
Financial sanctions webinars and events

The Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation runs webinars and events to provide guidance on financial sanctions.

The Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation runs webinars and events to provide guidance on financial sanctions.

They cover a range of topics, including:

  • how financial sanctions can impact you and your business
  • how to make applications for licences
  • how licences are assessed
  • how to access guidance and information on financial sanctions

You can also email our team with your suggestions for future topics at

Upcoming webinars and events

During the webinar

You can ask us questions during the webinar using the on-screen text box. Our experts will do their best to answer your queries or direct you to helpful guidance.

How to register for our live webinars

You will need to sign up for email alerts or check this page to hear about our latest live webinars and how to register.

Previous webinars and events

Watch recordings of our previous webinars on YouTube.

High Value Dealers & Art Market Participants webinar

High Value Dealers & Art Market Participants webinar

Updates to this page

Published 13 February 2024
Last updated 12 March 2025 show all updates
  1. Previous live webinars listings removed and new HVD link added.

  2. HVD events added.

  3. Introduction to Financial Sanctions Licensing Webinar removed

  4. First published.

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