Funding for development research
Calls for new funding opportunities in development research run by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) or our development partners.
This page is aimed at organisations and researchers looking for information on funding opportunities in development research. It lists in date order a selection of current calls with a research, evidence or evaluation theme which are being run by FCDO or by our programme partners. If you are interested in working for FCDO you should also look at our supplier portal.
Updates to this page
2 new calls - Mapping donor and investor landscape in science, technology & innovation for growth and poverty reduction in Africa (research and innovation) and Mapping innovation ecosystem development and support initiatives in Southern and West Africa (research and innovation)
Rapid Research and Learning Fund, Independent Evaluation of Girls’ Education Challenge Phase II. Call for proposals to launch on 27 November 2020.
New funding for development research opportunity - What contributes to success for Research and Development for diseases of poverty? A current and prospective analysis
Two new calls added: Rapid evidence assessment on serious and organised crime – development impacts and Rapid evidence assessment on serious and organised crime – what works
Evaluation of the Young Lives Research Programme call added
Added: Research on harmonising registrations and identification in emergencies in Somalia.
New call added: research on vulnerability and resilience in Somalia
Working document - UK’s approach to cash and voucher transfer programmes in crises added to Contributing to humanitarian reform through cash programming scale up call
New call added Review and Development of DFID’s Research Open and Enhanced Access Policy
Added: A rapid literature review of ethical standards to identify good practice.
Added Research to improve the quality of teaching and learning inside Syria.
DFID Research Advisory Group (RAG) Chair and Vice-Chair Vacancies added
Research into supplier access to finance in Payment by Results contracts/grant arrangements added
Updated ITT letter: Improving user journeys for humanitarian cash transfers
The Development of New Health Technologies call removed.
The Development of New Health Technologies: Frequently aasked questions updated
Revised version of FAQs added.
New opportunity added: Data Requirements for Service Delivery within Refugee Camps
Updated FAQs
Updated frequently asked questions document added
Updated FAQs.
Frequently asked questions: The Development of New Health Technologies updated
New questions and answers added to the Development of New Health Technologies call
Uganda Early Years Enrolment and Repetition Study added
New call added: Disability and Climate Resilience Research Project
Youth transitions in protracted crises call added
Centre of Excellence for Development, Impact and Learning (CEDIL) details added
The costs and benefits of ‘open skies’ in the East African Community (EAC) - Invitation to Tender added
Agriculture-Nutrition Impact Studies requests for applications
New Call added: Resolving the unresolved Non-tariff Barriers (NTBs) in the East Africa Community
New call added: East Africa Research Fund (EARF)
Improving Communication of Research and Evidence for Development (ICRED) research call details.
New call added: The Effectiveness, Coherence and Accountability of the Humanitarian System: A Political Economy Analysis
Humanitarian Evidence Programme Call for Proposals added
New call added: Economic growth research in Low Income Countries
New call added: What drives donors’ decisions on delegation to multilaterals in practice and what is the role of public opinion in these decisions?
New call added: Humanitarian Evidence Programme
New call added - Ensuring debt sustainability in developing countries through productive expenditure
New call added: Changes in the arid and semi-arid lands in East Africa
Revised terms of reference document added to "What drives donors’ decisions on delegation to multilaterals in practice and what is the role of public opinion in these decisions?"
New call added: Growth and Economic Opportunities for Women (GrOW): Call for research proposals
Royal Society-DFID Africa Capacity Building Initiative added
New call added: ESRC/DFID Joint Fund for Poverty Alleviation Research Outline Research Grants Call 2014/15
New call added: Health Systems Research Initiative Call 2
Global Research Partnership Aquaculture call added
Ebola Health Research Call added
Improving Water Security for Poor People – Research (IWSP) added
Online Research Portal Evaluation added.
Removed: Toward ending Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) in Africa and beyond: Research Programme
Removed: Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA), 2014 Grants Call
Two new calls added: Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition in South Asia (LANSA): Call for Research Proposals and Political Settlements Research: Towards Open and Inclusive Settlements
Added: Future Climate for Africa and Online Research Portal Evaluation
Saving Lives at Birth: Round 4, request for applications removed
New notice added "Royal Society-DFID Africa Capacity Building Initiative, Programme Grants" New notice added "Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation"
New Call for Implementation Research focusing on maternal, newborn and child health added
New call added: ESRC/DFID Education and development: Raising learning outcomes in education systems call 2013-14
New call added "Saving Lives at Birth: Round 4, request for applications"
Health Research Mapping - Ghana added
Revised call for Activity Based Learning (ABL) in Tamil Nadu added
New call added: ESRC/DFID Joint Fund for Poverty Alleviation Research
Removed expired content: Reseach mapping in South Africa and Kenya New call added: International Potato Center (CIP): Request for Personnel for External Impact Evaluation
Removal of out of date calls
Update to the call for expression of interest document for the Understanding Activity Based Learning (ABL) in Tamil Nadu and an extension to the closing date for the expression of interest and deadline for full proposals.
Two new DFID/ESRC calls added
New call added: Evaluation of Future Agricultures Consortium (FAC) and Understanding Activity Based Learning (ABL) in Tamil Nadu: Innovation in Pedagogy, Political Economy of Scale-up and the Impact on Learning Outcomes
Added new call - Scaling Up Sweetpotato Through Agriculture and Nutrition (SUSTAIN): request for proposal for external impact evaluation
Added new call for evaluation of thes Building Capacity to Use Research Evidence (BCURE) programme
Added press release link to Health Systems Research Initiative call.
Added advance notice for new programme on integrated water research
Added new call for the International Growth Centre.
Added new call for research mapping in Kenya and South Africa
Added new call - Health systems research initiative call 1
Added new calls for ESPA fellowships and WHO vacancy for a medical officer.
Updated the call for proposals for systematic reviews with a comment about Question 10.
Added new calls for China-UK-Africa trade: joint research and scoping, and Building resilience and managing risk in fragile and conflict-affected states.
Added new call for proposals for systematic reviews for international development
Added new call for Domestic violence in Ghana – short term research on prevalence, incidence and causes; updated exploratory grant call deadline for Private Enterprise Development in Low-Income Countries (PEDL) programme.
Reinstated call for research programme on stimulating innovations in robust methodological approaches to impact assessment in agriculture, nutrition and health (deadline extended).
Added vacancy notice for scientist to study harmful practices in reproductive health, especially female genital mutilation
Added new call for Developing Operational Research Capacity in the Health Sector - project evaluation.
Added new call for the Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) mid-term review
Added new call for Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC)
Added new call for service provider for the southern Africa regional human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention programme
Added a note on applications being sought for the post of coordinator for the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR)
Added new calls for ESRC-DFID Joint Fund for Poverty Alleviation Research and the Joint Global Health Trials scheme, and updated deadline for the PEDL programme exploratory grant call.
Added new call for a research programme on 'Stimulating innovative metrics and methods in agriculture, nutrition and health'
Added new call for proposals for strategic research into national and local capacity building for disaster risk management.
Added new call for UNRISD Evaluation.
Updated the list of calls to include the consultancy services for the Tripartite climate change programme.
Updated the deadline for the PEDL exploratory grant call to May 2013.
Updated the list of calls to include the Plantwise programme.
First published.