Guidance for businesses offering work to people coming from Ukraine
This publication provides guidance for businesses considering making offers of employment to people coming to the UK from Ukraine.
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
Thank you very much for considering offering employment for people arriving in the UK from Ukraine. The United Kingdom has a long and proud history of supporting people in their time of need, and we are grateful for the unprecedented number of British businesses like yours offering their support.
What happens next?
Employment offers:
If you are offering employment opportunities, we would be grateful if you could complete the Vacancy information questionnaire, so we can understand more about your offer.
After you have returned the questionnaire to, your organisation will be contacted by the National Employer and Partnership Team in the Department for Work and Pensions within 5 working days, to discuss the roles available.
Job opportunities will then be shared across the DWP Jobcentre Plus network and with the Refugee Employment Network (REN), a charity which works with organisations across the UK to support refugees into work.
Information and support on recognition of professional qualifications:
Ukrainian people who hold professional qualifications may need them to be recognised in the UK, if they work in a regulated profession.
The UK Centre for Professional Qualifications provides a free service which explains whether a profession is regulated and any entry requirements: 0871 226 2850
Key contact:
Department for Work and Pensions:
Frequently asked questions:
What sort of jobs are you looking for?
While we learn more about the needs and preferences of people arriving in the UK from Ukraine, we are open to employment opportunities in all sectors and across the country.
What immigration status, right to work, and access to public services and benefits will Ukrainian nationals receive as part of the Ukraine Family Scheme, or the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme?
Guests will be able to live and work in the UK until their permission to stay expires and access benefits, healthcare, employment, and other support.
What is the Refugee Employment Network and what will they do?
The REN is a network organisation which works with NGOs, local authorities and businesses across the UK to ensure that refugees and other people fleeing conflict can access appropriate and fulfilling paid employment or self-employment. REN has a small team which engages with employers. REN can advertise any roles your business is offering through their networks, after you have discussed your offer with the National Employer and Partnership Team.
What other support is available for businesses wishing to employ Ukrainian nationals, or refugees?
The Home Office partnered with UNHCR (the UN Refugee Agency), the International Organisation for Migration, Business in the Community, and the Department for Work and Pensions to produce the following Tapping Potential guidelines. These guidelines encourage and support businesses in recruiting and employing refugees, including by involving their existing workforce, and in continuing to develop their potential after their initial employment.
This guide was written before the crisis in Ukraine, and it is important to note that the ‘right to work’ section may not apply to people arriving in the UK from Ukraine. Arrivals through the Ukraine Family Scheme or the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme (Homes for Ukraine) do not have formal refugee status but do have the right to work in the UK.
How can I find out more information about employment rights?
The UK is proud to extend the same employment rights that everyone in the UK is entitled to, to people arriving in the UK from Ukraine. If you are offering employment opportunities, please make sure that you understand these rights, which are determined by the employment status of the worker. See guidance on employment status and rights. If you would like further advice on employment rights, you can also speak to ACAS on 0300 123 1100.
How can I make other kinds of offers?
Those interested in offering a home to people fleeing Ukraine, can record their interest in becoming a sponsor as part of the Homes for Ukraine scheme. You can record your interest as an individual or as an organisation.
People or organisations wanting to be sponsors who do not have a named individual to sponsor can record their interest in being a sponsor. They will then be kept updated as the scheme develops. Offers of material goods or services are best directed to relevant charities or organisations involved in the Ukraine response.
Key links:
- Frequently asked questions on the Homes for Ukraine scheme
- Current Homes for Ukraine Scheme guidance
- Welcome guide for people arriving in the UK from Ukraine
- Home Office factsheet on visas
- Employer’s guide to right to work checks
Vacancy information questionnaire. Please fill in this form with the information you currently have and we can discuss your answers in more detail when you are contacted by DWP.