14. Test wordings

Guidance for driving examiners on the wording to use in all categories of driving tests.

14.01 Test wordings for cars (all vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes)


Good morning/afternoon Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms ……. May I see your driving licence (and if required: also your TT pass certificate please).

Would you read and sign this insurance and residency declaration please?

Continue to email confirmation page.

Can you confirm your name is correct?

Is this the email you would like your test summary sent to?

Would you like your instructor/accompanying driver to accompany you on test? (This must be marked as accompanied on the app)

Note: Observer on Test wordings apply to Category ‘B’ tests only.

Thank you, lead the way to your car please.

In an effort to create a more relaxed and informal atmosphere during the test, examiners are encouraged to introduce themselves and use the candidate’s first name, provided there is no objection.

As self-introduction works best when it is spontaneous the examiner should decide whether to do it on the way to the car or wait until seated inside it. Examiners are encouraged to use a form of words that suits their own style and personality. The following example is for guidance only:

My name is…………. what would you prefer me to call you?


A pre-test brief should be offered. This can be given during the walk to the car, or, if the distance is short, in the car. This should outline what will happen during the drive, for example:

Would you like me to explain about the test?

The test will include independent driving, various roads, and traffic conditions. I will ask you to complete one manoeuvre and we may carry out an emergency stop. The sort of things you have been practising with your instructor/accompanying driver.

Which car are you using?

Will you read the number of ………. car.

I would like to ask you two safety questions about your vehicle, the second question will be a show me question on the move, please make yourself comfortable in the car and I will join you in a moment.

Please do not start the engine.

General directions

Throughout the drive continue ahead, unless traffic signs direct you otherwise, When I want you to turn left or right, I will tell you in plenty of time. Move off when you are ready, please.

Drive on when you are ready, please.

Take the next road on the left/right, please.

Will you take the second road on the left/right, please. (If necessary, add this is the first.)

At the end of the road turn left/right, please.

At the roundabout turn left please (it is the first exit).

At the roundabout follow the road ahead (it is the second exit).

At the roundabout turn right please (it is the third exit).

(Additional information should be given if necessary to assist the driver to plan their route through the hazard. Examples are in brackets above).

Normal stops

Pull up on the left at a safe place, please

Designated/hill start

Pull up along here, just before………. please.

Controlled stop/angle start

Pull up on the left just before you get to the next parked car, please. (If necessary, add, leave enough room to move away.)

Independent drive section

Satnav directions

Now I would like you to drive independently, following the directions from the Satnav until I tell you otherwise. Please don’t rely on the speeds shown on the Satnav, as they may not be accurate. Drive on when you are ready.

Traffic signs

Pull up on the left please (either specify location or use normal stop wordings). Now I would like you to drive independently following the traffic signs for ……., continue to follow the signs until I tell you otherwise.

Drive on when you are ready.

Note: If using more than one destination sign, there is no need to pull up to change the destination.

Thank you, that’s the end of the independent driving. I will direct you from now on.

Emergency stop

Pull up on the left please (either specify location or use normal stop wordings) Shortly I shall ask you to carry out an emergency stop. When I give this signal, (simultaneously demonstrate, and say) ‘Stop,’ I’d like you to stop as quickly and as safely as possible. Before giving the signal, I shall look round to make sure it is safe, but please wait for my signal before doing the exercise.

Do you understand the instructions?

Thank you. I will not ask you to do that exercise again. Drive on when you are ready.

Reverse right

Pull up on the right.

Pull up on the right when it is safe to do so, please.

I would now like you to reverse for about two car lengths, keeping reasonably close to the kerb.

Reverse parking

Would you pull up on the left well before you get to the next parked car, please. This is the reverse parking exercise. Would you drive forward and stop alongside the car ahead. Then reverse in and park reasonably close to and parallel with the kerb. Try to complete the exercise within about two car lengths.

Reverse Parking - car park

This can be carried out at the beginning or the end of the test.

Beginning of the test

Would you pull forward either to the left or the right so that your wheels are straight, then reverse into a convenient parking bay. Finish within one of the bays.

