Gradings under review list
If we are investigating a landlord due to suspected serious failings, we may place them on our gradings under review list.
Applies to England
26 February 2025: Anchor Hanover Group (LH4095)
Current Grades: G1 / V1 / C3
The regulator is currently investigating matters which may identify serious failings in the landlord delivering the outcomes of the governance element of the Governance and Financial Viability Standard. The outcome of the investigation will be confirmed in a regulatory judgement, once completed.
For more information, please see How we approach regulatory judgements and gradings.
Updates to this page
Anchor Hanover Group added to Gradings Under Review list.
Ravenscroft Re-Build Co-operative Limited and Allnutt Mill Housing Co-operative Limited removed from the Gradings Under Review list.
Allnutt Mill Housing Co-operative Limited added to the Gradings Under Review list.
Southwark Council removed from the Gradings Under Review list as a regulatory judgement has been published.
First published.