Get help to improve advanced maths teaching and participation levels
The advanced mathematics support programme (AMSP) provides resources and support to improve the teaching and student uptake of post-16 maths.
Applies to England
What you can get
The advanced mathematics support programme provides support for teachers and students in state-funded schools and colleges in England. Additional support is offered in areas of low social mobility so that, whatever their location, background or gender, students can choose their best post-16 maths pathway and access high-quality teaching.
The programme aims to:
- provide teachers with extensive support to improve the teaching of higher-tier GCSE maths, AS/A level maths, AS/A level further maths and core maths
- improve access to level 3 maths by supporting more schools and colleges to offer AS/A level further maths and core maths
- increase participation in level 3 maths, particularly by female students and other under-represented groups, by providing enrichment opportunities for 11- to 16-year-olds
- support level 3 students to progress to higher education by providing direct tuition, support and enrichment opportunities for 16- to 19-year-olds
The resources and support available include:
- online and face-to-face continuing professional development (CPD) for level 3 maths teachers
- online teaching resources
- support for schools and colleges to offer AS/A level further maths and core maths
- events and materials to promote the further study of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) subjects
- tuition support for further maths students
- support for students preparing for university maths entrance tests
- enrichment events for students aged 11 to 16 and 16 to 19
- opportunities to become a core maths specialist lead within schools
Who can join the programme
The advanced mathematics support programme is available to all state-funded schools and colleges in England.
Additional support is available for schools and colleges in priority areas. These are areas of the country that data on deprivation and disadvantage suggests would benefit from focused support. You can read more about those priority areas.
When it’s available
CPD courses and events take place throughout the academic year.
What it costs
Most support opportunities and resources are free. There are some costs for student tuition of further maths and some CPD is chargeable, although state-funded schools and colleges may be able to reclaim the cost of this on completion.
Schools and colleges in priority areas may also be eligible to reclaim additional costs, such as travel and supply cover.
How to apply and find out more
Register through the AMSP website to receive updates and information on what’s on offer.
Updates to this page
The page has been updated to reflect the support for schools and students that is now available from the advanced mathematics support programme. This has changed after the award of a new contract to run the programme in July 2022.
Clarified information about AS and A level maths, and level 3 core maths.
Updated information on who can join the programme and details about what it costs.
First published.