End of the test

I should like you to reverse park in the car park. Drive forward into the car park, then reverse into a convenient parking bay. Finish within one of the bays.

Forward Park

I would like you to drive forward into a convenient parking bay finishing within the lines, either to the left or the right (if car park allows).

Now I would like to reverse out either to the left or the right. (Direct candidate if arrows indicate a one-way system in the car park).

(Tractor and specialist vehicle tests categories F, G, H & K only) 

Please switch off the engine - now I should like to ask you a few questions on the Highway Code and other motoring matters and for you to identify some traffic signs for me.

End of the test pass

Please switch off the engine and give me a moment to complete my test report.

Would you like your instructor/accompanying driver to listen to the result and debrief?

Note: The debrief box should only be marked if the accompanying driver is present for the debrief.

That’s the end of the test and I’m pleased to say you’ve passed. Now that you will be driving on your own, I’d like you to be aware of/that…..Feedback as appropriate:

May I see your driving licence again please? Would you like your full licence sent to you automatically? If yes: I will need to keep your old licence and your new licence will be sent to the address on this licence, can you confirm that it is your correct address?

(If the candidate declines - inform them that the pass certificate only lasts for 2 years therefore they should apply for their full licence as soon as possible).

Please read the health declaration and sign in the box if you agree.

Here is your pass certificate - you should receive your new licence within about 20 working days. If you have any problems there are contact details on the back.

A copy of your test report will be sent to the email address that you provided at the start of the test.

As a new driver there are some very important details you need to know. Ask your instructor for details or visit the GOV.UK website.


End of test fail

Please switch off the engine and give me a moment to complete my test report.

Would you like your instructor/accompanying driver to listen to the result and debrief?

Note: The debrief box should only be marked if the accompanying driver is present

for the debrief.

That’s the end of the test and I’m sorry you haven’t passed. To help you I’ll explain why.

Give feedback.

(The feedback should include all serious and dangerous faults. If the candidate fails on an accumulation of more than 15 driving faults only, then all the driving faults need explaining).

A copy of your test report will be sent to the email address that you provided at the start of the test.

(If ADI present) I’m sure your instructor will be able to help you further.


14.02 Test wordings for motorcycles

Module 1


The examiner should ask for the candidate by name, greet them pleasantly, and then:

Ask the candidate for and check their:

  • driving licence, (and if not a photo licence, then a valid passport)
  • theory test (TT) pass certificate
  • CBT certificate (If applicable)

All three documents must be valid.

Mr/……. would you read, confirm and sign this insurance and residency declaration please?

(MUST check name and driver number on licence against information on declaration page.)

Can you please confirm this is the email address that you would like to receive your Riding Test Summary?


Please enter your alternative email address  or Please select your postal address 

On module 1 there is no requirement to carry out an eyesight test or ask safety & balance questions. 

The candidate should then be directed to the MMA (motorcycle manoeuvring area). At some casual sites the candidate may need to be fitted with a radio at this point.

General directions

Whilst on the motorcycle manoeuvring area, ride as if you are on the public road including carrying out any necessary safety checks and avoiding contact with any of the marker cones.

Please park your machine forwards in either of the two bays formed by the green marker cones and place it on the stand.

Manual handling

I would like you to take your machine off the stand and wheel it backwards out of this bay, then wheel it backwards into the bay formed by the green marker cones on your right/left and put your machine back on the stand.

Slow control steering

This is the slow control and steering exercise. Look at this diagram and I will explain what is required. At present you are here. 

When I ask you, I would like you to ride between the yellow marker cones as this line shows. Begin by riding between the first and second marker cones. When you reach the two blue marker cones, ride in a figure of eight for two complete circuits. Don’t worry if you lose count. I will signal you to pull up close to where I will be standing when you have completed the exercise.  

Start the exercise when you are ready.

Slow ride

I would like you to demonstrate your ability to ride as in slow moving traffic. When I ask you, move off and ride slowly in a straight line pulling up near the box formed by the blue marker cones ready for the U Turn exercise.

U Turn

This is the U Turn exercise. I would like you to ride your machine in a ‘U’ turn between the yellow/white lines, pulling up on the opposite side please. Remember to regard this as a public highway.

