Farming businesses: working after Brexit transition
What you need to do as a farming business to trade with the EU.
Farm and rural payments: Basic Payment Scheme and Rural Development Programme for England
The Basic Payment Scheme is taking place in 2021, but there are changes to the funding you’ll receive and the requirements you’ll need to follow.
Read the BPS 2021 guidance for more information.
Importing and exporting
To import or export products between the UK and EU you must:
Get a UK Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) number.
Decide if you want to hire an import–export agent, or make the declarations yourself.
Contact the organisation that moves your goods to find out what information they need to make the declarations for your goods, or if you need to make them yourself.
Check if your plants or animals or animal products are subject to any sanitary or phytosanitary import and export requirements.
Check the current rules for:
Moving goods between Ireland and Northern Ireland (NI)
Goods moving between Ireland and NI have different procedures compared with other UK-EU trade.
Read the guidance on customs procedures and VAT for goods moving between Ireland and NI.
Existing trade agreements with non-EU countries
EU trade agreements with non-EU countries do not apply to the UK.
Read the guidance on existing UK trade agreements with non-EU countries.
Changes to import tariffs
The UK applies a UK-specific tariff to imported goods.
Find out more about the UK Global Tariff (UKGT).
Arable and horticulture: plants and plant products
Plants and plant products (for example, plants for planting and seeds) that were managed under the EU plant passport scheme are subject to UK import controls.
Read the guidance on:
Seed exports
You need to list the seed variety you’re exporting on the EU Common Catalogue via a member state.
Livestock, animal products and high-risk feed
Read the guidance on importing and exporting live animals and animal products to find out how to:
- import animals or animal products from the EU to the UK (including notifying the UK authorities)
- export animals or animal products from the UK to the EU
Animal breeding imports and exports (zootechnics)
Unless the EU lists UK breed societies and studbooks, you will not be able to export animals to the EU on zootechnical terms.
Imports from the EU and domestic UK zootechnical trade are not affected.
Read the guidance on recognised breed societies and breeding operations.
Organic imports and exports
To import from third countries, you must use the interim paper-based system that will replace TRACES NT.
Unless the EU gives the UK official recognition for our organic standards (known as ‘equivalency’), you cannot export UK organic products to the EU.
Find out more about trading and labelling organic food.
Marketing standards
Check the guidance for the product you’re importing or exporting:
- fruit and vegetables
- hops and hop products
- wine
- beef and veal
- eggs
- hatching eggs and chicks
- poultry meat
GB exports to the EU
If you export these products from GB to the EU, you’ll need to meet the requirements for third countries (non EU countries).
EU imports to the UK
If you import these products from the EU to GB, you’ll need to meet the specific requirements for your product.
Your employees
There are certain schemes and processes you should be aware of if you employ EU citizens. Find out more in the employing EU citizens in the UK guidance.
Food and drink labelling including organic produce
If you’re involved in the agri-food business, check the labelling requirements for food and drink.
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
Competent authorities in the UK implement controls on the environmental release of GMOs.
For more information, see guidance on the Genetic Modification Inspectorate programmes for:
You can buy the same amount and quality of fertiliser for 2 years under the:
- domestic framework
- EC fertiliser label
- UK fertiliser label
For more information, see the manufacturing and marketing fertilisers guidance.
Pesticides regulations
You must meet all regulations for producing or placing pesticides on the market. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is the UK’s regulator. Read the guidance on regulating pesticides.
Pesticide Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) in Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) and the EU (including NI) will diverge over time.
British growers producing food intended to be moved to NI or for export to the EU need to be aware that the pesticide MRL requirements may be different depending on the intended target market.
You must check your buyer’s requirements and make sure you understand which pesticides you can use.
Chemical regulations
If your business uses chemicals, you should:
- visit the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) website for the chemical legislation you must follow
- read the UK REACH guidance for actions for businesses using chemicals
Water regulations
You must meet the conditions in your permits or licences that relate to water.
For more information, read the water management guidance.