Site feasibility
How to test if there are suitable, available and deliverable locations and sites for a garden community.
You can find suitable locations for your project in number of ways:
use the Local Plan process to show public, landowners, and promoters that the local authority is exploring the potential of a garden community in the area . You can do this with a call for sites search
work with neighbouring authorities to see if there are opportunities to work together to respond to housing need
use the housing and economic land availability assessment (HELAA) to identify potential site options. You can find information on the HELAA process on the GOV.UK website
review sites being actively promoted by a landowner and/ or developer
do research to identify locations suitable for a large scale garden community development
Consider the following when assessing if a location and site is appropriate for your development.
opportunities to accommodate the scale of development required
role and function in the context of the local settlement hierarchy
the opportunities for development with existing or planned infrastructure - like rail stations and other major transport links
You’ll also need to understand:
the physical and environmental limitations of the site and its context - like access, contamination, flood, location of infrastructure and utilities, environmental constraints, and how feasible is it to address these.
potential impacts of development, like effects on landscape, ecology and biodiversity and the scope for mitigating these and making net environmental gains
planning constraints such as green belt designations
proximity and nature of neighbouring uses
You need to understand:
what the landownership and promoter’s position is
the level of interest the landowner(s) has in developing a garden community on their land
the delivery record of developers or landowners involved in respect of large scale complex developments
identify any factors that can prevent the development coming forward
check for any physical, legal, planning or other barriers which can prevent or delay development of the site
confirm your viability testing supports delivery of the quality expectations of the garden community and the infrastructure and services it needs to deliver
make sure your timescales for delivery align with the need for local housing delivery