Start the exercise when you are ready.

Cornering and controlled stop

I would like you to ride a left / right circuit as the red line shows. Enter and leave the bend between the red and blue marker cones. You should aim to achieve a speed of about 30 to 50km/h (20 to 30mph) as you ride through the speed measuring device. Your speed will not be recorded for this exercise. 

Once you have passed the speed measuring device brake to a normal stop, pulling up under full control with the front wheel within the area formed by the four blue marker cones.  

If you look over there, you will see the stopping area formed by the blue marker cones.  

Start the exercise when you are ready. 

After the exercise the candidate should be asked to turn their machine around, taking as much space as necessary so they are in position to begin the next exercise. (Examiners should be ready to move the cones out of the way if this makes the turn more convenient, the first two cones should be stacked on the second two cones ready for the subsequent exercises.)

Cornering and emergency stop

Look at this diagram and I will explain what is required. At present you are here.  

I would like you to ride a left / right circuit as this red line shows. Enter and leave the bend between the red and blue marker cones. As you go around the bend try and attain a minimum speed of 30kph (about 19mph). When you reach the speed measuring device, you are required to be travelling at a minimum speed of 50 kph, (About 32mph).  

I will then give you a signal to stop, as in an emergency. The signal will be like this. (Demonstrate).  

When I do that, stop as quickly and safely as possible, wherever you are on the area. (Examiners should position themselves near the stopping box area to give the emergency stop signal) 

Have you any questions? Ride on when you are ready. 

Thank you. I will not ask you to do that exercise again.  

After the exercise the candidate should be asked to turn their machine around, taking as much space as necessary so they are in position to begin the next exercise.

Cornering and hazard avoidance

Look at this diagram and I will explain what is required. At present you are here.  

I would like you to ride a left / right circuit, as this green line shows. Enter and leave the bend between the red and blue marker cones. As you go around the bend try and attain a minimum speed of 30kph (about 19mph). When you reach the speed measuring device, you are required to be travelling at a minimum speed of 50kph (about 32mph) before steering a course between the blue marker cones, coming to a controlled stop between the two blue marker cones.  

If you look over there, you will see the avoidance and stopping area formed by the blue marker cones. Have you any questions?  

Start the exercise when you are ready.

End of module 1 pass

Please switch off the engine and return to the test centre to complete the paper work.

(If accompanied by trainer) Would you like your (instructor/accompanying rider) to be present for the conclusion of the test? If the instructor / trainer /accompanying rider is not present the question should not be asked. If at any time the instructor/accompanying driver comes over to listen to the conclusion of the test, the examiner must ask the candidate whether they want their instructor/accompanying rider present.

The debrief box should be marked only if the accompanying rider is present for the feedback.

Complete digital test report.

That’s the end of the module 1 test and I am pleased to say you have passed. However there are some rider faults recorded and for your further development I will explain them to you. (Give debrief)

May I see your driving licence again please.

Complete module 1 pass certificate

Please read the health declaration and sign the bottom of the test report.

Issue module 1 pass certificate.

Here is your module 1 pass certificate. You have two years from the date you passed your theory and hazard perception test to pass module two of your motorcycle test (six months from the date of passing module 1 for riders upgrading an existing full motorcycle / moped licence). From 19 January 2013 there are some changes to the rules for new motorcyclists that may affect you, these are explained in the motorcycle section of the GOV.UK website.

You must present this module 1 pass certificate to the examiner when you take your module two test.

End of module 1 fail

Please switch off the engine and return to the test centre to complete the test report. (If accompanied on test) Would you like your (instructor/accompanying rider) to be present for the conclusion of the test? If the instructor / trainer /accompanying rider is not present the question should not be asked.  

(If at any time the instructor/accompanying rider comes over to the machine to listen to the conclusion of the test, the examiner must ask the candidate whether they want their instructor/accompanying rider present) 

That’s the end of the module 1 test and I’m sorry you haven’t passed. To help you I will explain why?  

Would you like your (instructor/accompanying rider) to be present for the de-brief. 

