
GovTech Catalyst overview

Find out what GovTech Catalyst does, the kind of problems it solves and who can apply for funding.

What GovTech Catalyst does

GovTech Catalyst uses a £20 million fund to help solve public sector problems (called ‘challenges’) using innovative digital technology.

The problems GovTech Catalyst solves

To be selected for funding, the public sector team must describe a current public sector service or policy delivery problem which:

  • has no current solution
  • needs an innovative digital solution
  • will bring better public services or reduce costs

They must also be willing to buy the digital solution at the end of the process.

Read more about how challenges are selected.

Who can submit a challenge for funding

The following public sector organisations can submit a challenge they need GovTech Catalyst funding to help solve:

  • UK central government organisations
  • devolved administrations
  • local public sector organisations

Businesses and academic institutions can’t apply for funding, but they can be a supplier.

How the process works

Once a challenge has been selected, suppliers can bid for the work in an open and transparent process.

Up to 5 suppliers will be selected to work on phase 1, which lasts for 3 months.

At the end of phase 1, the public sector team and GovTech Catalyst team will decide if there’s value in continuing to phase 2.

In phase 2, up to 2 suppliers will be chosen to continue their work. Phase 2 lasts for one year.

What the fund’s worth

The GovTech Catalyst fund is worth £20 million in total. So far, 15 challenges have received funding.

For each challenge:

  • phase 1 has up to £250,000 available for 5 suppliers
  • phase 2 has up to £1,000,000 available for 2 suppliers

Find out more about how the GovTech process works.

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Published 7 January 2020

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