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Tools and templates

Tools to help further education providers manage their estates.

These documents and spreadsheets can be used while planning and managing your further education estate. They are templates that you can use and adapt to your particular circumstances, sites and buildings.

You may want to add or delete information as well as complete fields to record information about your estate.

Estates documentation and data checklist

A checklist of documents you should have about your estate and data you should collect and record.

Example lease summary

A a list of the terms commonly used and information collected in lease documents.

Example lease summary (MS Word document, 29KB)

Heads of terms template

A list of the terms commonly used and information collected in Heads of Terms documents.

Heads of terms template (MS Word document, 31KB)

List of equipment for compliance testing

Equipment often found in colleges, how often it should be maintained, skillset required to carry out the work and the applicable legislation.

List of equipment for compliance testing (MS Word document, 37KB)

Investment appraisal

A tool to help you asses the cash flows of a project and how much cash will be generated by the project. This is measured by the total predicted cash coming in after cash outflows have been spent over the life of the whole project, taking account of the impact of time on the value of cash invested.

Investment appraisal (MS Excel spreadsheet, 56KB)

Scope of feasibility study

An overview of the tasks you might ask a design team to do and sections that might form part of their feasibility study.

Scope of feasibility study (MS Word document, 39KB)

Cash waterfall example

A tool to help you calculate your cash flow available for debt service (CFADS) set out in a ‘waterfall chart’ so that you can see the monthly cash flows which make up the movement between the cash availability at the start and end of a chosen period or project.

Cash waterfall example (MS Excel spreadsheet, 30KB)