If requested give de-brief and mark the de-brief box if the accompanying rider was present. The de-brief should include all serious and dangerous faults. If the candidate fails on an accumulation of more than 5 riding faults only, then all the riding faults need explaining.

Module 2


The examiner should ask for the candidate by name, greet them pleasantly, and then:

Ask the candidate for their:

  • driving licence, (and if not a photo licence, then a valid passport)
  • theory test (TT) pass certificate and
  • CBT certificate (If applicable)
  • module 1 pass certificate

All four documents must be valid. Once checked all documents must be returned to the candidate.

Is your name and address still the same as on your driving licence? (Examiner: you will need to be aware of this and can confirm during the end of test procedure).   

Mr/……. would you read, confirm and sign this insurance and residency declaration please? 

(MUST check name and driver number on licence against information on declaration page.) 

Can you please confirm this is the email address that you would like to receive your Driving Test Summary?  


Please enter your alternative email address 


Please select your postal address


I would now like to fit the radio so that you can hear my directions during the test. 

My directions will be brief and simple, for example at the end of the road, turn right. If we get separated, such as at traffic lights, it may be necessary for me to ask you to pull up on the left at a convenient place and wait until I rejoin you. 

The test will last about 38-40 minutes and it will take in various roads and traffic conditions. I will be asking you to ride for a short section of the test independently before this section I will pull you up and explain what I want you to do. 

Will you lead the way to your bike, please? 

Which is your bike,? 

Will you read the number of … car. 

Walk towards your bike. To check the radio I will give you a direction and if you hear it, raise your arm, please. 

The candidate should be asked 2 machine safety check questions and the balance question before moving away. To ensure uniformity the safety questions must be selected from the bank of questions listed at annex 2.

General directions

Throughout the test continue ahead, unless traffic signs direct you otherwise, and when I want you to turn left or right I will tell you in plenty of time. You may start the engine but please wait for my radio instruction before you move away.

(A further confirmation that the candidate can hear the instructions correctly should be made shortly after leaving the test centre.)

Normal stops, Angle start, Hill start; as per the car wordings.

Independent Ride Section

Verbal directions

Pull up on the left please (either specify location or use normal stop wordings) Shortly, I’d like you to ride for some distance independently. 
I’d like you to follow a series of directions. Would you like to see a diagram? The directions are ……………………………………. e.g. At the end of the road turn right, at the roundabout follow the road ahead and then take the next road on the left. 
Can you repeat those back to me please. (So, that you know candidate has understood the directions) Thank you. Ride on when you are ready.

Traffic signs

Pull up on the left please (either specify location or at a convenient place).

Shortly, I’d like you to ride for some distance independently.  

I’d like you to follow the traffic signs for ……………………………please. Continue to follow the signs until I tell you otherwise. ‘As per route advice’ .

If we get separated, I will ask you to pull up on the left until I can re-join you .

Ride on when you are ready.

If using more than one destination sign, there is no need to pull up to change the destination  

Thank you, that’s the end of the independent driving. I will direct you as normal from now on. 

Candidates should be advised that if they are having difficulty following directions in the independent section they should pull up in a safe convenient position and wait for the examiner to confirm route.

End of module 2 test pass

Please switch off the engine and return to the test centre to complete the report.  

(If accompanied by trainer) Would you like your (instructor/accompanying rider) to be present for the conclusion of the test?

If the instructor / trainer /accompanying rider is not present the question should not be asked. If at any time the instructor/accompanying driver comes over to listen to the conclusion of the test, the examiner must ask the candidate whether they want their instructor/accompanying rider present. The de-brief box should be marked only if the accompanying rider is present for the feedback. 

Complete Digital Test Report. 

That’s the end of the test and I am pleased to say that you have passed - you can now (none DAS - continue to) ride unaccompanied whilst you gain experience. However there are some rider faults recorded and for your further development I will explain them to you. (Give de-brief) 

With regard to eco-safe riding (if appropriate) I have noted…..  

May I see your driving licence again please? Can you confirm this is your correct address. (If candidate unsure in any way select ‘Licence Received NO’ and return licence to candidate).  

