Getting Started with Design Codes
The Office for Place is helping local councils get started on creating their own local design codes.

The Office for Place will help unlock potential and capacity for local councils to set clear and effective standards of design, assisting them to navigate through a complex policy landscape with limited resources.
We will share best practice across local councils, showcasing what steps can be taken to create beautiful, healthy and sustainable places and support the building of more quality homes, for all.
The Office for Place recognises the challenges local councils face with creating their own local design codes. In response to this, the Office for Place has developed a programme of work to support them, by providing the necessary tools and guidance to help them get started with the design code process.
To help local councils develop their understanding of design codes, we have produced a suite of documents and other useful materials.
- We have created an infographic explaining the benefits of design codes, which you can view here:
Infographic: The Benefits of Design Codes
- The Office for Place commissioned a report into international precedents for design codes. You can view the full report and summary here:
Research: International Design Codes
- Hear from two of our pathfinder local councils, a developer and researcher about the benefits of design coding:
The Case for Design Codes - Case Studies
- Office for Place board member, Esther Kurland has written a reflection piece on producing design codes and the benefits they can have, from the Urban Design Learning Code School, this can be read here:
- Getting Started with Design Codes – An Office for Place Masterclass Series
The Office for Place will be holding a series of masterclasses to help local councils with guidance to begin creating their own local design codes.
You can get more information here - An Office for Place Masterclass series