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Assessing the viability of your garden community

Find out about government guidance on viability and how to manage it in your planning process.

How to manage viability through the planning process

The planning practice guidance on viability sets out current government guidance on addressing viability in the planning system.

Read about viability on the GOV.UK website

Assessing the viability of a garden community  

As the detail of your garden community evolve, you should:

  • use a strategic appraisal to inform your case for a garden community

  • agree with project partners how and when viability should be reassessed

  • review scheme viability at the plan-making stage to test deliverability and inform policy development

  • consider retesting viability at the masterplanning stage, and when development details become more refined

  • factor in the measures associated with the garden community, like infrastructure, community facilities and long term stewardship

Further information