(If address confirmed) Would you like your full licence sent to you automatically? Do you need your licence for ID or any other purpose as I will need to keep your old licence and once it is submitted this cannot be reversed. (If candidate unsure in any way select ‘Licence Received NO’ and return licence to candidate).  

(Once confident that the licence can be received, select ‘Licence Received YES’ take the licence and process back in the office) 

(If the candidate declines - inform them that the pass certificate only lasts for 2 years therefore they should apply for their full licence as soon as possible).  

Please read, confirm and sign the health declaration and that you have received a copy of your pass certificate. 

(if candidate does not confirm health declaration, give licence back and app will automatically select ‘Licence Received NO’). 

Here is your pass certificate - you should receive your new licence within about 20 working days. If you have any problems, there are contact details on the back.  

Your test summary will be sent to you shortly. 

To help keep you safe talk to your instructor about the Enhanced Rider Scheme, which is designed to help you improve your riding skills and enjoy your biking safely. 

There are some very important details about the restrictions that relate to your licence that you need to be aware of before you (continue to) ride unaccompanied. Please take the time to visit the GOV.UK website for details. 

Ask your instructor for details.

End of module 2 test fail

Please switch off the engine and return to the test centre to complete the test report.  

(If accompanied by trainer) Would you like your (instructor/accompanying rider) to be present for the conclusion of the test?

If the instructor / trainer /accompanying rider is not present the question should not be asked. If at any time the instructor/accompanying driver comes over to listen to the conclusion of the test, the examiner must ask the candidate whether they want their instructor/accompanying rider present 

The de-brief box should be marked only if the accompanying rider is present for the feedback. 

Complete Digital Test Report. 

That’s the end of the test and I’m sorry you haven’t passed.  

To help you I will explain why 

Would you like your (instructor/accompanying rider) to be present for the De-brief? If requested give de-brief and mark de-brief box if the accompanying rider was present. The de-brief should include all serious and dangerous faults. If the candidate fails on an accumulation of more than 10 riding faults only, then all the riding faults need explaining. 

In all cases an Eco-safe riding de-brief should be given as follows:

With regard to Eco-safe riding I have noted… (appropriate de-brief) 

You will receive your end of test summary shortly.

14.03 Test wordings for - LGV/PCV and B + E

Module 3a


As per the car test.


Reversing exercise for category ‘C, CE, C1, C1E’  

I’d like you to carry out the reversing exercise. If you will look at this diagram, I will explain what is required.  

At present you are here. When I ask you, drive forward and stop with the extreme front of your vehicle level with and between the two cones shown here as A and A1. They are the ones beyond the one with the pole. Then reverse, as the arrowed line shows, keeping the cone with the pole on your offside. Reverse into the bay and stop with the extreme rear of your vehicle in the yellow and black-hatched area, so that you are parked safely for loading or unloading. If you look to your left you will see the bay and the yellow and black chevron stopping area. Do not drive further forward than cones A & A1 at any time and try not to touch any of the marker cones or cross the yellow boundary lines.  

Do you understand that? Please wait for my signal before you start the exercise.  

Note: Cones A and A1 should not be removed or re-positioned before the candidate has completed the reverse manoeuvre.

Reversing exercise for category ‘D, DE, D1, D1E’ 

I’d like you to carry out the reversing exercise. If you will look at this diagram, I will explain what is required.  

At present you are here. When I ask you, drive forward and stop with the extreme front of your vehicle level with and between the two cones shown here as A and A1. They are the ones beyond the one with the pole. Then reverse, as the arrowed line shows, keeping the cone with the pole on your offside. Enter the bay and finish with the extreme rear of your vehicle within the yellow and yellow & black chevron stopping area. If you look to your left, you will see the bay and the yellow stopping area. Do not drive further forward than cones A & A1 at any time and try not to touch any of the marker cones or cross the yellow boundary lines.   

Do you understand that? Please wait for my signal before you start the exercise.  

Vehicles drawing trailers  

Park in a convenient place (usually at the end of the area away from the reversing box) then:  

I’d like you to uncouple the trailer, drive the towing vehicle forward, then park it either to the left or the right of the trailer.  

