
Get your road safety product accredited by DVSA

How to get your road safety product accredited by the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA), how much it costs, eligibility, and how to apply.

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales


You can apply to get your road safety product accredited by DVSA.

Your product must have improved road safety in Great Britain by changing drivers’ and motorcyclists’ behaviours, or have the potential to do this.

There are 2 levels of accreditation:

  • DVSA recognised - for products that are well-designed and have the potential to improve road safety
  • DVSA endorsed - for established products that have evidence of how they have improved road safety

Once your product is accredited, you’ll be able to use a logo to show it’s been accredited by DVSA.


You can apply to have your non-statutory road safety product accredited. This can include things like:

  • phone apps
  • websites
  • learning materials
  • training courses
  • vehicle telematics or other software or hardware that records information about driving behaviour

How much it costs

How much you have to pay depends on if it’s a new application or if your product has already been accredited as a DVSA recognised product. The total cost includes VAT.

You need to pay the full fee when you apply. Your payment may not be refunded if your application is unsuccessful.

DVSA recognised (for new products)

Type of application Cost (including VAT)
Application for DVSA recognised £1,000

DVSA endorsed (for established products)

DVSA endorsed accreditation lasts for 2 years.

Type of application Cost (including VAT)
First application for DVSA endorsed £1,000
Upgrade from DVSA recognised to DVSA endorsed £500
Renew your DVSA endorsed status every 2 years £1,000

Apply to get your product accredited

You cannot currently apply to get your road safety product accredited.

Before you start

You need:

  • information on users of your product
  • evidence of the positive impact your product has had on road safety (for endorsed applications only)
  • skills and qualifications of any staff who deliver training
  • any customer feedback on your product
  • evidence of how you have improved your product based on customer feedback or changes in law (for endorsed applications only)
  • to read DVSA endorsed and recognised: terms and conditions (PDF, 138 KB, 3 pages) - you will need to agree to these when your product is accredited

When you have sent your application you’ll get an email confirming your application. Reply to this email to attach any additional evidence that supports your application.

You only need to send evidence that is directly related to your road safety product. Do not send general information about your organisation or HR policies.

Other ways to apply

You can apply by post if you cannot use the online service.

Contact the DVSA to request a form.

Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency

What happens after you have applied

DVSA aims to respond to you within 90 days of receiving your application.

The response will tell you whether your application has been approved or rejected.

If it’s rejected, DVSA will explain why, and tell you what you need to do if you want to apply again.

If you applied for DVSA endorsed and DVSA does not think your product can evidence its effectiveness yet, you may be offered a recognised award instead.

You might need to pay the full fee again when you re-apply.

When your product has been accredited

When your application has been approved by DVSA, you will:

  • be sent a certificate
  • be sent a logo to use on your website, app or in printed materials
  • be able to market or publicise that your product has been endorsed or recognised by DVSA
  • appear on a list of accredited products on GOV.UK (endorsed products only)

DVSA can remove your product’s accreditation if you or your product bring DVSA into disrepute.

Updates to this page

Published 3 May 2022
Last updated 21 October 2022 show all updates
  1. Updated the guide as applications to get your product accredited will no longer reopen on 1 November 2022. You can sign up for email alerts to be told when you can apply again.

  2. Updated DVSA endorsed and recognised: terms and conditions. Updated section 3 accreditation conditions.

  3. Removed the link to the service to apply for accreditation, as the service is closed from 1 September 2022 to 31 October 2022.

  4. Added the link to the service to apply for accreditation. Updated 'What happens after you have applied' section to say that DVSA aims to respond within 90 days of receiving your payment. Updated to clarify that submitted evidence needs to be directly related to the road safety product.

  5. Removed the link to the service to apply for accreditation, as the service is closed from 1 June 2022 to 30 July 2022.

  6. Updated 'What happens after you have applied' section to say that "DVSA aims to respond within 30 days of receiving your payment."

  7. First published.

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