
Fire door investigation

The government is undertaking an investigation into the fire door industry and has issued guidance to building owners and occupiers.

This guidance was withdrawn on

This guidance has been withdrawn but remains available as a historical reference document.

The government’s fire door investigation

The government is undertaking an investigation into the fire door industry following concerns about the consistency of flat front entrance fire doors against the required performance standards.

Advice to building owners

There is nothing more important than ensuring people are safe in their homes. Building owners should assure themselves that products being used in their buildings meet the required standards.

Where doors that have failed tests are installed, building owners should speak to the contractor responsible for installation or the supplier that produces the doors to get further information about the nature of failure and potential action required. They should also review their building fire risk assessments to determine how quickly these doors should be replaced.

As soon as doors fail a government-commissioned safety test, the supplier is informed and asked to remove the product from the market. The company should then investigate the reason for the failure to understand what action they need to take to remedy the problem.

The government’s independent expert panel and the National Fire Chiefs Council has clarified that while the risk to public safety remains low, those buildings affected by this issue should review their fire risk assessment to consider this new information and determine how quickly affected doors should be replaced.

They also advise that for fire doors to work correctly they must be installed as specified in the manufacturer’s instructions.

The independent expert panel has issued guidance for building owners on assurance and replacing of flat entrance fire doors.

Advice to occupiers

In the event of a fire, residents and guests in a building should follow existing fire procedures. Fire doors are specially engineered doors designed to contain fire for a period of time. Fire doors work as part of a layered fire protection system within a building.

While our investigations may suggest a particular fire door might not perform to the required standard, all doors can provide protection in a fire when closed.

Building owners and residents should ensure all fire doors are kept in good condition and the self-closing mechanism working correctly. Deficiencies should be reported to the landlord or managing agent.

Doors and the self-closing mechanism should not be removed as this increases the safety risk. Occupiers should test their smoke alarms regularly.

Further fire safety advice for high-rise residents is available on the National Fire Chiefs Council website.

Test standards

Fire doors are being tested to the standard they are being marketed at in an accredited test facility. Tests are being carried out according to Building Regulations guidance which states that fire doors (other than lift doors) should meet the required standards from both sides.

Timber fire door tests

Our investigation into timber fire doors which began in October 2018 and has recently been concluded has found no issues with the consistency of fire-resistance performance of the doors tested.

Further information is available in the timber fire door test results.

Glass reinforced plastic (GRP) composite fire door tests

The government’s investigation into Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) composite fire doors identified issues with the consistency of fire-resistance performance of these doors. The summary test results are provided to inform building risk assessments.

Updates to this page

Published 14 November 2018
Last updated 18 July 2019 show all updates
  1. Added Timber fire door tests.

  2. Added information on GRP (glass reinforced plastic) composite fire door tests.

  3. First published.

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