I’d like you to re-couple the trailer assuming it is a different one to the one you uncoupled and make it safe for the road. When you’ve finished return to the cab.  

End of test pass 

Please switch off the engine and give me a moment to complete my report. (If the test was not accompanied and the instructor/accompanying driver comes over to the vehicle to listen to the conclusion of the test, the examiner should confirm with the candidate they want their instructor/accompanying driver present)  

That’s the end of the test and I’m pleased to say you’ve passed. I’d like you to be aware of/that…..Feedback as appropriate:  

(If instructor present) I’m really pleased your instructor is here. And I’m sure he/she will be able to help you further.  

May I see your driving licence again please?  

Here is your pass certificate, it lasts for 6 months, you will need to produce it to the examiner at the time of the 3b on road test, without the 3a certificate you will be unable to take your 3b on road test. 

Please read, confirm, and sign the health declaration and that you have received a copy of your pass certificate.  

You will receive your end of test summary shortly. (DVSA DTR only) 


End of test fail  

Please switch off the engine and give me a moment to complete my report.  
(If the test was not accompanied and the instructor/accompanying driver comes over to the vehicle to listen to the conclusion of the test, the examiner should confirm with the candidate they want their instructor/accompanying driver present)   

Note: The de-brief box should only be marked if the accompanying driver is present for the de-brief .

That’s the end of the test and I’m sorry you haven’t passed.  

To help you I’ll explain why.  Give feedback.  

(If instructor present) I’m really pleased your instructor is here. And I’m sure he/she will be able to help you further. 

You will receive your end of test summary shortly. (DVSA DTR only)

Module 3b 

Note: External Assessors will only issue a statement of failure at the end of Module 3a. 


As per the car test.  

Is your load secure? (Except categories C1, D1 & D) 

(When entering the vehicle for the first time and if the vehicle has a tilt cab:) Is the tilt cab is locked down? 

All vehicles 

Vehicle safety check questions 

Category ‘C’ and ‘D’ 

I should like to ask a few questions relating to the safe operation of this vehicle. 


Now I should like to ask you a few questions about your vehicle and other matters relating to vehicle safety.

Vehicles drawing trailers  

Now I should like to ask 2 questions relating to appropriate safety checks you should routinely make before starting a journey.  

Invite candidate to wear safety equipment. 

(If entering the vehicle for the first time and the vehicle has a tilt cab:) Is the tilt cab is locked down?

General directions 

General route and other directions/instructions should be as per the car test. Additionally: 

LGV Tests - Obey all ‘Weight Restrictions’ unless I specifically tell you otherwise. (Only mention if weight restriction/s are on the route being used) 

PCV Tests - You would be expected to use bus lanes as appropriate. (Only mention if bus lane/s are on the route being used)

End of test pass 

Please switch off the engine and give me a moment to complete my report. (If the test was not accompanied and the instructor/accompanying driver comes over to the vehicle to listen to the conclusion of the test, the examiner should confirm with the candidate they want their instructor/accompanying driver present) 

That’s the end of the test and I’m pleased to say you’ve passed. Now that you will be driving on your own, I’d like you to be aware of/that….Feedback as appropriate: 

(If instructor present) I’m really pleased your instructor is here. And I’m sure he/she will be able to help you further. 

May I see your driving licence again please? Would you like your full licence sent to you automatically? If yes: I will need to keep your old licence and your new licence will be sent to the address on this licence, can you confirm that it is your correct address? 

(If the candidate declines - inform them that the pass certificate only lasts for 2 years therefore they should apply for their full licence as soon as possible).  

Please read the health declaration and sign in the box if you agree. 

Here is your pass certificate - you should receive your new licence within about 20 working days. If you have any problems, there are contact details on the back. 

A copy of your test report will be sent to the email address that you provided at the start of the test. 

As a new driver there are some very important details you need to know. Ask your instructor for details Please take the time to visit the GOV.UK website. 

Please take time to discuss eco-safe driving with your instructor and learn how you can save money. 


