transfers in support of UK government defence contracts.

You must get prior written authorisation from the ECJU Ministry of Defence (MOD) team to use this OGEL for such exports or transfers.

In addition you will need to meet the terms and conditions detailed within the licence.

Applying to MOD for confirmation to use an OGEL

To apply for confirmation to use an OGEL, contact the ECJU MOD team at

To confirm eligibility MOD needs:

  • the name of the programme involved
  • a brief description of the goods concerned
  • contact details of the capability sponsor or project owner in the respective project team at Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S)
  • an extract of the contract from DE&S confirming your involvement in the programme (a single piece of paper is sufficient, not the whole contract)
  • duration of the contract with DE&S (or the prime contractor if you are a sub-contractor)
  • a letter of support from the prime contractor confirming a sub-contractors involvement in a specific programme
  • sub-contractors to supply an extract of the prime contractor’s contract from DE&S

Once you have MOD confirmation, you can register for the OGEL on SPIRE (requires an account), the online export licensing system.


Licence holders must keep accurate records. These licences are subject to regular audits by ECJU’s compliance team.

See guidance on ECJU compliance visits.

Other licence options

If you fail to meet the specified terms and conditions of the OGEL, you can apply for a SIEL.

Contact ECJU

General queries about strategic export licensing

Export Control Joint Unit
Department for Business and Trade
Old Admiralty Building
Admiralty Place


Telephone 020 7215 4594

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Published 11 September 2012
Last updated 6 December 2012 show all updates
  1. Amended broken links and added related guides

  2. First published.

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