End of test fail 

Please switch off the engine and give me a moment to complete my report. 
(If the test was not accompanied and the instructor/accompanying driver comes over to the vehicle to listen to the conclusion of the test, the examiner should confirm with the candidate they want their instructor/accompanying driver present)  

Note: The de-brief box should only be marked if the accompanying driver is present for the de-brief.

That’s the end of the test and I’m sorry you haven’t passed. 

To help you I’ll explain why.  

Give feedback. (The feedback should include all serious and dangerous faults. If the candidate fails on an accumulation of more than 12 driving faults only, then all the driving faults need explaining). 

A copy of your test report will be sent to the email address that you provided at the start of the test. 

(If instructor present) I’m really pleased your instructor is here. And I’m sure he/she will be able to help you further. Eco feedback 

Please take time to discuss eco-safe driving with your instructor and learn how you can save money. 


As part of the test conclusion, examiners should also ask any survey questions in line with latest instructions  

Note: The test wordings as outlined above, can be used concurrently for delegated authorities who are still conducting the LGV, PCV test as one event.

14.04 Test wordings for CPC practical safety demonstration test


Good morning/afternoon Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms…………May I see your driving licence and your photo ID please. 

…………..would you read and sign this insurance and residency declaration please? 

Can you please confirm this is the email address that you would like to receive your Driving Test Summary?  

No -

Please enter your alternative email address.


Please select your postal address. 

Thank you, will you lead the way to your vehicle please. 

In an effort to create a more relaxed and informal atmosphere during the test, examiners are encouraged to introduce themselves and use the candidate’s first name, provided there is no objection. 

As self-introduction works best when it is spontaneous the examiner should decide whether to do it on the way to the vehicle, or wait until reaching the vehicle.


This is the Practical Safety Demonstration Test. Would you like me to give you a brief overview of the test?

If the candidate says yes then a ‘brief’ explanation can be given e.g. ‘the test will last about 30 minutes and when we get to the vehicle I will ask you 5 questions on set topics. I would like to emphasise that this is a demonstration type test, therefore when I ask you questions I will be looking for you to show your knowledge and understanding.’

At the vehicle 

Now I should like to ask you some questions relating to your vehicle; remember, it is important that you demonstrate your responses, and not just tell me what you would do.

End of test pass

Please give me a few moments to complete my report 

If the instructor/trainer/accompanying driver is present ask: would you like your (instructor/accompanying driver) to be present for the conclusion of the test? If the instructor/trainer/accompanying driver is not present the question should not be asked. If at any time the instructor/accompanying driver comes over to the vehicle to listen to the conclusion of the test, the examiner must ask the candidate whether they want their instructor/accompanying driver present. 

That’s the end of the test and I’m pleased to tell you that you’ve passed, well done. May I see your driving licence again please?  

Complete the DVSA11(Copy the driver number from the licence onto the DVSA11). Enter the DVSA11 number onto the Digital Test Report 

Here is your pass certificate, when you have passed all Modules of Driver CPC you will be sent your Driver Qualification Card (DQC) automatically. You will receive your end of test summary shortly If requested give de-brief and mark the de-brief box, just offer a factual overview of the candidate’s performance. 

Thank you and congratulations. Goodbye. 

Note: Module 4is not a licence acquisition test. Therefore, the candidate’s licence must not be taken from them under any circumstances. If a licence were to be shredded the candidate would have to apply for a replacement licence. 

End of test fail

Please give me a few moments to complete my report 

If the instructor/ trainer/ accompanying driver is present, ask: would you like your (instructor/ accompanying driver) to be present for the conclusion of the test? If the instructor/trainer/accompanying driver is not present the question should not be asked. If at any time the instructor/ accompanying driver comes over to the vehicle to listen to the conclusion of the test, the examiner must ask the candidate whether they want their instructor/accompanying driver present. 

That’s the end of the test and I’m sorry you haven’t passed. Would you like me to explain why? 

Offer the candidate a brief overview of the topic area(s) that they did not answer correctly. It is most important that you avoid giving the candidate specific details of the KKI’s that they did not answer correctly. To encourage the candidate to study before a re-test, make reference in the de-brief to the Official DVSA Guide range of learning resource materials. 

You will receive your end of test summary shortly.   

Thank you. Goodbye.